315 research outputs found

    UGA Anatomy and Physiology 2 Lab Manual, 3rd Edition

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    This lab manual was created for Anatomy and Physiology II at the University of Georgia under a Textbook Transformation Grant and revised through a Scaling Up OER Pilot Grant. http://oer.galileo.usg.edu/biology-collections/12/ The manual contains the following labs: Blood Composition Blood Typing Heart Anatomy Cardiovascular Physiology Systemic Blood Vessels Anatomy of the Respiratory System Physiology of the Respiratory System Renal Anatomy Urinalysis Digestive System Anatomy Digestive Physiology Male Reproductive System Female Reproductive System Accessible files with optical character recognition (OCR) and auto-tagging provided by the Center for Inclusive Design and Innovation.https://oer.galileo.usg.edu/biology-textbooks/1014/thumbnail.jp

    Simulated 3D Model of the Middle Ear for Theoretical and Practical Training for Students, Post-Graduate ENT Diseases Students and Beginning Otosurgeons

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    Post-graduate ENT diseases students and beginning otosurgeons go through a very important initial training period. The first steps in otosurgery are taken step by step. The transition from theoretical knowledge to temporal bone dissection courses is long and difficult. The lack of preliminary preparation vitiates and increases the cost of temporal bone dissection exercises.Simulated models bridge the gap between theory and practice and contribute to a more effective training.Aim: Developing a simulated 3D model of the mastoid process in real size and the part of the facial nerve passing through it; using a simulated 3D model of mastoid process for anatomical visualization of the hard to find and invisible structures of the middle ear and facial nerve and for nosological training.Material and methods:1. Cadaver temporal bone on which postauricular facial nerve decompression has been performed.2. Elaborating a silicone model based on a print taken from the operative cavity3. 3D printing of the models and colouring4. Putting electrical conductors and their connection to a tactile pointer and light indicatorsResults:The model:–– presents the hard to find and invisible microstructures of the middle ear and the part of the facial nerve passing through it–– allows work in two modes: anatomical and nosological–– contributes to more lasting preservation of knowledge, using the principle of active learning and training visual and tactile memory.Conclusion:The model is developed for tuition, precedes training models and can be improved. ---------------------------------------------------------------- Специализантите по УНГ болести и начинаещите отохирурзи преминават през много важен начален период на обучение. Първите стъпки в отохирургията се осъществяват step by step. Преходът от теоретични познания към курсовете по Temporal Bone Dissection е труден и продължителен. Липсата на предварителнаподготовка опорочава и оскъпява упражненията по дисекция на темпорална кост.Симулационните модели прехвърлят мост между теорията и практиката и допринасят за по-висока ефективност на обучението.Цел: Създаване на симулационен 3D модел в реални размери на processus mastoideus и частта на лицевия нерв, преминаваща през него; използване на симулационен 3D модел на processus mastoideus за анатомично онагледяване на трудно откриваемите и невидими структури на средното ухо и лицевия нерв и за нозологично обучение.Материал и методи:1. трупна темпорална кост, върху която е извършена Postauricular Facial Nerve decompression2. изработване на силиконов модел по взет отпечатък от оперативната кухина3. 3Д принтинг на моделите и оцветяване4. полагане на електрически проводници и свързването им към тактилна показалка и светлинни индикаториРезултати:Моделът:–– представя трудно откриваемите и невидими микроструктури на средното ухо и частта на лицевия нерв, преминаваща през него–– позволява работа в два режима: анатомичен и нозологичен–– допринася за по-трайно запазване на знанията, използвайки принципа на активното обучение и тренирането на зрителната и тактилната паметЗаключение:Моделът е създаден за обучение, предхожда моделите за тренинг и може да бъде усъвършенстван

    The Quantitative Analysis of Coronal Suture Separation Due to Cranial Trauma

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    Morphometric analysis of cranial sutures can provide evidence of microfractures, diastasis, and early sutural closure. Recently, mCT has allowed for morphometric analyses on much smaller scales and has been used to differentiate normal cranial sutures from early sutural synostosis. Therefore, microscopic assessment of cranial sutures may provide additional data to forensic trauma analyses. Utilizing six adult human cranial trauma cases and three control specimens, I tested for asymmetrical separation in coronal sutures to determine if significant differences are detectable. Trauma cases included three intraoral gunshot wound and three blunt force trauma specimens. Cranial specimens were mCT scanned with Type-1 landmarks placed at their origin at sphenion and terminating at bregma. Due to the tortuous nature of the coronal suture, a comb-based approach was used to standardize sampling sites. Using Avizo segmenting software (Thermo Fisher Scientific), a chord line between bregma and sphenion was first defined and measured, which allowed for the placement of 20 and 50 equidistant sampling sites along the suture at orthogonal angles. ImageJ was used to calculate the total area of separation for individual scan slices at each sampling site. Asymmetry was determined by comparing differences in coronal suture separation between the sides delineated by bregma. Additionally, Avizo was used to segment total sutural volume using in program measuring tools. Bilateral asymmetry of coronal diastasis per specimen was determined using a paired t-tests. A one-way ANOVA was then used to test total coronal sutural separation by group. One-way ANOVAs were also used to test average control group diastasis with diastasis on the side of trauma groups both with and without damage. Finally, a two-way repeated measures ANOVA was used to determine if significant differences occur both within and between traumatized specimens. Results from paired t-tests showed significant differences between sides in individual crania using different numbers of landmarks. Alternately, no significant differences were found for overall coronal diastasis, side specific separation, or within trauma type using repeated measures. Ultimately, these data could potentially provide forensics with another method to assess injury and may lead to a more thorough understanding of sutural diastasis in human crania

    Medical computed tomography (CT) able to image the past: an investigation of diagnostic accuracy and image quality

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    A thesis submitted to the Faculty of Science, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, in fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy Johannesburg, South Africa, May 2018.The use of X-ray imaging in palaeoanthropology has a long history. Both plain X- rays as well as computed tomography have successfully imaged fossils that have been cleaned and prepared from any encasing materials. There has, however, been very little work done using radiological techniques to image fossils still enclosed in surrounding matrix. Most imaging modalities have been applied post preparation of the fossils. This body of work explores the use of medical computed tomography (XCT) in the pre-preparatory phase of fossil discovery in the South African context. Scanning of breccia blocks from the site of Malapa on XCT concluded that the resultant images were of sufficient quality to enable accurate fossil identification and characterization when measured against the standard of manual preparation. Breccia blocks from Malapa were scanned at high and lower energies using micro CT (μXCT) and XCT respectively. Images were analysed for image quality, artifact and certainty of diagnosis. Results show that lower energy images are deemed superior to higher energy images for this particular application. This finding, taken together with the limitations associated with the use of μXCT for the imaging of the large breccia from Malapa, shows that XCT is the better modality for this specific application. Pre-preparatory XCT scanning can focus both preparation and interpretation of findings. The importance of pre-preparatory XCT imaging is demonstrated by the fact that preparatory techniques and protocols need to be modified from traditional methods in order to minimize the risk of contamination of possible biomolecules. Revision is needed of the peri and post excavation treatment of fossil bones to better preserve the potential of genetic heritage of the past and this research demonstrates the role that XCT can play. None of the research covered by this body of work has been done before on fossil- bearing matrices. This research should significantly change the way fossil discovery, recovery and preparation is done in the South African context and has potential for application in other palaeontological situations.LG201

    Morphological Differences of the Articulating Surfaces of Mandibular Condyles in C3H/HeJ and A/J Mice

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    Characterize the normal variation of the articulating surfaces of mandibular condyle morphologies during periods of growth within and between two strains of mice (A/J and C3H/HeJ) using 3D micro-CT analysis and determine which parts of the microanatomy of the articulating surfaces of the condyle are less susceptible to morphologic variation during skeletal growth. Methods: Cross sectional study utilized micro-CT scans of the condyles of two strains of mice (A/J and C3H/HeJ) at 3-5 wks, 6-8 wks and 9-11 wks of age. Virtual 3D surface models were created, analyzed and computed using shape analysis methods. Results: There is inter-strain variation in condyle morphologies among inbred strains and at each age group. For A/J condylar growth the greatest differences in morphologic change occurs between 3-5 weeks and 6-8 weeks of age with little change thereafter. For the C3H/HeJ strain condylar growth and morphology continued to change beyond 6-8 weeks of age. The anterior and the posterior surfaces of the condyles tended to vary greatest in morphology. Conclusions: Condyles of A/J inbred of mice reach a morphologic plateau around 6-8 weeks of age whereas C3H/HeJ inbred of mice condyles continue morphologic change and growth after 6-8 weeks. Inbred mice despite being isogenic still present shape differences in anatomical structures such as the condyle.Master of Scienc

    Mesoscopic three-dimensional hard X-ray imaging of central and peripheral nervous system

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    Micro computed tomography (μCT), either by means of hard X rays from synchrotronradiation (SR) facilities, or from advanced laboratory sources, has been proven as a powerful method for the nondestructive three-dimensional visualization of biological specimens with isotropic micro- and even nanometer resolution. The established absorption-contrast modality of μCT has been sometimes associated with the need for contrast agents, whereas the more advanced phase-contrast modality has yielded superior results for biological specimens without staining. For around three decades, phase-contrast μCT has been considered between a hundred and a thousand times better than absorption-contrast μCT, based on the ratio of the imaginary and the real part of the complex refractive index that could be determined using the two modalities at desired photon energies. The results of the present study elucidate that for formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded nervous tissues, conventional μCT delivers a much better contrast than originally expected. Related measurements were performed at a SR facility using monochromatic X rays. The photon energies were not equal for absorption- and phase-contrast measurements, but selected to obtain optimized contrast within a reasonable period of time. The choice of the photon energy, which is much smaller for absorption-contrast μCT, explains that the contrast difference between phase- and absorption-contrast μCT, indicated by the contrast-to-noise ratio of anatomical regions in the respective datasets being about two times better for phase μCT, is much smaller than reported in literature. It should be highlighted that μCT in absorption- and phase contrast are complementary methods and a combination might give additional quantitative insights into the three-dimensional images. For example, one can register the data and build a joint histogram from the common volume to segment anatomical features indistinguishable using just one imaging modality. The main relevance of such results lies in the opportunity to employ laboratory-based μCT, which are much better accessible and cost-effective than μCT at SR facilities. This approach was benchmarked on peripheral nerve reconstruction. The threedimensional visualization of regenerating nerves inside collagen scaffolds was feasible and included the automatic extraction of anatomical features to quantify the regeneration. Indeed, the characteristic parameters, revealed from the conventional μCT data, were significantly different between regenerating and control nerves. The approach including specimen preparation, data acquisition, and analysis has been useful for the investigations of the anatomical alterations in medial temporal epilepsy and the time-critical diagnosis of vasculitis prior to the standard histology

    Intravital Multiphoton Microscopy Analysis of Spatial Relationships in Murine Skull Bone Marrow

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    The BM is a key organ of hematopoiesis and also has an important role in the immune system. The BM microenvironment is a complex, highly vascularized 3D structure composed of different cell types and extracellular matrix. Intense cellular traffic takes place from the peripheral blood to the BM and vice versa. However, the precise arrangement and microscopic dimensions of this environment have only been inferred so far from static imaging of sectioned tissue. We developed a new model to characterize and analyze the 3D microanatomy of murine skull BM in its physiological state using intravital MPM. This technology offers deep tissue penetration, low phototoxicity, superior image contrast and 3D resolution compared to other microscopy techniques. This makes MPM a powerful tool to investigate the BM, overcoming its anatomic inaccessibility. To quantify the dimensions of the BM compartment, we used high molecular weight FITC-dextran and Rhodamine 6G, which delineated the intra- and extravascular space, respectively. Measurements were generated using the 3D visualization and measurement software VoxBlast 3.1 after using a thresholding technique carried out by Adobe Photoshop 6.0. Results were expressed as the ratio of intravascular to extravascular space for different microvascular segments. Moreover, we performed adoptive transfer experiments with isolated naïve B-cells and TCM and studied their location within the BM compartment. The new approach presented here will be a useful tool for further in vivo investigations of cell behavior, trafficking and interactions in the BM