839 research outputs found

    An application of Fuzzy DEMATEL electronic life-insurance development

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    For years, e-commerce has generated competitive advantage for many industries especially in insurance industry where people could apply for any sort of insurance, very easily. In fact, insurance industry has become one of the most important sectors in the world. E-commerce, on the other hand, has absorbed various people in insurance industry to develop economic growth. However, applying e-commerce for insurance firms may encounter serious obstacles and it is important to know them properly and setup appropriate actions to remove them. In this paper, we present a multi-criteria decision making (MCDM) technique based on DEMATEL with an adaptation of fuzzy logic to find important factors impacting implementation of e-commerce for life insurance industry. The proposed study of this paper designs a questionnaire and distributes it among some insurance experts and then we analyze them using fuzzy DEMATEL technique. Findings indicate that “lack of designing death table based on the existing statistics of population death in Iran”, “lack of variety in protections of life insurance in proportionate to society individual’s requirements by means of low level income of society individuals” and “lack of extensive advertisements for developing the culture of life insurance in country” are the most important factors influencing insurance industry for enhancing e-business

    A Causal Decision Making Model for Knowledge Management Capabilities to Innovation Performance in Taiwan’s High-Tech Industry

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    R&D and innovation is the source of technology companies’ profit. If companies cannot be smoothly implemented technological innovation and R&D investments, then they can not strengthen their competitiveness. In the light of dynamic capabilities and absorptive capacities, we need an effective multi-criteria decision-making (MCDM) analysis tools to assess the impact of organizational innovation and performance factors so that we can promote organizational innovation performance requires. This study used multiple criteria decision analysis method- DEMATEL, how influence as innovation performance on knowledge management capabilities of high-tech industry. Result of this study, enterprises can access external knowledge and make amendments to the operating principle effectively and immediately, when enhanced absorptive capabilities. Moreover, enhancing absorption capabilities will lead the improvement of dynamic capabilities to adapt to the rapidly changing competitive environment

    Design Strategies for Mobile Language Learning Effectiveness using Hybrid MCDM Approach

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    Generally, proposing an evaluation model is of most interest to those with a research focus in information systems. In fact, the design of information systems requires the application of designated evaluation models for identifying effective design strategies rather than predicting the design’s effectiveness.. Information system success model is the latest evaluation model which implicitly reflects the evaluation criteria for configuring the design of mobile learning application. Using two mobile learning applications as examples, this study aims to extend the evaluation model by proposing a design evaluation framework for mobile learning applications and evaluating the design of two mobile learning applications by applying designated criteria. Employing the novel hybrid multi-criteria decision making which combining Decision Making Trial and Evaluation Laboratory Model (DEMATEL) and the Analytical Network Process (ANP), this research demonstrates the structure of mobile learning application in term of relationship among attributes as well as examines the value that learners’ perceive with regard to designated mobile learning application. Based on this purpose, this research would contribute to discover the grammatical structure of mobile computing for learning. Accordingly, the designer could apply the structural representation as guidance in strategic design of information system. Keywords: mobile learning application design, decision making trial and evaluation laboratory (DEMATEL), analytic network process (ANP), design structur

    VIKOR Technique:A Systematic Review of the State of the Art Literature on Methodologies and Applications

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    The main objective of this paper is to present a systematic review of the VlseKriterijuska Optimizacija I Komoromisno Resenje (VIKOR) method in several application areas such as sustainability and renewable energy. This study reviewed a total of 176 papers, published in 2004 to 2015, from 83 high-ranking journals; most of which were related to Operational Research, Management Sciences, decision making, sustainability and renewable energy and were extracted from the “Web of Science and Scopus” databases. Papers were classified into 15 main application areas. Furthermore, papers were categorized based on the nationalities of authors, dates of publications, techniques and methods, type of studies, the names of the journals and studies purposes. The results of this study indicated that more papers on VIKOR technique were published in 2013 than in any other year. In addition, 13 papers were published about sustainability and renewable energy fields. Furthermore, VIKOR and fuzzy VIKOR methods, had the first rank in use. Additionally, the Journal of Expert Systems with Applications was the most significant journal in this study, with 27 publications on the topic. Finally, Taiwan had the first rank from 22 nationalities which used VIKOR technique

    Fuzzy DEMATEL Approach to Assess Factors Leading to Navigational Equipment Defect

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    The increasing attention to the improvement and continuous enhancement of navigational safety has led to a high standard of navigation systems and the introduction of new technologies. Although several conventions, recommendations, guidelines, and performance standards for navigational equipment are set out by the International Maritime Organization (IMO), unexpected defects on this equipment may still occur on board. Any defect on this equipment may cause both accidents and commercial loss. This paper presented A fuzzy Decision-Making Trial and Evaluation Laboratory (DEMATEL) technique to assess factors that may cause navigational equipment defects, considering the academic and industrial gaps. Five homogeneous experts were asked to evaluate the relationship among the factors with respect to the linguistic scale. After the factors were ascertained and evaluated, preventive measures for most important factors were recommended in the view of experts’ opinions in order to minimize and avoid their effect. The findings of the study will contribute to understanding the causes of navigational equipment defects and provide a basis for the continuous safety process of the ship’s bridge operations in a comprehensive aspect

    Modeling and analysing the barriers to the acceptance of energy-efficient appliances using an ISM-DEMATEL approach

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    Electricity savings from energy-efficient appliances (EEAs) may have a significant impact on reducing global warming. There are several barriers confronted by EEAs, which have lowered their acceptance rate. The current study identifies and highlights key barriers to strengthening domestic sector adoption of EEAs in developing countries. In the current study, thirteen barriers were discovered by an indepth literature review and the judgement of experts as well. Further, integrated “Interpretive Structural Modeling” (ISM) and “Decision Making Trial and Evaluation Laboratory” (DEMATEL) approaches are utilized to evaluate barriers. The ISM technique is implemented to categorize barriers into distinct hierarchy levels, and “Cross-Impact Matrix Multiplication Applied to Classification” (MICMAC) analysis to divide barriers among four clusters “independent, linkage, dependent, and autonomous”. Moreover, the DEMATEL methodology is applied to classify the barriers among cause and effect clusters. The integrated ISM and DEMATEL approach suggests that the topmost influencing barriers to the acceptance of EEAs are the lack of Government policies and initiatives, lack of attractive loan financing, and subsidized energy prices. This study would help researchers, regulators, producers, policymakers, and consumers to comprehend the need for additional developments and understand that the adoption of EEAs is a current need. Overall, the results of this study expedite stakeholders with the key barriers that may assist to enhance the acceptance of EEAs within the domestic sector. An extensive literature survey showed a dearth of studies for the identification, modeling, and analysis of barriers collectively. Therefore, the current work utilized the ISM and DEMATEL approaches to fill the gap and to provide more comprehensive knowledge on barriers related to the acceptance of EEA

    Wind Energy and Multicriteria Analysis in Making Decisions on the Location of Wind Farms: A Case Study in the North-Eastern of Poland

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    This chapter presents an investigation of different methods of multicriteria analysis and different rules of proceedings that have to be taken into account for making decision about location of a wind farm with application in the north-eastern (NE) Poland. Ten multicriteria analyses were discussed taking into account the main criteria on which they are based on utility functions (MAUT, AHP, and DEMATEL), relationship outranking (ELECTRE, PROMETHEE, and ARROW-RAYNAUD), distances (TOPSIS), and decision support (BORDA ranking methods and their modified and COPELAND). Taking into account of nine criteria that should be met by the location of 15 wind turbines in Krynki and Szudzialowo communities, the main three criteria (C3, C8, and C9) were found to differentiate location of eight wind turbines (T-6–T-13), according to two variants (I and II). The Borda ranking method proved that from among the two variants considered, the more suitable location of wind turbines is second variant W II than first variant W I. Variant W II had a higher altitude of the terrain (C3) and less risk of impact on birds (C8) and bats species (C9) than variant W I

    Evaluation of supply chain risks by fuzzy DEMATEL method: a case study of iron and steel industry in Turkey

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    [EN] Business practices to strengthen competitiveness increase the vulnerability of supply chains to risks. Risks that can adversely affect the effectiveness and efficiency of supply chain activities are events that disrupt the flow of information, materials, money, and products. Therefore, supply chain risk management is vital for companies. It is necessary to identify the risks that threaten the supply chain and prioritize them. In addition, examining the effects of risks on each other will determine the success of supply chain risk management. This study evaluates Turkey s leading iron and steel company s supply chain risk groups and sub-risks. The fuzzy DEMATEL method was used to determine the relative importance of the risks and the effects of the risks on each other. Results show that the most critical risk group is business risks. Business risk is followed by customer risks, supplier risks, transportation risks, environmental risks, and, finally, security risks. This study provides originality by evaluating the supply chain risks from a broader perspective.Üstündağ, A.; Çıkmak, S.; Çankaya Eyiol, M.; Ungan, MC. (2022). Evaluation of supply chain risks by fuzzy DEMATEL method: a case study of iron and steel industry in Turkey. International Journal of Production Management and Engineering. 10(2):195-209. https://doi.org/10.4995/ijpme.2022.17169OJS19520910

    Using quantum spherical fuzzy decision support system as a novel sustainability index approach for analyzing industries listed in the stock exchange

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    This study aims to identify critical factors of the sustainability index (SI) and evaluate the industries listed in the stock exchange based on the performance of this index. For this purpose, a new fuzzy decision-making model has been created. Firstly, 12 different criteria for the SI are weighted by decision using trial and evaluation laboratory (DEMATEL) methodology based on quantum spherical fuzzy sets (QFS) with golden cut. Secondly, SI performances of the 10 industry alternatives are ranked by extended technique for order of preference: according to similarity through an ideal solution (TOPSIS) with QFS. The main novelty of this study is to identify significant sustainability criteria for the companies to join this index with an original fuzzy decision-making methodology. For this purpose, the analysis results help the companies to act without incurring extreme costs. It is determined that the usage of renewable energy has a significant impact on all other criteria, and while using clean energy, the companies get a chance to improve other criteria of SI. Additionally, based on the weighting results, the use of renewable energy is the most critical criterion to be included in SI. Similarly, recovery of the resources also has a significant contribution. Finally, the ranking results indicate that communication and IT is the most successful industry for SI. Hence, it would be appropriate for businesses to attach importance to the use of renewable energy. In this way, the carbon emission problem would be minimized, and the image of businesses will rise in the eyes of both consumers and investors. In this framework, companies can join microgrid energy management systems to handle high-cost problems of renewable energy investment projects. Owing to microgrid energy applications, the costs of using renewable energy can be shared with other companies, and since this situation can reduce the cost per unit, it will be possible to increase the use of renewable energy.Istanbul Medipol Universit

    Unveiling the relation between the challenges and benefits of Operational Excellence and Industry 4.0: A Hybrid Fuzzy Decision-Making Approach

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    Operational excellence (OpEx) is a direction toward learning and developing an excellent culture in all aspects of an organization. To reach this culture, revolutionizing activities using industry 4.0 (i4.0) technologies might be a significant empowering tool. This study aims to identify the challenges and benefits of both concepts and investigate their interrelationship to be considered in applying industry 4.0 technologies toward operational excellence. The challenges and benefits of OpEx and i4.0 are identified and finalized by reviewing the literature. The causal relations between the considered factors are extracted using the fuzzy DEMATEL (Decision Making Trial and Evaluation Laboratory) method. Then, the analytical network process (ANP) is applied to determine the importance and weight of the factors (challenges and benefits of OpEx and i4.0) according to the constructed network. The findings illustrated a strong network structure between the factors. First, the causal factors included OpEx and i4.0 challenges, while the OpEx challenges also affected the i4.0 challenges. Both group challenges had a significant effect on OpEx and i4.0 benefits. This means that challenges are the causal factors to be considered in the alignment of i4.0 toward OpEx. Among the OpEx challenges, lack of strategic planning and proper infrastructure were the main influential factors. In contrast, lack of government support and undeveloped business models were identified as the main challenges of i4.0. OpEx and i4.0 concepts are reviewed, and their pros and cons are studied. Previous studies determined an interaction among these concepts. However, from a practical viewpoint, the relation between the challenges and benefits of i4.0 and OpEx was studied for the first time for their alignment