6 research outputs found

    A User Centered Design Approach for Patient Interfaces to a Diabetes IT Platform

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    Improving patient self-management can have a greater impact than improving any clinical treatment (WHO). We propose here a systematic and comprehensive user centered design approach for delivering a technological platform for diabetes disease management. The system was developed under the METABO research project framework, involving patients from 3 different clinical centers in Parma, Modena and Madrid

    Performance assessment of a closed-loop system for diabetes management

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    Telemedicine systems can play an important role in the management of diabetes, a chronic condition that is increasing worldwide. Evaluations on the consistency of information across these systems and on their performance in a real situation are still missing. This paper presents a remote monitoring system for diabetes management based on physiological sensors, mobile technologies and patient/ doctor applications over a service-oriented architecture that has been evaluated in an international trial (83,905 operation records). The proposed system integrates three types of running environments and data engines in a single serviceoriented architecture. This feature is used to assess key performance indicators comparing them with other type of architectures. Data sustainability across the applications has been evaluated showing better outcomes for full integrated sensors. At the same time, runtime performance of clients has been assessed spotting no differences regarding the operative environmentThe authors wish to acknowledge the consortium of the METABO project (funded by the European Commission, Grant nr. 216270) for their commitment during concept development and trial execution.Martínez Millana, A.; Fico, G.; Fernández Llatas, C.; Traver Salcedo, V. (2015). Performance assessment of a closed-loop system for diabetes management. Medical and Biological Engineering and Computing. 53(12):1295-1303. doi:10.1007/s11517-015-1245-3S129513035312Bellazzi R, Larizza C, Montani A et al (2002) A telemedicine support dor diabetes management: the T-IDDM project. Comput Methods Programs Biomed 69:147–161Boloor K, Chirkova R, Salo T, Viniotis Y (2011) Analysis of response time percentile service level agreements in soa-based applications. 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    User-centered design of the interface prototype of a business intelligence mobile application

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    Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Engenharia e Gestão IndustrialIn a society in constant technological evolution, companies try to equip themselves with tools that allow them to achieve, or maintain, the leadership position in the markets in which they compete in. Success often lies in the ability to exploit the existent Business Intelligence (BI) in the best possible way. Moreover, mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets assume themselves as elements with an increasingly preponderant use in the everyday life. In the convergence of these two factors, emerges the need to develop mobile “management facilitators”, capable of providing companies’ workers the access to BI, anywhere and at a few touches distance. To make this possible, not only does the correct information needs to be selected, but also organized and presented in a highly intuitive and easy to use way. It’s in this context that the work present in this dissertation emerges: User-Centered Design of the interface prototype of a Business Intelligence mobile application for a company in the retail industry. Thus, the goal of this dissertation resides in the development of an adequate interface, through the continuous interaction with a group of representative users in activities such as users’ needs assessment, interface design, heuristic evaluation and usability tests. From meetings with the users, 29 needs were identified for the BI application. These needs were later converted into functional requirements which originated two prototypes, one for smartphones and the other for tablets. These were subjected to a heuristic evaluation and tested through the application of the Cognitive Walkthrough method to representative users, to collect performance and satisfaction metrics. It was concluded that the designed interfaces were in accordance with 14 of the 16 heuristics, which led to three modifications on the interfaces. The Cognitive Walkthrough results showed that the interfaces are intuitive since all the tasks were completed with 100% success, in reasonable times and with a number of actions close to the ideal

    A user centered design approach for patient interfaces to a diabetes IT platform

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    Closed loop medication administration using mobile nursing information system

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    Through this long journey of PhD study including a research on ‘Closed Loop Medication Administration Using Mobile Nursing Information System’ and the thesis writing, I obtained a lot of knowledge and experience about research method and writing. I really very appreciate the help of all my supervisors