53 research outputs found

    An Energy-based Approach to Ensure the Stability of Learned Dynamical Systems

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    Non-linear dynamical systems represent a compact, flexible, and robust tool for reactive motion generation. The effectiveness of dynamical systems relies on their ability to accurately represent stable motions. Several approaches have been proposed to learn stable and accurate motions from demonstration. Some approaches work by separating accuracy and stability into two learning problems, which increases the number of open parameters and the overall training time. Alternative solutions exploit single-step learning but restrict the applicability to one regression technique. This paper presents a single-step approach to learn stable and accurate motions that work with any regression technique. The approach makes energy considerations on the learned dynamics to stabilize the system at run-time while introducing small deviations from the demonstrated motion. Since the initial value of the energy injected into the system affects the reproduction accuracy, it is estimated from training data using an efficient procedure. Experiments on a real robot and a comparison on a public benchmark shows the effectiveness of the proposed approach.Comment: Accepted at the International Conference on Robotics and Automation 202

    Gaussian-Process-based Robot Learning from Demonstration

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    Endowed with higher levels of autonomy, robots are required to perform increasingly complex manipulation tasks. Learning from demonstration is arising as a promising paradigm for transferring skills to robots. It allows to implicitly learn task constraints from observing the motion executed by a human teacher, which can enable adaptive behavior. We present a novel Gaussian-Process-based learning from demonstration approach. This probabilistic representation allows to generalize over multiple demonstrations, and encode variability along the different phases of the task. In this paper, we address how Gaussian Processes can be used to effectively learn a policy from trajectories in task space. We also present a method to efficiently adapt the policy to fulfill new requirements, and to modulate the robot behavior as a function of task variability. This approach is illustrated through a real-world application using the TIAGo robot.Comment: 8 pages, 10 figure

    Improving Task-Parameterised Movement Learning Generalisation with Frame-Weighted Trajectory Generation

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    Learning from Demonstration depends on a robot learner generalising its learned model to unseen conditions, as it is not feasible for a person to provide a demonstration set that accounts for all possible variations in non-trivial tasks. While there are many learning methods that can handle interpolation of observed data effectively, extrapolation from observed data offers a much greater challenge. To address this problem of generalisation, this paper proposes a modified Task-Parameterised Gaussian Mixture Regression method that considers the relevance of task parameters during trajectory generation, as determined by variance in the data. The benefits of the proposed method are first explored using a simulated reaching task data set. Here it is shown that the proposed method offers far-reaching, low-error extrapolation abilities that are different in nature to existing learning methods. Data collected from novice users for a real-world manipulation task is then considered, where it is shown that the proposed method is able to effectively reduce grasping performance errors by ∼30%{\sim30\%} and extrapolate to unseen grasp targets under real-world conditions. These results indicate the proposed method serves to benefit novice users by placing less reliance on the user to provide high quality demonstration data sets.Comment: 8 pages, 6 figures, submitted to 2019 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS

    Bayesian Disturbance Injection: Robust Imitation Learning of Flexible Policies

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    Scenarios requiring humans to choose from multiple seemingly optimal actions are commonplace, however standard imitation learning often fails to capture this behavior. Instead, an over-reliance on replicating expert actions induces inflexible and unstable policies, leading to poor generalizability in an application. To address the problem, this paper presents the first imitation learning framework that incorporates Bayesian variational inference for learning flexible non-parametric multi-action policies, while simultaneously robustifying the policies against sources of error, by introducing and optimizing disturbances to create a richer demonstration dataset. This combinatorial approach forces the policy to adapt to challenging situations, enabling stable multi-action policies to be learned efficiently. The effectiveness of our proposed method is evaluated through simulations and real-robot experiments for a table-sweep task using the UR3 6-DOF robotic arm. Results show that, through improved flexibility and robustness, the learning performance and control safety are better than comparison methods.Comment: 7 pages, Accepted by the 2021 International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA 2021

    Dimensionality reduction in learning Gaussian mixture models of movement primitives for contextualized action selection and adaptation

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    © 20xx IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works.Robotic manipulation often requires adaptation to changing environments. Such changes can be represented by a certain number of contextual variables that may be observed or sensed in different manners. When learning and representing robot motion –usually with movement primitives–, it is desirable to adapt the learned behaviors to the current context. Moreover, different actions or motions can be considered in the same framework, using contextualization to decide which action applies to which situation. Such frameworks, however, may easily become large-dimensional, thus requiring to reduce the dimensionality of the parameters space, as well as the amount of data needed to generate and improve the model over experience. In this paper, we propose an approach to obtain a generative model from a set of actions that share a common feature. Such feature, namely a contextual variable, is plugged into the model to generate motion. We encode the data with a Gaussian Mixture Model in the parameter space of Probabilistic Movement Primitives (ProMPs), after performing Dimensionality Reduction (DR) on such parameter space. We append the contextual variable to the parameter space and obtain the number of Gaussian components, i.e., different actions in a dataset, through Persistent Homology. Then, using multimodal Gaussian Mixture Regression (GMR), we can retrieve the most likely actions given a contextual situation and execute them. After actions are executed, we use Reward-Weighted Responsibility GMM (RWR-GMM) update the model after each execution. Experimentation in 3 scenarios shows that the method drastically reduces the dimensionality of the parameter space, thus implementing both action selection and adaptation to a changing situation in an efficient way.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft
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