25,325 research outputs found

    3LP: a linear 3D-walking model including torso and swing dynamics

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    In this paper, we present a new model of biped locomotion which is composed of three linear pendulums (one per leg and one for the whole upper body) to describe stance, swing and torso dynamics. In addition to double support, this model has different actuation possibilities in the swing hip and stance ankle which could be widely used to produce different walking gaits. Without the need for numerical time-integration, closed-form solutions help finding periodic gaits which could be simply scaled in certain dimensions to modulate the motion online. Thanks to linearity properties, the proposed model can provide a computationally fast platform for model predictive controllers to predict the future and consider meaningful inequality constraints to ensure feasibility of the motion. Such property is coming from describing dynamics with joint torques directly and therefore, reflecting hardware limitations more precisely, even in the very abstract high level template space. The proposed model produces human-like torque and ground reaction force profiles and thus, compared to point-mass models, it is more promising for precise control of humanoid robots. Despite being linear and lacking many other features of human walking like CoM excursion, knee flexion and ground clearance, we show that the proposed model can predict one of the main optimality trends in human walking, i.e. nonlinear speed-frequency relationship. In this paper, we mainly focus on describing the model and its capabilities, comparing it with human data and calculating optimal human gait variables. Setting up control problems and advanced biomechanical analysis still remain for future works.Comment: Journal paper under revie

    A fast search strategy for gravitational waves from low-mass X-ray binaries

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    We present a new type of search strategy designed specifically to find continuously emitting gravitational wave sources in known binary systems based on the incoherent sum of frequency modulated binary signal sidebands. The search pipeline can be divided into three stages: the first is a wide bandwidth, F-statistic search demodulated for sky position. This is followed by a fast second stage in which areas in frequency space are identified as signal candidates through the frequency domain convolution of the F-statistic with an approximate signal template. For this second stage only precise information on the orbit period and approximate information on the orbital semi-major axis are required apriori. For the final stage we propose a fully coherent Markov chain monte carlo based follow up search on the frequency subspace defined by the candidates identified by the second stage. This search is particularly suited to the low-mass X-ray binaries, for which orbital period and sky position are typically well known and additional orbital parameters and neutron star spin frequency are not. We note that for the accreting X-ray millisecond pulsars, for which spin frequency and orbital parameters are well known, the second stage can be omitted and the fully coherent search stage can be performed. We describe the search pipeline with respect to its application to a simplified phase model and derive the corresponding sensitivity of the search.Comment: 13 pages, 3 figures, to appear in the GWDAW 11 conference proceeding

    DisPar Methods and Their Implementation on a Heterogeneous PC Cluster

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    Esta dissertação avalia duas áreas cruciais da simulação de advecção- difusão. A primeira parte é dedicada a estudos numéricos. Foi comprovado que existe uma relação directa entre os momentos de deslocamento de uma partícula de poluente e os erros de truncatura. Esta relação criou os fundamentos teóricos para criar uma nova família de métodos numéricos, DisPar. Foram introduzidos e avaliados três métodos. O primeiro é um método semi-Lagrangeano 2D baseado nos momentos de deslocamento de uma partícula para malhas regulares, DisPar-k. Com este método é possível controlar explicitamente o erro de truncatura desejado. O segundo método também se baseia nos momentos de deslocamento de uma partícula, sendo, contudo, desenvolvido para malhas uniformes não regulares, DisParV. Este método também apresentou uma forte robustez numérica. Ao contrário dos métodos DisPar-K e DisParV, o terceiro segue uma aproximação Eulereana com três regiões de destino da partícula. O método foi desenvolvido de forma a manter um perfil de concentração inicial homogéneo independentemente dos parâmetros usados. A comparação com o método DisPar-k em situações não lineares realçou as fortes limitações associadas aos métodos de advecção-difusão em cenários reais. A segunda parte da tese é dedicada à implementação destes métodos num Cluster de PCs heterogéneo. Para o fazer, foi desenvolvido um novo esquema de partição, AORDA. A aplicação, Scalable DisPar, foi implementada com a plataforma da Microsoft .Net, tendo sido totalmente escrita em C#. A aplicação foi testada no estuário do Tejo que se localiza perto de Lisboa, Portugal. Para superar os problemas de balanceamento de cargas provocados pelas marés, foram implementados diversos esquemas de partição: “Scatter Partitioning”, balanceamento dinâmico de cargas e uma mistura de ambos. Pelos testes elaborados, foi possível verificar que o número de máquinas vizinhas se apresentou como o mais limitativo em termos de escalabilidade, mesmo utilizando comunicações assíncronas. As ferramentas utilizadas para as comunicações foram a principal causa deste fenómeno. Aparentemente, o Microsoft .Net remoting 1.0 não funciona de forma apropriada nos ambientes de concorrência criados pelas comunicações assíncronas. Este facto não permitiu a obtenção de conclusões acerca dos níveis relativos de escalabilidade das diferentes estratégias de partição utilizadas. No entanto, é fortemente sugerido que a melhor estratégia irá ser “Scatter Partitioning” associada a balanceamento dinâmico de cargas e a comunicações assíncronas. A técnica de “Scatter Partitioning” mitiga os problemas de desbalanceamentos de cargas provocados pelas marés. Por outro lado, o balanceamento dinâmico será essencialmente activado no inicio da simulação para corrigir possíveis problemas nas previsões dos poderes de cada processador.This thesis assesses two main areas of the advection-diffusion simulation. The first part is dedicated to the numerical studies. It has been proved that there is a direct relation between pollutant particle displacement moments and truncation errors. This relation raised the theoretical foundations to create a new family of numerical methods, DisPar. Three methods have been introduced and appraised. The first is a 2D semi- Lagrangian method based on particle displacement moments for regular grids, DisPar-k. With this method one can explicitly control the desired truncation error. The second method is also based on particle displacement moments but it is targeted to regular/non-uniform grids, DisParV. The method has also shown a strong numerical capacity. Unlike DisPar-k and DisParV, the third method is a Eulerian approximation for three particle destination units. The method was developed so that an initial concentration profile will be kept homogeneous independently of the used parameters. The comparison with DisPar-k in non-linear situations has emphasized the strong shortcomings associated with numerical methods for advection-diffusion in real scenarios. The second part of the dissertation is dedicated to the implementation of these methods in a heterogeneous PC Cluster. To do so, a new partitioning method has been developed, AORDA. The application, Scalable DisPar, was implemented with the Microsoft .Net framework and was totally written in C#. The application was tested on the Tagus Estuary, near Lisbon (Portugal). To overcome the load imbalances caused by tides scatter partitioning was implemented, dynamic load balancing and a mix of both. By the tests made, it was possible to verify that the number of neighboring machines was the main factor affecting the application scalability, even with asynchronous communications. The tools used for communications mainly caused this. Microsoft .Net remoting 1.0 does not seem to properly work in environments with concurrency associated with the asynchronous communications. This did not allow taking conclusions about the relative efficiency between the partitioning strategies used. However, it is strongly suggested that the best approach will be to scatter partitioning with dynamic load balancing and with asynchronous communications. Scatter partitioning mitigates load imbalances caused by tides and dynamic load balancing is basically trigged at the begging of the simulation to correct possible problems in processor power predictions

    Modelling and Control of a Hybrid Wheeled Jumping Robot

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    In this paper, we study a wheeled robot with a prismatic extension joint. This allows the robot to build up momentum to perform jumps over obstacles and to swing up to the upright position after the loss of balance. We propose a template model for the class of such two-wheeled jumping robots. This model can be considered as the simplest wheeled-legged system. We provide an analytical derivation of the system dynamics which we use inside a model predictive controller (MPC). We study the behavior of the model and demonstrate highly dynamic motions such as swing-up and jumping. Furthermore, these motions are discovered through optimization from first principles. We evaluate the controller on a variety of tasks and uneven terrains in a simulator.Comment: 8 pages, 11 figures, IROS 2020, Video URL: https://youtu.be/j2sIWL8m2p