270 research outputs found

    Hidden Markov models and neural networks for speech recognition

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    The Hidden Markov Model (HMMs) is one of the most successful modeling approaches for acoustic events in speech recognition, and more recently it has proven useful for several problems in biological sequence analysis. Although the HMM is good at capturing the temporal nature of processes such as speech, it has a very limited capacity for recognizing complex patterns involving more than first order dependencies in the observed data sequences. This is due to the first order state process and the assumption of state conditional independence between observations. Artificial Neural Networks (NNs) are almost the opposite: they cannot model dynamic, temporally extended phenomena very well, but are good at static classification and regression tasks. Combining the two frameworks in a sensible way can therefore lead to a more powerful model with better classification abilities. The overall aim of this work has been to develop a probabilistic hybrid of hidden Markov models and neural networks and ..

    A Multimodal Sensor Fusion Architecture for Audio-Visual Speech Recognition

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    A key requirement for developing any innovative system in a computing environment is to integrate a sufficiently friendly interface with the average end user. Accurate design of such a user-centered interface, however, means more than just the ergonomics of the panels and displays. It also requires that designers precisely define what information to use and how, where, and when to use it. Recent advances in user-centered design of computing systems have suggested that multimodal integration can provide different types and levels of intelligence to the user interface. The work of this thesis aims at improving speech recognition-based interfaces by making use of the visual modality conveyed by the movements of the lips. Designing a good visual front end is a major part of this framework. For this purpose, this work derives the optical flow fields for consecutive frames of people speaking. Independent Component Analysis (ICA) is then used to derive basis flow fields. The coefficients of these basis fields comprise the visual features of interest. It is shown that using ICA on optical flow fields yields better classification results than the traditional approaches based on Principal Component Analysis (PCA). In fact, ICA can capture higher order statistics that are needed to understand the motion of the mouth. This is due to the fact that lips movement is complex in its nature, as it involves large image velocities, self occlusion (due to the appearance and disappearance of the teeth) and a lot of non-rigidity. Another issue that is of great interest to audio-visual speech recognition systems designers is the integration (fusion) of the audio and visual information into an automatic speech recognizer. For this purpose, a reliability-driven sensor fusion scheme is developed. A statistical approach is developed to account for the dynamic changes in reliability. This is done in two steps. The first step derives suitable statistical reliability measures for the individual information streams. These measures are based on the dispersion of the N-best hypotheses of the individual stream classifiers. The second step finds an optimal mapping between the reliability measures and the stream weights that maximizes the conditional likelihood. For this purpose, genetic algorithms are used. The addressed issues are challenging problems and are substantial for developing an audio-visual speech recognition framework that can maximize the information gather about the words uttered and minimize the impact of noise

    Machine Learning

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    Machine Learning can be defined in various ways related to a scientific domain concerned with the design and development of theoretical and implementation tools that allow building systems with some Human Like intelligent behavior. Machine learning addresses more specifically the ability to improve automatically through experience

    PRIMAL-GMM: PaRametrIc MAnifold Learning of Gaussian Mixture Models.

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    We propose a ParametRIc MAnifold Learning (PRIMAL) algorithm for Gaussian mixtures models (GMM), assuming that GMMs lie on or near to a manifold of probability distributions that is generated from a low-dimensional hierarchical latent space through parametric mappings. Inspired by principal component analysis (PCA), the generative processes for priors, means and covariance matrices are modeled by their respective latent space and parametric mapping. Then, the dependencies between latent spaces are captured by a hierarchical latent space by a linear or kernelized mapping. The function parameters and hierarchical latent space are learned by minimizing the reconstruction error between ground-truth GMMs and manifold-generated GMMs, measured by Kullback-Leibler Divergence (KLD). Variational approximation is employed to handle the intractable KLD between GMMs and a variational EM algorithm is derived to optimize the objective function. Experiments on synthetic data, flow cytometry analysis, eye-fixation analysis and topic models show that PRIMAL learns a continuous and interpretable manifold of GMM distributions and achieves a minimum reconstruction error
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