4 research outputs found

    Measuring Hacking Ability Using a Conceptual Expertise Task

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    Hackers pose a continuous and unrelenting threat to organizations. Industry and academic researchers alike can benefit from a greater understanding of how hackers engage in criminal behavior. A limiting factor of hacker research is the inability to verify that self-proclaimed hackers participating in research actually possess their purported knowledge and skills. This paper presents current work in developing and validating a conceptual-expertise based tool that can be used to discriminate between novice and expert hackers. The implications of this work are promising since behavioral information systems researchers operating in the information security space will directly benefit from the validation of this tool. Keywords: hacker ability, conceptual expertise, skill measuremen

    Spreadsheet knowledge: Measuring what user developers know

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    Spreadsheets are frequently used to conduct analyses using organizational data. Spreadsheets, however, frequently contain errors and these affect the quality of the analyses performed by the users who develop their own spreadsheets. This paper describes the development of a diagnostic test for spreadsheet knowledge. The test is designed to be used by individuals, teachers, trainers, and organizations to identify the spreadsheet development training needed by spreadsheet user developers and to examine the success of spreadsheet training programs. Reliability and validity of the test are reported

    The role of spreadsheet knowledge in user developed application success

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    Spreadsheets are the most commonly used tool for end user development of applications, and organizations depend heavily upon them for decision making. This paper reports on a study to investigate the role of spreadsheet knowledge in the successful use of spreadsheet applications. It considers both the spreadsheet knowledge of the user developer and the spreadsheet knowledge of the user and tests a model of the effect of spreadsheet knowledge on the success of a user-developed spreadsheet application. Spreadsheet knowledge was shown to be important in two ways. It influences the quality of the system being developed, but it also acts directly upon the individual impact of the application. Successful use appears to require sufficient knowledge to understand and, if necessary, alter the application

    Las nuevas tecnolog铆as aplicadas a la gesti贸n del conocimiento en el sector sanitario

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    [SPA] En el actual entorno econ贸mico, las Tecnolog铆as de la Informaci贸n y la Comunicaci贸n (TIC) y la Gesti贸n del Conocimiento cobran importancia al configurarse como claves que aportan a las organizaciones la capacidad de respuesta necesaria para ofrecer con rapidez lo que el entorno est谩 demandando. El uso de TIC dentro de una organizaci贸n es una herramienta importante para la Gesti贸n de su Conocimiento con el fin de mejorar su rendimiento. A su vez, las decisiones que conciernen a la aceptaci贸n de las TIC por parte de los diferentes miembros de una organizaci贸n requieren de una adecuada Gesti贸n del Conocimiento en dicha organizaci贸n. En este estudio se propone un modelo de aceptaci贸n de las tecnolog铆as centrado, por un lado, en el an谩lisis de las variables que afectan al valor percibido, por otro lado, de la relaci贸n que existe entre el valor percibido y la satisfacci贸n y por 煤ltimo, en la influencia de la variable de satisfacci贸n sobre la e-lealtad hacia el uso de las TIC por los usuarios externos del sector sanitario. El modelo se ha testado en el contexto de los servicios online proporcionados por la sanidad p煤blica a sus pacientes en un intento de mejorar su eficacia y reducir gastos. En concreto se emple贸 una muestra de 256 usuarios de dichos servicios proporcionados por el Servicio Murciano de Salud. Los resultados sugieren que la capacidad innovativa, la autoeficacia ante las nuevas tecnolog铆as, as铆 como la accesibilidad a la informaci贸n y la comunicaci贸n y el nivel de seguridad de los servicios sanitarios online tienen efectos positivos sobre el valor percibido de los pacientes en el uso de dichos servicios. De igual forma, se confirma tanto la dependencia existente entre la satisfacci贸n y la variable de valor percibido, como la dependencia de la e-lealtad con respecto a la satisfacci贸n. Finalmente, este estudio discute las implicaciones de los resultados, establece las conclusiones del estudio y abre nuevas l铆neas futuras de investigaci贸n basadas en la aceptaci贸n de las tecnolog铆as.[ENG] In the current economic environment, Information Technology and Communication (ICT) and Knowledge Management to gain importance as a key configured to organizations that provide the responsiveness needed to quickly deliver what the environment is demanding. The use of ICT within an organization is an important tool for Knowledge Management to improve performance. In turn, decisions concerning to the acceptance of ICT by different members of an organization requires an adequate Knowledge Management in that organization. This study proposes a model of acceptance of the technology focused on the one hand, on the analysis of the variables that affect the perceived value, on the other hand, on the relationship between perceived value and satisfaction and finally, on the influence of the variable of satisfaction on e-loyalty towards the use of ICT use by external users of the health sector. The model has been tested in the context of online services provided by public health to their patients in an attempt to improve efficiency and reduce costs. In particular we used a sample of 256 users of the services provided by the Health Service of Murcia. The results suggest that the innovative capacity and self-efficacy of new technologies to patients, as well as accessibility to information and communication and level of the safety of online health services have positive effects on the perceived value of the patients in the use of such services. Similarly, it confirms, firstly, the dependence of the variables of satisfaction and perceived value and secondly, the dependence of the e-loyalty to satisfaction. Finally, this study discusses the implications of the results and opens new lines of future research based on the acceptance of technologies.Universidad Polit茅cnica de CartagenaPrograma de doctorado en Administraci贸n y Direcci贸n de Empresa