3 research outputs found

    Evaluation of Pan-Sharpening Techniques Using Lagrange Optimization

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    Earth’s observation satellites, such as IKONOS, provide simultaneously multispectral and panchromatic images. A multispectral image comes with a lower spatial and higher spectral resolution in contrast to a panchromatic image which usually has a high spatial and a low spectral resolution. Pan-sharpening represents a fusion of these two complementary images to provide an output image that has both spatial and spectral high resolutions. The objective of this paper is to propose a new method of pan-sharpening based on pixel-level image manipulation and to compare it with several state-of-art pansharpening methods using different evaluation criteria.  The paper presents an image fusion method based on pixel-level optimization using the Lagrange multiplier. Two cases are discussed: (a) the maximization of spectral consistency and (b) the minimization of the variance difference between the original data and the computed data. The paper compares the results of the proposed method with several state-of-the-art pan-sharpening methods. The performance of the pan-sharpening methods is evaluated qualitatively and quantitatively using evaluation criteria, such as the Chi-square test, RMSE, SNR, SD, ERGAS, and RASE. Overall, the proposed method is shown to outperform all the existing methods

    Object-Based Area-to-Point Regression Kriging for Pansharpening

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    Optical earth observation satellite sensors often provide a coarse spatial resolution (CR) multispectral (MS) image together with a fine spatial resolution (FR) panchromatic (PAN) image. Pansharpening is a technique applied to such satellite sensor images to generate an FR MS image by injecting spatial detail taken from the FR PAN image while simultaneously preserving the spectral information of MS image. Pansharpening methods are mostly applied on a per-pixel basis and use the PAN image to extract spatial detail. However, many land cover objects in FR satellite sensor images are not illustrated as independent pixels, but as many spatially aggregated pixels that contain important semantic information. In this article, an object-based pansharpening approach, termed object-based area-to-point regression kriging (OATPRK), is proposed. OATPRK aims to fuse the MS and PAN images at the object-based scale and, thus, takes advantage of both the unified spectral information within the CR MS images and the spatial detail of the FR PAN image. OATPRK is composed of three stages: image segmentation, object-based regression, and residual downscaling. Three data sets acquired from IKONOS and Worldview-2 and 11 benchmark pansharpening algorithms were used to provide a comprehensive assessment of the proposed OATPRK approach. In both the synthetic and real experiments, OATPRK produced the most superior pan-sharpened results in terms of visual and quantitative assessment. OATPRK is a new conceptual method that advances the pixel-level geostatistical pansharpening approach to the object level and provides more accurate pan-sharpened MS images. IEE

    A Variational Pansharpening Approach Based on Reproducible Kernel Hilbert Space and Heaviside Function

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    Pansharpening is an important application in remote sensing image processing. It can increase the spatial-resolution of a multispectral image by fusing it with a high spatial-resolution panchromatic image in the same scene, which brings great favor for subsequent processing such as recognition, detection, etc. In this paper, we propose a continuous modeling and sparse optimization based method for the fusion of a panchromatic image and a multispectral image. The proposed model is mainly based on reproducing kernel Hilbert space (RKHS) and approximated Heaviside function (AHF). In addition, we also propose a Toeplitz sparse term for representing the correlation of adjacent bands. The model is convex and solved by the alternating direction method of multipliers which guarantees the convergence of the proposed method. Extensive experiments on many real datasets collected by different sensors demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed technique as compared with several state-of-the-art pansharpening approaches