102,779 research outputs found

    Grafovi preferencije i njihova primjena

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    Usporedba objekata (alternativa) u parovima često se koristi u kontekstu odlučivanja. Metoda potencijala koristi (težinski) graf preferencije kao osnovnu strukturu generiranu takvim usporedbama. Iz toga grafa, rješavanjem sustava jednadžbi koji uključuje njegovu Laplaceovu matricu, dobiva se funkcija vrijednosti na skupu alternativa koju nazivamo potencijalom. U višekriterijskom ili grupnom odlučivanju (npr. izbornim procedurama), svaki kriterij ili sudionik može se predstaviti grafom preferencije. Multigraf dobiven spajanjem tih grafova koristi se za agregaciju preferencija i generira grupni potencijal. Moguće je postaviti proizvoljne težine da bismo podesili utjecaj pojedinog kriterija ili sudionika na grupni potencijal. Agregaciju grafova preferencije primjenjujemo na izborne procedure. Različiti oblici glasačkih listića generiraju grafove preferencije: tako dobivamo univerzalnu izbornu proceduru koja ne ovisi o obliku glasačkog listića. Još jedna primjena je klasterska analiza skupine na temelju preferencija njezinih članova, gdje valja provesti hijerarhijsku ili particijsku klasterizaciju više grafova preferencije. U tom kontekstu, agregacijski multigraf koristimo za definiranje središta klastera ili udaljenosti dvaju klastera. Opisanu izbornu proceduru, kao i klastersku analizu, za ilustraciju smo primijenili na glasačke preferencije zemalja s Eurosong natjecanja.Pairwise comparison of various objects (alternatives) is common in many procedures related to decision making. Potential Method (PM) uses a (weighted) preference graph as the basic structure generated by such comparisons. This graph implies a value function (called potential) on the set of alternatives. The potential is calculated as a solution of a system of equations involving the Laplacian matrix of the preference graph. In multiple-criteria decision analysis or group decision making (i.e., voting systems), each criterion or decision maker is represented by a preference graph. A multigraph obtained by joining these graphs is used for preference aggregation, generating the group potential. We can set arbitrary weights to adjust the influence of each criterion or decision maker on the group potential. Aggregation of preference graphs is applied to voting systems. Many different forms of voting ballots can generate preference graphs, which gives us a universal (ballot-independent) voting system. Another application is a cluster analysis of the group based on the members’ preferences, where a hierarchical or partitional clustering of their (multiple) preference graphs should be performed. In this context, the multigraph-based aggregation is used to define the center of the cluster or the distance between two clusters. As an illustration, we have applied the described voting system, as well as the cluster analysis, to the voting data from the Eurovision Song Contest

    Grafovi preferencije i njihova primjena

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    Usporedba objekata (alternativa) u parovima često se koristi u kontekstu odlučivanja. Metoda potencijala koristi (težinski) graf preferencije kao osnovnu strukturu generiranu takvim usporedbama. Iz toga grafa, rješavanjem sustava jednadžbi koji uključuje njegovu Laplaceovu matricu, dobiva se funkcija vrijednosti na skupu alternativa koju nazivamo potencijalom. U višekriterijskom ili grupnom odlučivanju (npr. izbornim procedurama), svaki kriterij ili sudionik može se predstaviti grafom preferencije. Multigraf dobiven spajanjem tih grafova koristi se za agregaciju preferencija i generira grupni potencijal. Moguće je postaviti proizvoljne težine da bismo podesili utjecaj pojedinog kriterija ili sudionika na grupni potencijal. Agregaciju grafova preferencije primjenjujemo na izborne procedure. Različiti oblici glasačkih listića generiraju grafove preferencije: tako dobivamo univerzalnu izbornu proceduru koja ne ovisi o obliku glasačkog listića. Još jedna primjena je klasterska analiza skupine na temelju preferencija njezinih članova, gdje valja provesti hijerarhijsku ili particijsku klasterizaciju više grafova preferencije. U tom kontekstu, agregacijski multigraf koristimo za definiranje središta klastera ili udaljenosti dvaju klastera. Opisanu izbornu proceduru, kao i klastersku analizu, za ilustraciju smo primijenili na glasačke preferencije zemalja s Eurosong natjecanja.Pairwise comparison of various objects (alternatives) is common in many procedures related to decision making. Potential Method (PM) uses a (weighted) preference graph as the basic structure generated by such comparisons. This graph implies a value function (called potential) on the set of alternatives. The potential is calculated as a solution of a system of equations involving the Laplacian matrix of the preference graph. In multiple-criteria decision analysis or group decision making (i.e., voting systems), each criterion or decision maker is represented by a preference graph. A multigraph obtained by joining these graphs is used for preference aggregation, generating the group potential. We can set arbitrary weights to adjust the influence of each criterion or decision maker on the group potential. Aggregation of preference graphs is applied to voting systems. Many different forms of voting ballots can generate preference graphs, which gives us a universal (ballot-independent) voting system. Another application is a cluster analysis of the group based on the members’ preferences, where a hierarchical or partitional clustering of their (multiple) preference graphs should be performed. In this context, the multigraph-based aggregation is used to define the center of the cluster or the distance between two clusters. As an illustration, we have applied the described voting system, as well as the cluster analysis, to the voting data from the Eurovision Song Contest

    Grafovi preferencije i njihova primjena

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    Usporedba objekata (alternativa) u parovima često se koristi u kontekstu odlučivanja. Metoda potencijala koristi (težinski) graf preferencije kao osnovnu strukturu generiranu takvim usporedbama. Iz toga grafa, rješavanjem sustava jednadžbi koji uključuje njegovu Laplaceovu matricu, dobiva se funkcija vrijednosti na skupu alternativa koju nazivamo potencijalom. U višekriterijskom ili grupnom odlučivanju (npr. izbornim procedurama), svaki kriterij ili sudionik može se predstaviti grafom preferencije. Multigraf dobiven spajanjem tih grafova koristi se za agregaciju preferencija i generira grupni potencijal. Moguće je postaviti proizvoljne težine da bismo podesili utjecaj pojedinog kriterija ili sudionika na grupni potencijal. Agregaciju grafova preferencije primjenjujemo na izborne procedure. Različiti oblici glasačkih listića generiraju grafove preferencije: tako dobivamo univerzalnu izbornu proceduru koja ne ovisi o obliku glasačkog listića. Još jedna primjena je klasterska analiza skupine na temelju preferencija njezinih članova, gdje valja provesti hijerarhijsku ili particijsku klasterizaciju više grafova preferencije. U tom kontekstu, agregacijski multigraf koristimo za definiranje središta klastera ili udaljenosti dvaju klastera. Opisanu izbornu proceduru, kao i klastersku analizu, za ilustraciju smo primijenili na glasačke preferencije zemalja s Eurosong natjecanja.Pairwise comparison of various objects (alternatives) is common in many procedures related to decision making. Potential Method (PM) uses a (weighted) preference graph as the basic structure generated by such comparisons. This graph implies a value function (called potential) on the set of alternatives. The potential is calculated as a solution of a system of equations involving the Laplacian matrix of the preference graph. In multiple-criteria decision analysis or group decision making (i.e., voting systems), each criterion or decision maker is represented by a preference graph. A multigraph obtained by joining these graphs is used for preference aggregation, generating the group potential. We can set arbitrary weights to adjust the influence of each criterion or decision maker on the group potential. Aggregation of preference graphs is applied to voting systems. Many different forms of voting ballots can generate preference graphs, which gives us a universal (ballot-independent) voting system. Another application is a cluster analysis of the group based on the members’ preferences, where a hierarchical or partitional clustering of their (multiple) preference graphs should be performed. In this context, the multigraph-based aggregation is used to define the center of the cluster or the distance between two clusters. As an illustration, we have applied the described voting system, as well as the cluster analysis, to the voting data from the Eurovision Song Contest

    Millions to the Polls: Practical Policies to Fulfill the Freedom to Vote for All Americans

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    Voting is the bedrock of America's democracy. In a government of, by, and for the people, casting a ballot is the fundamental means through which we all have a say in the political decisions that affect our lives. Yet now, without substantial interventions, the freedom to vote is at great risk.This report contains a comprehensive and bold agenda of 16 policy proposals and common sense reforms. It details policies to help us realize the full promise of a democracy

    Galvanising shareholder activism: a prerequisite for effective corporate governance and accountability in Nigeria

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    Shareholder activism has been largely neglected in the few available studies on corporate governance in sub Saharan Africa. Following the recent challenges posed by the Cadbury Nigeria Plc, this paper examines shareholder activism in an evolving corporate governance institutional context and identifies strategic opportunities associated with shareholders‟ empowerment through changes in code of corporate governance and recent developments in information and communications technologies in Nigeria; especially in relation to corporate social responsibility in Nigeria. It is expected that the paper would contribute to the scarce literature on corporate governance and accountability in Africa

    E-Voting in an ubicomp world: trust, privacy, and social implications

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    The advances made in technology have unchained the user from the desktop into interactions where access is anywhere, anytime. In addition, the introduction of ubiquitous computing (ubicomp) will see further changes in how we interact with technology and also socially. Ubicomp evokes a near future in which humans will be surrounded by “always-on,” unobtrusive, interconnected intelligent objects where information is exchanged seamlessly. This seamless exchange of information has vast social implications, in particular the protection and management of personal information. This research project investigates the concepts of trust and privacy issues specifically related to the exchange of e-voting information when using a ubicomp type system

    Rational Democracy:A Political System for Universal Interest

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    In this paper, we formulate a political system that can satisfy certain desirable characteristics that include democratic participation, serving for universal interest, public sector efficiency, and sustainable by incentive compatibility and virtuous cycles. The system comprises a set of rules and organizations that provide motivations and supports to the participants for enhancing universal interest. It is a political structure that serves the people, rules by rationality, strives for efficiency and is sustainable. They will drive the society toward harmony and rapid growth in the quality of life for all.Political System Design, Economic Development