1,238 research outputs found

    UNIX Administrator Information Security Policy Compliance: The Influence of a Focused SETA Workshop and Interactive Security Challenges on Heuristics and Biases

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    Information Security Policy (ISP) compliance is crucial to the success of healthcare organizations due to security threats and the potential for security breaches. UNIX Administrators (UXAs) in healthcare Information Technology (IT) maintain critical servers that house Protected Health Information (PHI). Their compliance with ISP is crucial to the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of PHI data housed or accessed by their servers. The use of cognitive heuristics and biases may negatively influence threat appraisal, coping appraisal, and ultimately ISP compliance behavior. These failures may result in insufficiently protected servers and put organizations at greater risk of data breaches and financial loss. The goal was to empirically assess the effect of a focused Security Education, Training, and Awareness (SETA) workshop, an Interactive Security Challenge (ISC), and periodic security update emails on UXAs knowledge sharing, use of cognitive heuristics and biases, and ISP compliance behavior. This quantitative study employed a pretest and posttest experimental design to evaluate the effectiveness of a SETA workshop and an ISC on the ISP compliance of UXAs. The survey instrument was developed based on prior validated instrument questions and augmented with newly designed questions related to the use of cognitive heuristics and biases. Forty-two participants completed the survey prior to and following the SETA, ISC, and security update emails. Actual compliance (AC) behavior was assessed by comparing the results of security scans on administrator’s servers prior to and 90 days following the SETA workshop and ISC. SmartPLS was used to analyze the pre-workshop data, post-workshop data, and combined data to evaluate the proposed structural and measurement models. The results indicated that Confirmation Bias (CB) and the Availability Heuristic (AH) were significantly influenced by the Information Security Knowledge Sharing (ISKS). Optimism Bias (OB) did not reach statistically significant levels relating to ISKS. OB did, however, significantly influence on perceived severity (TA-PS), perceived vulnerability (TA-PV), response-efficacy (CA-RE), and self-efficacy (CA-SE). Also, it was noted that all five security implementation data points collected to assess pre- and post-workshop compliance showed statistically significant change. A total of eight hypotheses were accepted and nine hypotheses were rejected

    Coding Guidelines and Undecidability

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    The C and C++ programming languages are widely used for the implementation of software in critical systems. They are complex languages with subtle features and peculiarities that might baffle even the more expert programmers. Hence, the general prescription of language subsetting, which occurs in most functional safety standards and amounts to only using a "safer" subset of the language, is particularly applicable to them. Coding guidelines are the preferred way of expressing language subsets. Some guidelines are formulated in terms of the programming language and its implementation only: in this case they are amenable to automatic checking. However, due to fundamental limitations of computing, some guidelines are undecidable, that is, they are based on program properties that no current and future algorithm can capture in all cases. The most mature and widespread coding standards, the MISRA ones, explicitly tag guidelines with undecidable or decidable. It turns out that this information is not of secondary nature and must be taken into account for a full understanding of what the guideline is asking for. As a matter of fact, undecidability is a common source of confusion affecting many users of coding standards and of the associated checking tools. In this paper, we recall the notions of decidability and undecidability in terms that are understandable to any C/C++ programmer. The paper includes a systematic study of all the undecidable MISRA C:2012 guidelines, discussing the reasons for the undecidability and its consequences. We pay particular attention to undecidable guidelines that have decidable approximations whose enforcement would not overly constrain the source code. We also discuss some coding guidelines for which compliance is hard, if not impossible, to prove, even beyond the issue of decidability.Comment: 12 pages, 5 figures, 1 tabl

    Information Technology and Systems - II:Server Administration Networks

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    A majority of IS graduates (56% in one recent survey] are involved in server administration, network administration and IS security work. An important recent innovation in these areas is the deployment of separate networks dedicated to server administration and related tasks, combining the cost and productivity advantages of remote administration with risk levels comparable to console-based administrative access. Remote server administration is a previously undocumented artisanal tradition that evolved in scientific and technical network environments, and is now becoming applicable to an increasing range of business networks. This tutorial article provides an overview of current server administration network architectures, and of the software, workstation, and user interface technologies associated with remote server administration

    Memory Tagging: A Memory Efficient Design

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    ARM recently introduced a security feature called Memory Tagging Extension or MTE, which is designed to defend against common memory safety vulnerabilities, such as buffer overflow and use after free. In this paper, we examine three aspects of MTE. First, we survey how modern software systems, such as Glibc, Android, Chrome, Linux, and LLVM, use MTE. We identify some common weaknesses and propose improvements. Second, we develop and experiment with an architectural improvement to MTE that improves its memory efficiency. Our design enables longer memory tags, which improves the accuracy of MTE. Finally, we discuss a number of enhancements to MTE to improve its security against certain memory safety attacks.Comment: 16 Pages, 7 Figures. This version of the paper extends a shorter version submitted to IEEE Euro S&P'2

    Detection and Prevention of Android Malware Attempting to Root the Device

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    Every year, malefactors continue to target the Android operating system. Malware which root the device pose the greatest threat to users. The attacker could steal stored passwords and contact lists or gain remote control of the phone. Android users require a system to detect the operation of malware trying to root the phone. This research aims to detect the Exploid, RageAgainstTheCage, and Gingerbreak exploits on Android operating systems. Reverse-engineering 21 malware samples lead to the discovery of two critical paths in the Android Linux kernel, wherein attackers can use malware to root the system. By placing sensors inside the critical paths, the research detected all 379 malware samples trying the root the system. Moreover, the experiment tested 16,577 benign applications from the Official Android Market and third party Chinese markets which triggered zero false positive results. Unlike static signature detection at the application level, this research provides dynamic detection at the kernel level. The sensors reside in-line with the kernel\u27s source code, monitoring network sockets and process creation. Additionally, the research demonstrates the steps required to reverse engineer Android malware in order to discover future critical paths. Using the kernel resources, the two sensors demonstrate efficient asymptotic time and space real-world monitoring. Furthermore, the sensors are immune to obfuscation techniques such as repackaging

    A General Methodology to Optimize and Benchmark Edge Devices

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    The explosion of Internet Of Things (IoT), embedded and “smart” devices has also seen the addition of “general purpose” single board computers also referred to as “edge devices.” Determining if one of these generic devices meets the need of a new given task however can be challenging. Software generically written to be portable or plug and play may be too bloated to work properly without significant modification due to much tighter hardware resources. Previous work in this area has been focused on micro or chip-level benchmarking which is mainly useful for chip designers or low level system integrators. A higher or macro level method is needed to not only observe the behavior of these devices under a load but ensure they are appropriately configured for the new task, especially as they begin being integrated on platforms with higher cost of failure like self driving cars or drones. In this research we propose a macro level methodology that iteratively benchmarks and optimizes specific workloads on edge devices. With automation provided by Ansible, a multi stage 2k full factorial experiment and robust analysis process ensures the test workload is maximizing the use of available resources before establishing a final benchmark score. By framing the validation tests with a family of network security monitoring applications an end to end scenario fully exercises and validates the developed process. This also provides an additional vector for future research in the realm of network security. The analysis of the results show the developed process met its original design goals and intentions, with the added fact that the latest edge devices like the XAVIER, TX2 and RPi4 can easily perform as an edge network sensor
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