1,386 research outputs found

    Variational approximation for mixtures of linear mixed models

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    Mixtures of linear mixed models (MLMMs) are useful for clustering grouped data and can be estimated by likelihood maximization through the EM algorithm. The conventional approach to determining a suitable number of components is to compare different mixture models using penalized log-likelihood criteria such as BIC.We propose fitting MLMMs with variational methods which can perform parameter estimation and model selection simultaneously. A variational approximation is described where the variational lower bound and parameter updates are in closed form, allowing fast evaluation. A new variational greedy algorithm is developed for model selection and learning of the mixture components. This approach allows an automatic initialization of the algorithm and returns a plausible number of mixture components automatically. In cases of weak identifiability of certain model parameters, we use hierarchical centering to reparametrize the model and show empirically that there is a gain in efficiency by variational algorithms similar to that in MCMC algorithms. Related to this, we prove that the approximate rate of convergence of variational algorithms by Gaussian approximation is equal to that of the corresponding Gibbs sampler which suggests that reparametrizations can lead to improved convergence in variational algorithms as well.Comment: 36 pages, 5 figures, 2 tables, submitted to JCG

    Bayesian unsupervised learning with multiple data types

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    Copyright © 2009 Walter de Gruyter. The final publication is available at www.degruyter.comWe propose Bayesian generative models for unsupervised learning with two types of data and an assumed dependency of one type of data on the other. We consider two algorithmic ap- proaches, based on a correspondence model where latent variables are shared across datasets. These models indicate the appropriate number of clusters in addition to indicating relevant features in both types of data. We evaluate the model on arti¯cially created data. We then apply the method to a breast cancer dataset consisting of gene expression and microRNA array data derived from the same patients. We assume dependence of gene expression on microRNA expression in this study. The method ranks genes within subtypes which have statistically signi¯cant abnormal expression and ranks associated abnormally expressing mi- croRNA. We report a genetic signature for the basal-like subtype of breast cancer found across a number of previous gene expression array studies. Using the two algorithmic ap- proaches we ¯nd that this signature also arises from clustering on the microRNA expression data and appears derivative from this data

    Non-parametric Bayesian modelling of digital gene expression data

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    Next-generation sequencing technologies provide a revolutionary tool for generating gene expression data. Starting with a fixed RNA sample, they construct a library of millions of differentially abundant short sequence tags or "reads", which constitute a fundamentally discrete measure of the level of gene expression. A common limitation in experiments using these technologies is the low number or even absence of biological replicates, which complicates the statistical analysis of digital gene expression data. Analysis of this type of data has often been based on modified tests originally devised for analysing microarrays; both these and even de novo methods for the analysis of RNA-seq data are plagued by the common problem of low replication. We propose a novel, non-parametric Bayesian approach for the analysis of digital gene expression data. We begin with a hierarchical model for modelling over-dispersed count data and a blocked Gibbs sampling algorithm for inferring the posterior distribution of model parameters conditional on these counts. The algorithm compensates for the problem of low numbers of biological replicates by clustering together genes with tag counts that are likely sampled from a common distribution and using this augmented sample for estimating the parameters of this distribution. The number of clusters is not decided a priori, but it is inferred along with the remaining model parameters. We demonstrate the ability of this approach to model biological data with high fidelity by applying the algorithm on a public dataset obtained from cancerous and non-cancerous neural tissues

    Bayesian Unsupervised Learning with Multiple Data Types

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    We propose Bayesian generative models for unsupervised learning with two types of data and an assumed dependency of one type of data on the other. We consider two algorithmic approaches, based on a correspondence model where latent variables are shared across datasets. These models indicate the appropriate number of clusters in addition to indicating relevant features in both types of data. We evaluate the model on artificially created data. We then apply the method to a breast cancer dataset consisting of gene expression and microRNA array data derived from the same patients. We assume dependence of gene expression on microRNA expression in this study. The method ranks genes within subtypes which have statistically significant abnormal expression and ranks associated abnormally expressing microRNA. We report a genetic signature for the basal-like subtype of breast cancer found across a number of previous gene expression array studies. Using the two algorithmic approaches we find that this signature also arises from clustering on the microRNA expression data and appears derivative from this data.

    Deep mixture of linear mixed models for complex longitudinal data

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    Mixtures of linear mixed models are widely used for modelling longitudinal data for which observation times differ between subjects. In typical applications, temporal trends are described using a basis expansion, with basis coefficients treated as random effects varying by subject. Additional random effects can describe variation between mixture components, or other known sources of variation in complex experimental designs. A key advantage of these models is that they provide a natural mechanism for clustering, which can be helpful for interpretation in many applications. Current versions of mixtures of linear mixed models are not specifically designed for the case where there are many observations per subject and a complex temporal trend, which requires a large number of basis functions to capture. In this case, the subject-specific basis coefficients are a high-dimensional random effects vector, for which the covariance matrix is hard to specify and estimate, especially if it varies between mixture components. To address this issue, we consider the use of recently-developed deep mixture of factor analyzers models as the prior for the random effects. The resulting deep mixture of linear mixed models is well-suited to high-dimensional settings, and we describe an efficient variational inference approach to posterior computation. The efficacy of the method is demonstrated on both real and simulated data
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