410 research outputs found

    A dynamic access point allocation algorithm for dense wireless LANs using potential game

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    This work introduces an innovative Access Point (AP) allocation algorithm for dense Wi-Fi networks, which relies on a centralised potential game developed in a Software-Defined Wireless Networking (SDWN)-based framework. The proposed strategy optimises the allocation of the Wi-Fi stations (STAs) to APs and allows their dynamic reallocation according to possible changes in the capacity of the Wi-Fi network. This paper illustrates the design of the proposed framework based on SDWN and the implementation of the potential game-based algorithm, which includes two possible strategies. The main novel contribution of this work is that the algorithm allows us to efficiently reallocate the STAs by considering external interference, which can negatively affect the capacities of the APs handled by the SDWN controller. Moreover, the paper provides a detailed performance analysis of the algorithm, which describes the significant improvements achieved with respect to the state of the art. Specifically, the results have been compared against the AP selection considered by the IEEE 802.11 standards and another centralised algorithm dealing with the same problem, in terms of the data bit rate provided to the STAs, their dissatisfaction and Quality of Experience (QoE). Finally, the paper analyses the trade-off between efficient performance and the computational complexity achieved by the strategies implemented in the proposed algorithm

    Resource-Efficient Wireless Systems for Emerging Wireless Networks

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    As the wireless medium has become the primary source of communication and Internet connectivity, and as devices and wireless technologies become more sophisticated and capable, there has been a surge in the capacity demands and complexity of applications that run over these wireless devices. To sustain the volume and QoE guarantees of the data generated, the opportunity and need to rethink wireless network design across all the layers of the protocol stack has firmly emerged as a solution to enable the timely and reliable delivery of data, while handling the inherent challenges of a crowded wireless medium, such as congestion, interference, and hidden terminals. The research work presented in this dissertation builds efficient solutions and protocols with a theoretical foundation to address the challenges that arise in rethinking wireless network design. Example challenges include managing the overhead associated with complex systems. My work particularly focuses on the opportunities and challenges of sophisticated technology and systems in emerging wireless networks. I target the main thrusts in the evolution of wireless networks that create significant opportunity to achieve higher theoretical capacity, and have direct implications on our day-to-day wireless interactions: from enabling multifold increase in capacity in wireless physical links, to developing medium access techniques to exploit the high speed links, and making the applications more bandwidth efficient. I build deployable, and resource-aware wireless systems that exploit higher bandwidths by leveraging and advancing diverse research areas such as theory, analysis, protocol design, and wireless networking. Specifically, I identify the erroneous assumptions and fundamental limitations of existing solutions in capturing the true and complex interactions between wireless devices and protocols. I use these insights to guide practical and efficient protocol design, followed by thorough analysis and evaluation in testbed implementations via prototypes and measurements. I show that my proposed solutions achieve significant performance gains, at minimum cost to overhead

    Flexible Spectrum Assignment for Local Wireless Networks

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    In this dissertation, we consider the problem of assigning spectrum to wireless local-area networks (WLANs). In line with recent IEEE 802.11 amendments and newer hardware capabilities, we consider situations where wireless nodes have the ability to adapt not only their channel center-frequency but also their channel width. This capability brings an important additional degree of freedom, which adds more granularity and potentially enables more efficient spectrum assignments. However, it also comes with new challenges; when consuming a varying amount of spectrum, the nodes should not only seek to reduce interference, but they should also seek to efficiently fill the available spectrum. Furthermore, the performances obtained in practice are especially difficult to predict when nodes employ variable bandwidths. We first propose an algorithm that acts in a decentralized way, with no communication among the neighboring access points (APs). Despite being decentralized, this algorithm is self-organizing and solves an explicit tradeoff between interference mitigation and efficient spectrum usage. In order for the APs to continuously adapt their spectrum to neighboring conditions while using only one network interface, this algorithm relies on a new kind of measurement, during which the APs monitor their surrounding networks for short durations. We implement this algorithm on a testbed and observe drastic performance gains compared to default spectrum assignments, or compared to efficient assignments using a fixed channel width. Next, we propose a procedure to explicitly predict the performance achievable in practice, when nodes operate with arbitrary spectrum configurations, traffic intensities, transmit powers, etc. This problem is notoriously difficult, as it requires capturing several complex interactions that take place at the MAC and PHY layers. Rather than trying to find an explicit model acting at this level of generality, we explore a different point in the design space. Using a limited number of real-world measurements, we use supervised machine-learning techniques to learn implicit performance models. We observe that these models largely outperform other measurement-based models based on SINR, and that they perform well, even when they are used to predict performance in contexts very different from the context prevailing during the initial set of measurements used for learning. We then build a second algorithm that uses the above-mentioned learned models to assign the spectrum. This algorithm is distributed and collaborative, meaning that neighboring APs have to exchange a limited amount of control traffic. It is also utility-optimal -- a feature enabled both by the presence of a model for predicting performance and the ability of APs to collaboratively take decisions. We implement this algorithm on a testbed, and we design a simple scheme that enables neighboring APs to discover themselves and to implement collaboration using their wired backbone network. We observe that it is possible to effectively gear the performance obtained in practice towards different objectives (in terms of efficiency and/or fairness), depending on the utility functions optimized by the nodes. Finally, we study the problem of scheduling packets both in time and frequency domains. Such ways of scheduling packets have been made possible by recent progress in system design, which make it possible to dynamically tune and negotiate the spectrum band [...


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    In the current world, most cities have WiFi Access Points (AP) in every nook and corner. Hence upraising these cities to the status of a smart city is a more easily achievable task than before. Internet-of-Things (IoT) connections primarily use WiFi standards to form the veins of a smart city. Unfortunately, this vast potential of WiFi technology in the genesis of smart cities is somehow compromised due to its failure in meeting unique Quality-of-Service (QoS) demands of smart city applications. Out of the following QoS factors; transmission link bandwidth, packet transmission delay, jitter, and packet loss rate, not all applications call for the all of the factors at the same time. Since smart city is a pool of drastically unrelated services, this variable demand can actually be advantageous to optimize the network performance. This thesis work is an attempt to achieve one of those QoS demands, namely packet delivery latency. Three algorithms are developed to alleviate traffic load imbalance at APs so as to reduce packet forwarding delay. Software-Defined Networking (SDN) is making its way in the network world to be of great use and practicality. The algorithms make use of SDN features to control the connections to APs in order to achieve the delay requirements of smart city services. Real hardware devices are used to imitate a real-life scenario of citywide coverage consisting of WiFi devices and APs that are currently available in the market with neither of those having any additional requirements such as support for specific roaming protocol, running a software agent or sending probe packets. Extensive hardware experimentation proves the efficacy of the proposed algorithms

    Reinforcement Learning Approaches to Improve Spatial Reuse in Wireless Local Area Networks

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    The ubiquitous deployment of IEEE 802.11 based Wireless Local Area Networks (WLANs) or WiFi networks has resulted in dense deployments of Access Points (APs) in an effort to provide wireless links with high data rates to users. This, however, causes APs and users/stations to experience a higher interference level. This is because of the limited spectrum in which WiFi networks operate, resulting in multiple APs operating on the same channel. This in turn affects the signal-tonoise-plus interference ratio (SINR) at APs and users, leading to low data rates that limit their quality of service (QoS). To improve QoS, interference management is critical. To this end, a key metric of interest is spatial reuse. A high spatial reuse means multiple transmissions are able to transmit concurrently, which leads to a high network capacity. One approach to optimize spatial reuse is by tuning the clear channel access (CCA) threshold employed by the carrier sense multiple access with collision avoidance (CSMA/CA) medium access control (MAC) protocol. Specifically, the CCA threshold of a node determines whether it is allowed to transmit after sensing the channel. A node may increase its CCA threshold, causing it to transmit even when there are other ongoing transmissions. Another parameter to be tuned is transmit power. This helps a transmitting node lower its interference to neighboring cells, and thus allows nodes in these neighboring cells to transmit as well. Apart from that, channel bonding can be applied to improve transmission rate. In particular, by combining/aggregating multiple channels together, the resulting channel has a proportionally higher data rate than the case without channel bonding. However, the issue of spatial reuse remains the same whereby the focus is to maximize the number of concurrent transmissions across multiple channels

    Learning-based hybrid TDMA-CSMA MAC protocol for virtualized 802.11 WLANs

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    This paper presents an adaptive hybrid TDMA-CSMA MAC protocol to improve network performance and isolation among service providers (SPs) in a virtualized 802.11 network. Aiming to increase network efficiency, wireless virtual-ization provides the means to slice available resources among different SPs, with an urge to keep different slices isolated. Hybrid TDMA-CSMA can be a proper MAC candidate in such scenario benefiting from both the TDMA isolation power and the CSMA opportunistic nature. In this paper, we propose a dynamic MAC that schedules high-traffic users in the TDMA phase with variable size to be determined. Then, the rest of active users compete to access the channel through CSMA. The objective is to search for a scheduling that maximizes the expected sum throughput subject to SP reservations. In the absence of arrival traffic statistics, this scheduling is modeled as a multi-armed bandit (MAB) problem, in which each arm corresponds to a possible scheduling. Due to the dependency between the arms, existing policies are not directly applicable in this problem. Thus, we present an index-based policy where we update and decide based on learning indexes assigned to each user instead of each arm. To update the indexes, in addition to TDMA information, observations from CSMA phase are used, which adds a new exploration phase for the proposed MAB problem. Throughput and isolation performance of the proposed self-exploration-aided index-based policy (SIP) are evaluated by numerical results
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