2,640 research outputs found

    How Fair Is IS Research?

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    While both information systems and machine learning are not neutral, the identification of discrimination is more difficult if a system learns from data and discrimination can be introduced at several stages. Therefore, this article investigates if IS Research has taken up with this topic. A literature analysis is conducted and its discussion shows that technology, organization, and human aspects have to be considered, making it a topic not only for data scientist or computer scientist, but for information systems researchers as well

    One City, Two Tales: Using Mobility Networks to Understand Neighborhood Resilience and Fragility during the COVID-19 Pandemic

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    What predicts a neighborhood's resilience and adaptability to essential public health policies and shelter-in-place regulations that prevent the harmful spread of COVID-19? To answer this question, in this paper we present a novel application of human mobility patterns and human behavior in a network setting. We analyze mobility data in New York City over two years, from January 2019 to December 2020, and create weekly mobility networks between Census Block Groups by aggregating Point of Interest level visit patterns. Our results suggest that both the socioeconomic and geographic attributes of neighborhoods significantly predict neighborhood adaptability to the shelter-in-place policies active at that time. That is, our findings and simulation results reveal that in addition to factors such as race, education, and income, geographical attributes such as access to amenities in a neighborhood that satisfy community needs were equally important factors for predicting neighborhood adaptability and the spread of COVID-19. The results of our study provide insights that can enhance urban planning strategies that contribute to pandemic alleviation efforts, which in turn may help urban areas become more resilient to exogenous shocks such as the COVID-19 pandemic

    Quality of experience and access network traffic management of HTTP adaptive video streaming

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    The thesis focuses on Quality of Experience (QoE) of HTTP adaptive video streaming (HAS) and traffic management in access networks to improve the QoE of HAS. First, the QoE impact of adaptation parameters and time on layer was investigated with subjective crowdsourcing studies. The results were used to compute a QoE-optimal adaptation strategy for given video and network conditions. This allows video service providers to develop and benchmark improved adaptation logics for HAS. Furthermore, the thesis investigated concepts to monitor video QoE on application and network layer, which can be used by network providers in the QoE-aware traffic management cycle. Moreover, an analytic and simulative performance evaluation of QoE-aware traffic management on a bottleneck link was conducted. Finally, the thesis investigated socially-aware traffic management for HAS via Wi-Fi offloading of mobile HAS flows. A model for the distribution of public Wi-Fi hotspots and a platform for socially-aware traffic management on private home routers was presented. A simulative performance evaluation investigated the impact of Wi-Fi offloading on the QoE and energy consumption of mobile HAS.Die Doktorarbeit beschäftigt sich mit Quality of Experience (QoE) – der subjektiv empfundenen Dienstgüte – von adaptivem HTTP Videostreaming (HAS) und mit Verkehrsmanagement, das in Zugangsnetzwerken eingesetzt werden kann, um die QoE des adaptiven Videostreamings zu verbessern. Zuerst wurde der Einfluss von Adaptionsparameters und der Zeit pro Qualitätsstufe auf die QoE von adaptivem Videostreaming mittels subjektiver Crowdsourcingstudien untersucht. Die Ergebnisse wurden benutzt, um die QoE-optimale Adaptionsstrategie für gegebene Videos und Netzwerkbedingungen zu berechnen. Dies ermöglicht Dienstanbietern von Videostreaming verbesserte Adaptionsstrategien für adaptives Videostreaming zu entwerfen und zu benchmarken. Weiterhin untersuchte die Arbeit Konzepte zum Überwachen von QoE von Videostreaming in der Applikation und im Netzwerk, die von Netzwerkbetreibern im Kreislauf des QoE-bewussten Verkehrsmanagements eingesetzt werden können. Außerdem wurde eine analytische und simulative Leistungsbewertung von QoE-bewusstem Verkehrsmanagement auf einer Engpassverbindung durchgeführt. Schließlich untersuchte diese Arbeit sozialbewusstes Verkehrsmanagement für adaptives Videostreaming mittels WLAN Offloading, also dem Auslagern von mobilen Videoflüssen über WLAN Netzwerke. Es wurde ein Modell für die Verteilung von öffentlichen WLAN Zugangspunkte und eine Plattform für sozialbewusstes Verkehrsmanagement auf privaten, häuslichen WLAN Routern vorgestellt. Abschließend untersuchte eine simulative Leistungsbewertung den Einfluss von WLAN Offloading auf die QoE und den Energieverbrauch von mobilem adaptivem Videostreaming

    Security and Privacy Preservation in Mobile Social Networks

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    Social networking extending the social circle of people has already become an important integral part of our daily lives. As reported by ComScore, social networking sites such as Facebook and Twitter have reached 82 percent of the world's online population, representing 1.2 billion users around the world. In the meantime, fueled by the dramatic advancements of smartphones and the ubiquitous connections of Bluetooth/WiFi/3G/LTE networks, social networking further becomes available for mobile users and keeps them posted on the up-to-date worldwide news and messages from their friends and families anytime anywhere. The convergence of social networking, advanced smartphones, and stable network infrastructures brings us a pervasive and omnipotent communication platform, named mobile social network (MSN), helping us stay connected better than ever. In the MSN, multiple communication techniques help users to launch a variety of applications in multiple communication domains including single-user domain, two-user domain, user-chain domain, and user-star domain. Within different communication domains, promising mobile applications are fostered. For example, nearby friend search application can be launched in the two-user or user-chain domains to help a user find other physically-close peers who have similar interests and preferences; local service providers disseminate advertising information to nearby users in the user-star domain; and health monitoring enables users to check the physiological signals in the single-user domain. Despite the tremendous benefits brought by the MSN, it still faces many technique challenges among of which security and privacy protections are the most important ones as smartphones are vulnerable to security attacks, users easily neglect their privacy preservation, and mutual trust relationships are difficult to be established in the MSN. In this thesis, we explore the unique characteristics and study typical research issues of the MSN. We conduct our research with a focus on security and privacy preservation while considering human factors. Specifically, we consider the profile matching application in the two-user domain, the cooperative data forwarding in the user-chain domain, the trustworthy service evaluation application in the user-star domain, and the healthcare monitoring application in the single-user domain. The main contributions are, i) considering the human comparison behavior and privacy requirements, we first propose a novel family of comparison-based privacy-preserving profile matching (PPM) protocols. The proposed protocols enable two users to obtain comparison results of attribute values in their profiles, while the attribute values are not disclosed. Taking user anonymity requirement as an evaluation metric, we analyze the anonymity protection of the proposed protocols. From the analysis, we found that the more comparison results are disclosed, the less anonymity protection is achieved by the protocol. Further, we explore the pseudonym strategy and an anonymity enhancing technique where users could be self-aware of the anonymity risk level and take appropriate actions when needed; ii) considering the inherent MSN nature --- opportunistic networking, we propose a cooperative privacy-preserving data forwarding (PDF) protocol to help users forward data to other users. We indicate that privacy and effective data forwarding are two conflicting goals: the cooperative data forwarding could be severely interrupted or even disabled when the privacy preservation of users is applied, because without sharing personal information users become unrecognizable to each other and the social interactions are no longer traceable. We explore the morality model of users from classic social theory, and use game-theoretic approach to obtain the optimal data forwarding strategy. Through simulation results, we show that the proposed cooperative data strategy can achieve both the privacy preservation and the forwarding efficiency; iii) to establish the trust relationship in a distributed MSN is a challenging task. We propose a trustworthy service evaluation (TSE) system, to help users exchange their service reviews toward local vendors. However, vendors and users could be the potential attackers aiming to disrupt the TSE system. We then consider the review attacks, i.e., vendors rejecting and modifying the authentic reviews of users, and the Sybil attacks, i.e., users abusing their pseudonyms to generate fake reviews. To prevent these attacks, we explore the token technique, the aggregate signature, and the secret sharing techniques. Simulation results show the security and the effectiveness of the TSE system can be guaranteed; iv) to improve the efficiency and reliability of communications in the single-user domain, we propose a prediction-based secure and reliable routing framework (PSR). It can be integrated with any specific routing protocol to improve the latter's reliability and prevent data injection attacks during data communication. We show that the regularity of body gesture can be learned and applied by body sensors such that the route with the highest predicted link quality can always be chose for data forwarding. The security analysis and simulation results show that the PSR significantly increases routing efficiency and reliability with or without the data injection attacks

    Gender and Age Related Effects While Watching TV Advertisements: An EEG Study

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    The aim of the present paper is to show how the variation of the EEG frontal cortical asymmetry is related to the general appreciation perceived during the observation of TV advertisements, in particular considering the influence of the gender and age on it. In particular, we investigated the influence of the gender on the perception of a car advertisement (Experiment 1) and the influence of the factor age on a chewing gum commercial (Experiment 2). Experiment 1 results showed statistically significant higher approach values for the men group throughout the commercial. Results from Experiment 2 showed significant lower values by older adults for the spot, containing scenes not very enjoyed by them. In both studies, there was no statistical significant difference in the scene relative to the product offering between the experimental populations, suggesting the absence in our study of a bias towards the specific product in the evaluated populations. These evidences state the importance of the creativity in advertising, in order to attract the target population

    Identifying and diagnosing video streaming performance issues

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    On-line video streaming is an ever evolving ecosystem of services and technologies, where content providers are on a constant race to satisfy the users' demand for richer content and higher bitrate streams, updated set of features and cross-platform compatibility. At the same time, network operators are required to ensure that the requested video streams are delivered through the network with a satisfactory quality in accordance with the existing Service Level Agreements (SLA). However, tracking and maintaining satisfactory video Quality of Experience (QoE) has become a greater challenge for operators than ever before. With the growing popularity of content engagement on handheld devices and over wireless connections, new points-of-failure have added to the list of failures that can affect the video quality. Moreover, the adoption of end-to-end encryption by major streaming services has rendered previously used QoE diagnosis methods obsolete. In this thesis, we identify the current challenges in identifying and diagnosing video streaming issues and we propose novel approaches in order to address them. More specifically, the thesis initially presents methods and tools to identify a wide array of QoE problems and the severity with which they affect the users' experience. The next part of the thesis deals with the investigation of methods to locate under-performing parts of the network that lead to drop of the delivered quality of a service. In this context, we propose a data-driven methodology for detecting the under performing areas of cellular network with sub-optimal Quality of Service (QoS) and video QoE. Moreover, we develop and evaluate a multi-vantage point framework that is capable of diagnosing the underlying faults that cause the disruption of the user's experience. The last part of this work, further explores the detection of network performance anomalies and introduces a novel method for detecting such issues using contextual information. This approach provides higher accuracy when detecting network faults in the presence of high variation and can benefit providers to perform early detection of anomalies before they result in QoE issues.La distribución de vídeo online es un ecosistema de servicios y tecnologías, donde los proveedores de contenidos se encuentran en una carrera continua para satisfacer las demandas crecientes de los usuarios de más riqueza de contenido, velocidad de transmisión, funcionalidad y compatibilidad entre diferentes plataformas. Asimismo, los operadores de red deben asegurar que los contenidos demandados son entregados a través de la red con una calidad satisfactoria según los acuerdos existentes de nivel de servicio (en inglés Service Level Agreement o SLA). Sin embargo, la monitorización y el mantenimiento de un nivel satisfactorio de la calidad de experiencia (en inglés Quality of Experience o QoE) del vídeo online se ha convertido en un reto mayor que nunca para los operadores. Dada la creciente popularidad del consumo de contenido con dispositivos móviles y a través de redes inalámbricas, han aparecido nuevos puntos de fallo que se han añadido a la lista de problemas que pueden afectar a la calidad del vídeo transmitido. Adicionalmente, la adopción de sistemas de encriptación extremo a extremo, por parte de los servicios más importantes de distribución de vídeo online, ha dejado obsoletos los métodos existentes de diagnóstico de la QoE. En esta tesis se identifican los retos actuales en la identificación y diagnóstico de los problemas de transmisión de vídeo online, y se proponen nuevas soluciones para abordar estos problemas. Más concretamente, inicialmente la tesis presenta métodos y herramientas para identificar un conjunto amplio de problemas de QoE y la severidad con los que estos afectan a la experiencia de los usuarios. La siguiente parte de la tesis investiga métodos para localizar partes de la red con un rendimiento bajo que resultan en una disminución de la calidad del servicio ofrecido. En este contexto, se propone una metodología basada en el análisis de datos para detectar áreas de la red móvil que ofrecen un nivel subóptimo de calidad de servicio (en inglés Quality of Service o QoS) y QoE. Además, se desarrolla y se evalúa una solución basada en múltiples puntos de medida que es capaz de diagnosticar los problemas subyacentes que causan la alteración de la experiencia de usuario. La última parte de este trabajo explora adicionalmente la detección de anomalías de rendimiento de la red y presenta un nuevo método para detectar estas situaciones utilizando información contextual. Este enfoque proporciona una mayor precisión en la detección de fallos de la red en presencia de alta variabilidad y puede ayudar a los proveedores a la detección precoz de anomalías antes de que se conviertan en problemas de QoE.La distribució de vídeo online és un ecosistema de serveis i tecnologies, on els proveïdors de continguts es troben en una cursa continua per satisfer les demandes creixents del usuaris de més riquesa de contingut, velocitat de transmissió, funcionalitat i compatibilitat entre diferents plataformes. A la vegada, els operadors de xarxa han d’assegurar que els continguts demandats són entregats a través de la xarxa amb una qualitat satisfactòria segons els acords existents de nivell de servei (en anglès Service Level Agreement o SLA). Tanmateix, el monitoratge i el manteniment d’un nivell satisfactori de la qualitat d’experiència (en anglès Quality of Experience o QoE) del vídeo online ha esdevingut un repte més gran que mai per als operadors. Donada la creixent popularitat del consum de contingut amb dispositius mòbils i a través de xarxes sense fils, han aparegut nous punts de fallada que s’han afegit a la llista de problemes que poden afectar a la qualitat del vídeo transmès. Addicionalment, l’adopció de sistemes d’encriptació extrem a extrem, per part dels serveis més importants de distribució de vídeo online, ha deixat obsolets els mètodes existents de diagnòstic de la QoE. En aquesta tesi s’identifiquen els reptes actuals en la identificació i diagnòstic dels problemes de transmissió de vídeo online, i es proposen noves solucions per abordar aquests problemes. Més concretament, inicialment la tesi presenta mètodes i eines per identificar un conjunt ampli de problemes de QoE i la severitat amb la que aquests afecten a la experiència dels usuaris. La següent part de la tesi investiga mètodes per localitzar parts de la xarxa amb un rendiment baix que resulten en una disminució de la qualitat del servei ofert. En aquest context es proposa una metodologia basada en l’anàlisi de dades per detectar àrees de la xarxa mòbil que ofereixen un nivell subòptim de qualitat de servei (en anglès Quality of Service o QoS) i QoE. A més, es desenvolupa i s’avalua una solució basada en múltiples punts de mesura que és capaç de diagnosticar els problemes subjacents que causen l’alteració de l’experiència d’usuari. L’última part d’aquest treball explora addicionalment la detecció d’anomalies de rendiment de la xarxa i presenta un nou mètode per detectar aquestes situacions utilitzant informació contextual. Aquest enfoc proporciona una major precisió en la detecció de fallades de la xarxa en presencia d’alta variabilitat i pot ajudar als proveïdors a la detecció precoç d’anomalies abans de que es converteixin en problemes de QoE.Postprint (published version
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