6 research outputs found


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    FPGA circuits are increasingly used in many fields: for rapid prototyping of new products (including fast ASIC implementation), for logic emulation, for producing a small number of a device, or if a device should be reconfigurable in use (reconfigurable computing). Determining if an arbitrary, given wide, function can be implemented by a programmable logic block, unfortunately, it is generally, a very difficult problem. This problem is called the Boolean matching problem. This paper introduces a new implemented algorithm able to map, both for area and performance, combinational networks using k-LUT based FPGAs.k-LUT based FPGAs, combinational circuits, performance-driven mapping.

    The Digital Design and Synthesis of Delay Doppler Maps in GNSS Remote Sensing Receivers

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    Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS) are satellite based systems primarily capable of determining the location of receivers on the Earth. However, these systems can also receive and process bistatically surface reflected signals, studying the scattering from the signal off the reflection surface. In order to achieve these results, accurate and fast technology are necessary. In this work, a Delay-Doppler mapping module of a GNSS system has been implemented in VHDL and synthesized on FPGA Xilinx-Virtex 6 to map the delay and frequency domains of Earth scattered signals. The designed system presents high timing performance to provide quick and accurate measurements. In this work, a FFT based GNSS mapping algorithms has been designed to process raw samples GNSS data. The remote sensing module has been implemented, generating all the 32 possible C/A codes and then processing the received signal for each of the 32 C/A codes in a pipelined circuit. Once the GNSS power signals have been detected, a final detector is used to compare all the GNSS power signals found with a magnitude twice the noise and with the highest peak to detect the best candidate signal for the Delay Doppler Map (DDM). Different timing delay ranges and Doppler frequency ranges have been considered to compare the performance of the mapping algorithm. The use of an FPGA based algorithm permits significantly higher performance and greater flexibility than software based solutions and opens up the GNSS remote sensing application for integration into real-time instruments

    Pervasive handheld computing systems

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    The technological role of handheld devices is fundamentally changing. Portable computers were traditionally application specific. They were designed and optimised to deliver a specific task. However, it is now commonly acknowledged that future handheld devices need to be multi-functional and need to be capable of executing a range of high-performance applications. This thesis has coined the term pervasive handheld computing systems to refer to this type of mobile device. Portable computers are faced with a number of constraints in trying to meet these objectives. They are physically constrained by their size, their computational power, their memory resources, their power usage, and their networking ability. These constraints challenge pervasive handheld computing systems in achieving their multi-functional and high-performance requirements. This thesis proposes a two-pronged methodology to enable pervasive handheld computing systems meet their future objectives. The methodology is a fusion of two independent and yet complementary concepts. The first step utilises reconfigurable technology to enhance the physical hardware resources within the environment of a handheld device. This approach recognises that reconfigurable computing has the potential to dynamically increase the system functionality and versatility of a handheld device without major loss in performance. The second step of the methodology incorporates agent-based middleware protocols to support handheld devices to effectively manage and utilise these reconfigurable hardware resources within their environment. The thesis asserts the combined characteristics of reconfigurable computing and agent technology can meet the objectives of pervasive handheld computing systems

    Algorithms in computer-aided design of VLSI circuits.

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    With the increased complexity of Very Large Scale Integrated (VLSI) circuits,Computer Aided Design (CAD) plays an even more important role. Top-downdesign methodology and layout of VLSI are reviewed. Moreover, previouslypublished algorithms in CAD of VLSI design are outlined.In certain applications, Reed-Muller (RM) forms when implemented withAND/XOR or OR/XNOR logic have shown some attractive advantages overthe standard Boolean logic based on AND/OR logic. The RM forms implementedwith OR/XNOR logic, known as Dual Forms of Reed-Muller (DFRM),is the Dual form of traditional RM implemented with AND /XOR.Map folding and transformation techniques are presented for the conversionbetween standard Boolean and DFRM expansions of any polarity. Bidirectionalmulti-segment computer based conversion algorithms are also proposedfor large functions based on the concept of Boolean polarity for canonicalproduct-of-sums Boolean functions. Furthermore, another two tabular basedconversion algorithms, serial and parallel tabular techniques, are presented forthe conversion of large functions between standard Boolean and DFRM expansionsof any polarity. The algorithms were tested for examples of up to 25variables using the MCNC and IWLS'93 benchmarks.Any n-variable Boolean function can be expressed by a Fixed PolarityReed-Muller (FPRM) form. In order to have a compact Multi-level MPRM(MMPRM) expansion, a method called on-set table method is developed.The method derives MMPRM expansions directly from FPRM expansions.If searching all polarities of FPRM expansions, the MMPRM expansions withthe least number of literals can be obtained. As a result, it is possible to findthe best polarity expansion among 2n FPRM expansions instead of searching2n2n-1 MPRM expansions within reasonable time for large functions. Furthermore,it uses on-set coefficients only and hence reduces the usage of memorydramatically.Currently, XOR and XNOR gates can be implemented into Look-Up Tables(LUT) of Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs). However, FPGAplacement is categorised to be NP-complete. Efficient placement algorithmsare very important to CAD design tools. Two algorithms based on GeneticAlgorithm (GA) and GA with Simulated Annealing (SA) are presented for theplacement of symmetrical FPGA. Both of algorithms could achieve comparableresults to those obtained by Versatile Placement and Routing (VPR) toolsin terms of the number of routing channel tracks

    Methoden und Werkzeuge zum Einsatz von rekonfigurierbaren Akzeleratoren in Mehrkernsystemen

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    Rechensysteme mit Mehrkernprozessoren werden häufig um einen rekonfigurierbaren Akzelerator wie einen FPGA erweitert. Die Verlagerung von Anwendungsteilen in Hardware wird meist von Spezialisten vorgenommen. Damit Anwender selbst rekonfigurierbare Hardware programmieren können, ist mein Beitrag die komponentenbasierte Programmierung und Verwendung mit automatischer Beachtung der Datenlokalität. So lässt sich auch bei datenintensiven Anwendungen Nutzen aus den Akzeleratoren erzielen