15 research outputs found

    Designing novel abstraction networks for ontology summarization and quality assurance

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    Biomedical ontologies are complex knowledge representation systems. Biomedical ontologies support interdisciplinary research, interoperability of medical systems, and Electronic Healthcare Record (EHR) encoding. Ontologies represent knowledge using concepts (entities) linked by relationships. Ontologies may contain hundreds of thousands of concepts and millions of relationships. For users, the size and complexity of ontologies make it difficult to comprehend “the big picture” of an ontology\u27s content. For ontology editors, size and complexity make it difficult to uncover errors and inconsistencies. Errors in an ontology will ultimately affect applications that utilize the ontology. In prior studies abstraction networks (AbNs) were developed to provide a compact summary of an ontology\u27s content and structure. AbNs have been shown to successfully support ontology summarization and quality assurance (QA), e.g., for SNOMED CT and NCIt. Despite the success of these previous studies, several major, unaddressed issues affect the applicability and usability of AbNs. This thesis is broken into five major parts, each addressing one issue. The first part of this dissertation addresses the scalability of AbN-based QA techniques to large SNOMED CT hierarchies. Previous studies focused on relatively small hierarchies. The QA techniques developed for these small hierarchies do not scale to large hierarchies, e.g., Procedure and Clinical finding. A new type of AbN, called a subtaxonomy, is introduced to address this problem. Subtaxonomies summarize a subset of an ontology\u27s content. Several types of subtaxonomies and subtaxonomy-based QA studies are discussed. The second part of this dissertation addresses the need for summarization and QA methods for the twelve SNOMED CT hierarchies with no lateral relationships. Previously developed SNOMED CT AbN derivation methodologies, which require lateral relationships, cannot be applied to these hierarchies. The Tribal Abstraction Network (TAN) is a new type of AbN derived using only hierarchical relationships. A TAN-based QA methodology is introduced and the results of a QA review of the Observable entity hierarchy are reported. The third part focuses on the development of generic AbN derivation methods that are applicable to groups of structurally similar ontologies, e.g., those developed in the Web Ontology Language (OWL) format. Previously, AbN derivation techniques were applicable to only a single ontology at a time. AbNs that are applicable to many OWL ontologies are introduced, a preliminary study on OWL AbN granularity is reported on, and the results of several QA studies are presented. The fourth part describes Diff Abstraction Networks, which summarize and visualize the structural differences between two ontology releases. Diff Area Taxonomy and Diff Partial-area Taxonomy derivation methodologies are introduced and Diff Partial-area taxonomies are derived for three OWL ontologies. The Diff Abstraction Network approach is compared to the traditional ontology diff approach. Lastly, tools for deriving and visualizing AbNs are described. The Biomedical Layout Utility Framework is introduced to support the automatic creation, visualization, and exploration of abstraction networks for SNOMED CT and OWL ontologies

    Mining Non-Lattice Subgraphs for Detecting Missing Hierarchical Relations and Concepts in SNOMED CT

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    Objective: Quality assurance of large ontological systems such as SNOMED CT is an indispensable part of the terminology management lifecycle. We introduce a hybrid structural-lexical method for scalable and systematic discovery of missing hierarchical relations and concepts in SNOMED CT. Material and Methods: All non-lattice subgraphs (the structural part) in SNOMED CT are exhaustively extracted using a scalable MapReduce algorithm. Four lexical patterns (the lexical part) are identified among the extracted non-lattice subgraphs. Non-lattice subgraphs exhibiting such lexical patterns are often indicative of missing hierarchical relations or concepts. Each lexical pattern is associated with a potential specific type of error. Results: Applying the structural-lexical method to SNOMED CT (September 2015 US edition), we found 6801 non-lattice subgraphs that matched these lexical patterns, of which 2046 were amenable to visual inspection. We evaluated a random sample of 100 small subgraphs, of which 59 were reviewed in detail by domain experts. All the subgraphs reviewed contained errors confirmed by the experts. The most frequent type of error was missing is-a relations due to incomplete or inconsistent modeling of the concepts. Conclusions: Our hybrid structural-lexical method is innovative and proved effective not only in detecting errors in SNOMED CT, but also in suggesting remediation for these errors

    Auditing SNOMED CT Hierarchical Relations Based on Lexical Features of Concepts in Non-Lattice Subgraphs

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    Objective—We introduce a structural-lexical approach for auditing SNOMED CT using a combination of non-lattice subgraphs of the underlying hierarchical relations and enriched lexical attributes of fully specified concept names. Our goal is to develop a scalable and effective approach that automatically identifies missing hierarchical IS-A relations. Methods—Our approach involves 3 stages. In stage 1, all non-lattice subgraphs of SNOMED CT’s IS-A hierarchical relations are extracted. In stage 2, lexical attributes of fully-specified concept names in such non-lattice subgraphs are extracted. For each concept in a non-lattice subgraph, we enrich its set of attributes with attributes from its ancestor concepts within the non-lattice subgraph. In stage 3, subset inclusion relations between the lexical attribute sets of each pair of concepts in each non-lattice subgraph are compared to existing IS-A relations in SNOMED CT. For concept pairs within each non-lattice subgraph, if a subset relation is identified but an IS-A relation is not present in SNOMED CT IS-A transitive closure, then a missing IS-A relation is reported. The September 2017 release of SNOMED CT (US edition) was used in this investigation. Results—A total of 14,380 non-lattice subgraphs were extracted, from which we suggested a total of 41,357 missing IS-A relations. For evaluation purposes, 200 non-lattice subgraphs were randomly selected from 996 smaller subgraphs (of size 4, 5, or 6) within the “Clinical Finding” and “Procedure” sub-hierarchies. Two domain experts confirmed 185 (among 223) missing IS-A relations, a precision of 82.96%. Conclusions—Our results demonstrate that analyzing the lexical features of concepts in non-lattice subgraphs is an effective approach for auditing SNOMED CT

    Outlier concepts auditing methodology for a large family of biomedical ontologies

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    Background: Summarization networks are compact summaries of ontologies. The “Big Picture” view offered by summarization networks enables to identify sets of concepts that are more likely to have errors than control concepts. For ontologies that have outgoing lateral relationships, we have developed the partial-area taxonomy summarization network. Prior research has identified one kind of outlier concepts, concepts of small partials-areas within partial-area taxonomies. Previously we have shown that the small partial-area technique works successfully for four ontologies (or their hierarchies). Methods: To improve the Quality Assurance (QA) scalability, a family-based QA framework, where one QA technique is potentially applicable to a whole family of ontologies with similar structural features, was developed. The 373 ontologies hosted at the NCBO BioPortal in 2015 were classified into a collection of families based on structural features. A meta-ontology represents this family collection, including one family of ontologies having outgoing lateral relationships. The process of updating the current meta-ontology is described. To conclude that one QA technique is applicable for at least half of the members for a family F, this technique should be demonstrated as successful for six out of six ontologies in F. We describe a hypothesis setting the condition required for a technique to be successful for a given ontology. The process of a study to demonstrate such success is described. This paper intends to prove the scalability of the small partial-area technique. Results: We first updated the meta-ontology classifying 566 BioPortal ontologies. There were 371 ontologies in the family with outgoing lateral relationships. We demonstrated the success of the small partial-area technique for two ontology hierarchies which belong to this family, SNOMED CT’s Specimen hierarchy and NCIt’s Gene hierarchy. Together with the four previous ontologies from the same family, we fulfilled the “six out of six” condition required to show the scalability for the whole family. Conclusions: We have shown that the small partial-area technique can be potentially successful for the family of ontologies with outgoing lateral relationships in BioPortal, thus improve the scalability of this QA technique

    Applications of big knowledge summarization

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    Advanced technologies have resulted in the generation of large amounts of data ( Big Data ). The Big Knowledge derived from Big Data could be beyond humans\u27 ability of comprehension, which will limit the effective and innovative use of Big Knowledge repository. Biomedical ontologies, which play important roles in biomedical information systems, constitute one kind of Big Knowledge repository. Biomedical ontologies typically consist of domain knowledge assertions expressed by the semantic connections between tens of thousands of concepts. Without some high-level visual representation of Big Knowledge in biomedical ontologies, humans cannot grasp the big picture of those ontologies. Such Big Knowledge orientation is required for the proper maintenance of ontologies and their effective use. This dissertation is addressing the Big Knowledge challenge - How to enable humans to use Big Knowledge correctly and effectively (referred to as the Big Knowledge to Use (BK2U) problem) - with a focus on biomedical ontologies. In previous work, Abstraction Networks (AbNs) have been demonstrated successful for the summarization, visualization and quality assurance (QA) of biomedical ontologies. Based on the previous research, this dissertation introduces new AbNs of various granularities for Big Knowledge summarization and extends the applications of AbNs. This dissertation consists of three main parts. The first part introduces two advanced AbNs. One is the weighted aggregate partial-area taxonomy with a parameter to flexibly control the summarization granularity. The second is the Ingredient Abstraction Network (IAbN) for the National Drug File - Reference Terminology (NDF-RT) Chemical Ingredients hierarchy, for which the previously developed AbNs for hierarchies with outgoing relationships, are not applicable. Since NDF-RT\u27s Chemical Ingredients hierarchy has no outgoing relationships. The second part describes applications of the two advanced AbNs. A study utilizing the weighted aggregate partial-area taxonomy for the identification of major topics in SNOMED CT\u27s Specimen hierarchy is reported. A multi-layer interactive visualization system of required granularity for ontology comprehension, based on the weighted aggregate partial-area taxonomy, is demonstrated to comprehend the Neoplasm subhierarchy of National Cancer Institute thesaurus (NCIt). The IAbN is applied for drug-drug interaction (DDI) discovery. The third part reports eight family-based QA studies on NCIt\u27s Neoplasm, Gene, and Biological Process hierarchies, SNOMED CT\u27s Infectious disease hierarchy, the Chemical Entities of Biological Interest ontology, and the Chemical Ingredients hierarchy in NDF-RT. There is no one-size-fits-all QA method and it is impossible to find a QA method for each individual ontology. Hence, family-based QA is an effective way, i.e., one QA technique could be applicable to a whole family of structurally similar ontologies. The results of these studies demonstrate that complex concepts and uncommonly modeled concepts are more likely to have errors. Furthermore, the three studies on overlapping concepts in partial-area taxonomies reported in this dissertation combined with previous three studies prove the success of overlapping concepts as a QA methodology for a whole family of 76 similar ontologies in BioPortal


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    Biomedical terminologies serve as knowledge sources for a wide variety of biomedical applications including information extraction and retrieval, data integration and management, and decision support. Quality issues of biomedical terminologies, if not addressed, could affect all downstream applications that use them as knowledge sources. Therefore, Terminology Quality Assurance (TQA) has become an integral part of the terminology management lifecycle. However, identification of potential quality issues is challenging due to the ever-growing size and complexity of biomedical terminologies. It is time-consuming and labor-intensive to manually audit them and hence, automated TQA methods are highly desirable. In this dissertation, systematic and scalable methods to audit biomedical terminologies utilizing their structural as well as lexical information are proposed. Two inference-based methods, two non-lattice-based methods and a deep learning-based method are developed to identify potentially missing hierarchical (or is-a) relations, erroneous is-a relations, and missing concepts in biomedical terminologies including the Gene Ontology (GO), the National Cancer Institute thesaurus (NCIt), and SNOMED CT. In the first inference-based method, the GO concept names are represented using set-of-words model and sequence-of-words model, respectively. Inconsistencies derived between hierarchical linked and unlinked concept pairs are leveraged to detect potentially missing or erroneous is-a relations. The set-of-words model detects a total of 5,359 potential inconsistencies in the 03/28/2017 release of GO and the sequence-of-words model detects 4,959. Domain experts’ evaluation shows that the set-of-words model achieves a precision of 53.78% (128 out of 238) and the sequence-of-words model achieves a precision of 57.55% (122 out of 212) in identifying inconsistencies. In the second inference-based method, a Subsumption-based Sub-term Inference Framework (SSIF) is developed by introducing a novel term-algebra on top of a sequence-based representation of GO concepts. The sequence-based representation utilizes the part of speech of concept names, sub-concepts (concept names appearing inside another concept name), and antonyms appearing in concept names. Three conditional rules (monotonicity, intersection, and sub-concept rules) are developed for backward subsumption inference. Applying SSIF to the 10/03/2018 release of GO suggests 1,938 potentially missing is-a relations. Domain experts’ evaluation of randomly selected 210 potentially missing is-a relations shows that SSIF achieves a precision of 60.61%, 60.49%, and 46.03% for the monotonicity, intersection, and sub-concept rules, respectively. In the first non-lattice-based method, lexical patterns of concepts in Non-Lattice Subgraphs (NLSs: graph fragments with a higher tendency to contain quality issues), are mined to detect potentially missing is-a relations and missing concepts in NCIt. Six lexical patterns: containment, union, intersection, union-intersection, inference-contradiction, and inference-union are leveraged. Each pattern indicates a potential specific type of error and suggests a potential type of remediation. This method identifies 809 NLSs exhibiting these patterns in the 16.12d version of NCIt, achieving a precision of 66% (33 out of 50). In the second non-lattice-based method, enriched lexical attributes from concept ancestors are leveraged to identify potentially missing is-a relations in NLSs. The lexical attributes of a concept are inherited in two ways: from ancestors within the NLS, and from all the ancestors. For a pair of concepts without a hierarchical relation, if the lexical attributes of one concept is a subset of that of the other, a potentially missing is-a relation between the two concepts is suggested. This method identifies a total of 1,022 potentially missing is-a relations in the 19.01d release of NCIt with a precision of 84.44% (76 out of 90) for inheriting lexical attributes from ancestors within the NLS and 89.02% (73 out of 82) for inheriting from all the ancestors. For the non-lattice-based methods, similar NLSs may contain similar quality issues, and thus exhaustive examination of NLSs would involve redundant work. A hybrid method is introduced to identify similar NLSs to avoid redundant analyses. Given an input NLS, a graph isomorphism algorithm is used to obtain its structurally identical NLSs. A similarity score between the input NLS and each of its structurally identical NLSs is computed based on semantic similarity between their corresponding concept names. To compute the similarity between concept names, the concept names are converted to vectors using the Doc2Vec document embedding model and then the cosine similarity of the two vectors is computed. All the structurally identical NLSs with a similarity score above 0.85 is considered to be similar to the input NLS. Applying this method to 10 different structures of NLSs in the 02/12/2018 release of GO reveals that 38.43% of these NLSs have at least one similar NLS. Finally, a deep learning-based method is explored to facilitate the suggestion of missing is-a relations in NCIt and SNOMED CT. Concept pairs exhibiting a containment pattern is the focus here. The problem is framed as a binary classification task, where given a pair of concepts, the deep learning model learns to predict whether the two concepts have an is-a relation or not. Positive training samples are existing is-a relations in the terminology exhibiting containment pattern. Negative training samples are concept-pairs without is-a relations that are also exhibiting containment pattern. A graph neural network model is constructed for this task and trained with subgraphs generated enclosing the pairs of concepts in the samples. To evaluate each model trained by the two terminologies, two evaluation sets are created considering newer releases of each terminology as a partial reference standard. The model trained on NCIt achieves a precision of 0.5, a recall of 0.75, and an F1 score of 0.6. The model trained on SNOMED CT achieves a precision of 0.51, a recall of 0.64 and an F1 score of 0.56

    Scalable Approaches for Auditing the Completeness of Biomedical Ontologies

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    An ontology provides a formalized representation of knowledge within a domain. In biomedicine, ontologies have been widely used in modern biomedical applications to enable semantic interoperability and facilitate data exchange. Given the important roles that biomedical ontologies play, quality issues such as incompleteness, if not addressed, can affect the quality of downstream ontology-driven applications. However, biomedical ontologies often have large sizes and complex structures. Thus, it is infeasible to uncover potential quality issues through manual effort. In this dissertation, we introduce automated and scalable approaches for auditing the completeness of biomedical ontologies. We mainly focus on two incompleteness issues -- missing hierarchical relations and missing concepts. To identify missing hierarchical relations, we develop three approaches: a lexical-based approach, a hybrid approach utilizing both lexical features and logical definitions, and an approach based on concept name transformation. To identify missing concepts, a lexical-based Formal Concept Analysis (FCA) method is proposed for concept enrichment. We also predict proper concept names for the missing concepts using deep learning techniques. Manual review by domain experts is performed to evaluate these approaches. In addition, we leverage extrinsic knowledge (i.e., external ontologies) to help validate the detected incompleteness issues. The auditing approaches have been applied to a variety of biomedical ontologies, including the SNOMED CT, National Cancer Institute (NCI) Thesaurus and Gene Ontology. In the first lexical-based approach to identify missing hierarchical relations, each concept is modeled with an enriched set of lexical features, leveraging words and noun phrases in the name of the concept itself and the concept\u27s ancestors. Given a pair of concepts that are not linked by a hierarchical relation, if the enriched lexical attributes of one concept is a superset of the other\u27s, a potentially missing hierarchical relation will be suggested. Applying this approach to the September 2017 release of SNOMED CT (US edition) suggested 38,615 potentially missing hierarchical relations. A domain expert reviewed a random sample of 100 potentially missing ones, and confirmed 90 are valid (a precision of 90%). In the second work, a hybrid approach is proposed to detect missing hierarchical relations in non-lattice subgraphs. For each concept, its lexical features are harmonized with role definitions to provide a more comprehensive semantic model. Then a two-step subsumption testing is performed to automatically suggest potentially missing hierarchical relations. This approach identified 55 potentially missing hierarchical relations in the 19.08d version of the NCI Thesaurus. 29 out of 55 were confirmed as valid by the curators from the NCI Enterprise Vocabulary Service (EVS) and have been incorporated in the newer versions of the NCI Thesaurus. 7 out of 55 further revealed incorrect existing hierarchical relations in the NCI Thesaurus. In the third work, we introduce a transformation-based method that leverages the Unified Medical Language System (UMLS) knowledge to identify missing hierarchical relations in its source ontologies. Given a concept name, noun chunks within it are identified and replaced by their more general counterparts to generate new concept names that are supposed to be more general than the original one. Applying this method to the UMLS (2019AB release), a total of 39,359 potentially missing hierarchical relations were detected in 13 source ontologies. Domain experts evaluated a random sample of 200 potentially missing hierarchical relations identified in the SNOMED CT (US edition), and 100 in the Gene Ontology. 173 out of 200 and 63 out of 100 potentially missing hierarchical relations were confirmed by domain experts, indicating our method achieved a precision of 86.5% and 63% for the SNOMED CT and Gene Ontology, respectively. In the work of concept enrichment, we introduce a lexical method based on FCA to identify potentially missing concepts. Lexical features (i.e., words appearing in the concept names) are considered as FCA attributes while generating formal context. Applying multistage intersection on FCA attributes results in newly formalized concepts along with bags of words that can be utilized to name the concepts. This method was applied to the Disease or Disorder sub-hierarchy in the 19.08d version of the NCI Thesaurus and identified 8,983 potentially missing concepts. We performed a preliminary evaluation and validated that 592 out of 8,983 potentially missing concepts were included in external ontologies in the UMLS. After obtaining new concepts and their relevant bags of words, we further developed deep learning-based approaches to automatically predict concept names that comply with the naming convention of a specific ontology. We explored simple neural network, Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM), and Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) combined with LSTM. Our experiments showed that the LSTM-based approach achieved the best performance with an F1 score of 63.41% for predicting names for newly added concepts in the March 2018 release of SNOMED CT (US Edition) and an F1 score of 73.95% for naming missing concepts revealed by our previous work. In the last part of this dissertation, extrinsic knowledge is leveraged to collect supporting evidence for the detected incompleteness issues. We present a work in which cross-ontology evaluation based on extrinsic knowledge from the UMLS is utilized to help validate potentially missing hierarchical relations, aiming at relieving the heavy workload of manual review

    Methodological challenges and analytic opportunities for modeling and interpreting Big Healthcare Data

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    Abstract Managing, processing and understanding big healthcare data is challenging, costly and demanding. Without a robust fundamental theory for representation, analysis and inference, a roadmap for uniform handling and analyzing of such complex data remains elusive. In this article, we outline various big data challenges, opportunities, modeling methods and software techniques for blending complex healthcare data, advanced analytic tools, and distributed scientific computing. Using imaging, genetic and healthcare data we provide examples of processing heterogeneous datasets using distributed cloud services, automated and semi-automated classification techniques, and open-science protocols. Despite substantial advances, new innovative technologies need to be developed that enhance, scale and optimize the management and processing of large, complex and heterogeneous data. Stakeholder investments in data acquisition, research and development, computational infrastructure and education will be critical to realize the huge potential of big data, to reap the expected information benefits and to build lasting knowledge assets. Multi-faceted proprietary, open-source, and community developments will be essential to enable broad, reliable, sustainable and efficient data-driven discovery and analytics. Big data will affect every sector of the economy and their hallmark will be ‘team science’.http://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/134522/1/13742_2016_Article_117.pd