690 research outputs found

    Immersive Telepresence: A framework for training and rehearsal in a postdigital age

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    Integration of a Spanish-to-LSE machine translation system into an e-learning platform

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    The final publication is available at Springer via http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-642-21657-2_61This paper presents the first results of the integration of a Spanish-to-LSE Machine Translation (MT) system into an e-learning platform. Most e-learning platforms provide speech-based contents, which makes them inaccessible to the Deaf. To solve this issue, we have developed a MT system that translates Spanish speech-based contents into LSE. To test our MT system, we have integrated it into an e-learning tool. The e-learning tool sends the audio to our platform. The platform sends back the subtitles and a video stream with the signed translation to the e-learning tool. Preliminary results, evaluating the sign language synthesis module, show an isolated sign recognition accuracy of 97%. The sentence recognition accuracy was of 93%.Authors would like to acknowledge the FPU-UAM grant program for its financial support. Authors are grateful to the FCNSE linguistic department for sharing their knowledge in LSE and performing the evaluations. Many thanks go to María Chulvi and Benjamín Nogal for providing help during the imple-mentation of this system. This work was partially supported by the Telefónica Móviles España S.A. project number 10-047158-TE-Ed-01-1

    Evaluating psychoeducational support integrated into an e-learning scenario: support model and impact on ICT practices

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    El objetivo de este artículo es describir la metodología y el plan aplicado para evaluar el marco de apoyo psicoeducativo (aprendizaje, recursos adaptados y servicios) integrados en un curso a través de un entorno virtual de aprendizaje (VLE). El curso adaptado fue llevado a cabo con la Instructional Management System Learning Design (IMS-LD). Las principales adaptaciones consideradas fueron las siguientes: adaptan el aprendizaje de contenidos alternativos incluyendo formatos (vídeo, audio, fácil de leer), otras actividades de evaluación, recursos adicionales de apoyo como glosario, mapas conceptuales, chat, foro, etc. El proceso de evaluación nos permitirá determinar el impacto de las Tecnologías de la Información y la Comunicación (TIC) en el apoyo a estudiantes con discapacidad en Educación Superior. Coherentemente con las actividades ya realizadas, el enfoque de este trabajo se sitúa en el apoyo psicopedagógico integrado en un aprendizaje real y un escenario donde un curso adaptado se diseñó integrando las adaptaciones necesarias de acuerdo a las preferencias de los estudiantes y sus necesidades. Las secciones que se incluyen en este documento son: i) una descripción teórica de las cuestiones principales que deben tenerse en cuenta en un entorno virtual de aprendizaje a la hora de validar el marco de apoyo eficaz y eficiente ii) una descripción de la metodología que se utiliza en el proceso de evaluación.The aim of this article is to describe the methodology and plan applied to evaluate the psychoeducational support framework (learning flow, adapted resources and services) integrated into a course delivered through a virtual learning environment (VLE). The adapted course was implemented with the educational specification Instructional Management System Learning Design (IMS-LD). The main adaptations considered were the following: adapted learning flow including alternative contents formats (video, audio, easy reading), alternative assessment activities, additional support resources like glossary, conceptual maps, chat, forum, etc. The evaluation process will allow us to determine the impact of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) while supporting students with disabilities in higher education. Coherently with the activities already undertaken, the focus of this work is placed on the psycho-educational support integrated into a real learning and teaching scenario where an adapted course was designed integrating the needed adaptations according to the students preferences and needs. This document sections include: i) A theoretical description of the main issues involved into a virtual learning environment that should be considered in order to validate the support framework efficacy and efficiency ii) a description of the methodology to be used in the evaluation process

    D2.1 Analysis of existing MOOC platforms and services

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    The main objective of this task is to analyze features and services of MOOC platforms that are used in ECO and, secondly, in other commonly used MOOC platforms. This task takes into account the functionality that is required by the different pilots from two viewpoints: technological and pedagogical aspects. Firstly, to ensure this objective, this task performed a state-of-the-art review, mainly research papers and all annotated scientific literature. Secondly, we elaborate a Competitive Analysis Checklist for MOOC platforms. An approach based on technological and pedagogical items is suggested to define specific dimensions for this task. This Checklist will be a useful tool for evaluating MOOC platforms. Thirdly, five of the ECO platforms have been evaluated by using the authoring and delivery environment to check for the availability of features that are essential for the implementation of the pedagogical model as described in D2.1. It became clear that these platforms are not very suitable for the pedagogical model. Finally, a Guide for the Effective Creation of MOOCs has been drawn up indicating to assist course designers to compare the functionality, features, pedagogical and instructional advantages so they can choose the most suitable one for their areas of interest and needs.Part of the work carried out has been funded with support from the European Commission, under the ICT Policy Support Programme, as part of the Competitiveness and Innovation Framework Programme (CIP) in the ECO project under grant agreement n° 21127

    Designing MOOC:a shared view on didactical principles

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    The innovative impact of the paper can be highlighted by the following statements: 1. Applying the Group Concept Mapping, a non-traditional and power research methodology for objectively identifying the shared vision of a group of experts on MOOC didactical principles. 2. Defining MOOC didactical principles and their operationalisations in more concrete guidelines. 3. Formulating suggestions for combining xMOOC and cMOOC.Supported by European Commission, DG EAC, under the Erasmus+ Programm

    ECO D2.6 Web 2.0 requirements analysis

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    ECO sMOOCs are social and seamless and the pedagogical design puts the learner central, taking an active role and learning through interactions and connections with others. The platforms have to provide the features not only support social interaction but promote and enhance these. This deliverable puts forward what features can scaffold interactions, taking into account lessons learned from popular social media.Part of the work carried out has been funded with support from the European Commission, under the ICT Policy Support Programme, as part of the Competitiveness and Innovation Framework Programme (CIP) in the ECO project under grant agreement n° 21127