7 research outputs found

    Power and Energy Optimized Approach towards Sustainable Mobile Ad-hoc Networks and IoT

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    Investigating how real-time applications in sectors like healthcare, agriculture, construction, and manufacturing can enhance their effectiveness and sustainability through the use of autonomous sensor technologies, green computing, and big data analytics is part of the work with sustainable approaches for optimising performance of networks. This authoritative guide exposes the drawbacks of conventional technology and provides techniques and tactics for addressing Quality of Service (QOS) issues and enhancing network performance. It brings together a broad team of subject-matter specialists. Several in-depth chapters cover topics like blockchain-assisted secure data sharing, intelligent management of ad hoc networks, smart 5G Internet of Things scenarios, and the use of artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning (ML), and learning techniques (DL) techniques in smart healthcare, smart factory, and smart agriculture

    A Novel Hybrid Authentication Model for Geo Location Oriented Routing in Dynamic Wireless Mesh Networks

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    Authentication is an essential part of any network and plays a pivotal role in ensuring the security of a network by preventing unauthorised devices/users access to the network. As dynamic wireless mesh networks are evolving and being accepted in various fields, there is a strong need to improve the security of the network. It’s features like self-organizing and self-healing make it great but get undermined when rigid authentication schemes are used. We propose a hybrid authentication scheme for such dynamic mesh networks under three specified scenarios; full authentication, quick authentication and new node authentication. The proposed schemes are applied on our previous works on dynamic mesh routing protocol, Geo location Oriented Routing Protocol (GLOR Simulation results show our proposed scheme is efficient in terms of resource utilization as well as defending against security threats

    Systematic Review of Internet of Things Security

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    The Internet of Things has become a new paradigm of current communications technology that requires a deeper overview to map its application domains, advantages, and disadvantages. There have been a number of in-depth research efforts to study various aspects of IoT. However, to the best of our knowledge, there is no literature that have discussed specifically and deeply about the security and privacy aspects of IoT. To that end, this paper aims at providing a more comprehensive and systematic review of IoT security based on the survey result of the most recent literature over the past three years (2015 to 2017). We have classified IoT security research based on the research objectives, application domains, vulner-abilities/threats, countermeasures, platforms, proto-cols, and performance measurements. We have also provided some security challenges for further research

    A Conditional Privacy Preserving Authentication and Multi Party Group Key Establishment Scheme for Real-Time Application in VANETs

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    Vehicular Ad-hoc Networks (VANETs) are a cardinal part of intelligent transportation system (ITS) which render various services in terms of traffic and transport management. The VANET is used to manage growing traffic and manage data about traffic conditions, weather, road conditions, speed of the vehicle, etc. Even though, VANETs are self-sufficient and effective networks but they still suffer from various security and privacy issues. VANETs need to ensure that an adversary should not be able to breach user associated data and delete or modify the exchanged messages for its gains, as these messages comprise of sensitive data. In this paper, we have proposed an authentication and key-agreement protocol based on cryptographic hash functions which makes it lightweight in nature and also suitable for VANET environment. Moreover, to enhance the security and reliability of the entire system, the proposed key-agreement protocol makes use of random session modulus to compute a dynamic session key i.e. for every session, vehicles generate their session specific secret modulus which are then converged to form a common group session key. The formal verification of the proposed work is done using Real - or - Random oracle model, AVISPA and BAN Logic while informal security analysis shows that the proposed protocol can withstand various attacks. The simulation results and analysis prove that the proposed work is efficient and has a real-time application in VANET environment

    Emociones y personalidad en la adopción de eWOM, modelo causal y análisis de neuromarketing

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    El desarrollo de esta tesis, como su título indica, es el análisis del eWOM a través de la personalidad y las emociones en el ámbito del turismo, a través de un a análisis consciente con una encuesta y con un análisis no consciente mediante una herramienta de neuromarketing. La importancia de este trabajo se basa en la progresiva importancia que están teniendo los comentarios online en nuestro día a día, y más concretamente en el sector turístico y en su potencial relación con la personalidad y las emociones a la hora de la reserva en la web. La presente tesis doctoral tiene por finalidad, diseñar y contrastar empíricamente un modelo de relaciones causales, que analiza los efectos en la conducta del consumidor en la reserva online de alojamientos turísticos. Los efectos, en la conducta del consumidor, se analizan a partir de la personalidad del usuario y las emociones que puedan generar dicha reserva online por medio de un modelo que establece variables antecedentes y consecuencias en el contexto de los eWOM. En este modelo existen distintas dimensiones de la influencia de los comentarios online hasta llegar al comportamiento de compra del consumidor en las distintas dimensiones que aquí se exponen. Esta tesis consta de dos estudios: el Estudio 1, para intentar conocer el impacto del eWOM en el turista a través de las redes sociales mediante el método tradicional de encuesta. En el estudio 2 analizamos las respuestas neurofisiológicas a unas imágenes relativas a un alojamiento rural con unos comentarios simulados de TripAdvisor y su posterior realización de un cuestionario donde se les pregunta las mismas cuestiones que en el estudio anterior en relación a las cuestiones generales, la motivación al uso de las redes sociales, el comportamiento de compra online y los rasgos de personalidad. En este estudio 2 utilizamos el eye tracking o registro ocular y el face reader o lector de expresión facial además de un cuestionario para conocer la opinión de los consumidores