738 research outputs found

    Demo abstract: RadiaLE: a framework for benchmarking link quality estimators

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    Link quality estimation is a fundamental building block for the design of several different mechanisms and protocols in wireless sensor networks (WSN). A thorough experimental evaluation of link quality estimators (LQEs) is thus mandatory. Several WSN experimental testbeds have been designed ([1–4]) but only [3] and [2] targeted link quality measurements. However, these were exploited for analyzing low-power links characteristics rather than the performance of LQEs. Despite its importance, the experimental performance evaluation of LQEs remains an open problem, mainly due to the difficulty to provide a quantitative evaluation of their accuracy. This motivated us to build a benchmarking testbed for LQE - RadiaLE, which we present here as a demo. It includes (i.) hardware components that represent the WSN under test and (ii.) a software tool for the set up and control of the experiments and also for analyzing the collected data, allowing for LQEs evaluation

    The Bus Goes Wireless: Routing-Free Data Collection with QoS Guarantees in Sensor Networks

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    Abstract—We present the low-power wireless bus (LWB), a new communication paradigm for QoS-aware data collection in lowpower sensor networks. The LWB maps all communication onto network floods by using Glossy, an efficient flooding architecture for wireless sensor networks. Therefore, unlike current solutions, the LWB requires no information of the network topology, and inherently supports networks with mobile nodes and multiple data sinks. A LWB prototype implemented in Contiki guarantees bounded end-to-end communication delay and duplicate-free, inorder packet delivery—key QoS requirements in many control and mission-critical applications. Experiments on two testbeds demonstrate that the LWB prototype outperforms state-of-theart data collection and link layer protocols, in terms of reliability and energy efficiency. For instance, we measure an average radio duty cycle of 1.69 % and an overall data yield of 99.97 % in a typical data collection scenario with 85 sensor nodes on Twist. I

    Low Power, Low Delay: Opportunistic Routing meets Duty Cycling

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    Traditionally, routing in wireless sensor networks consists of two steps: First, the routing protocol selects a next hop, and, second, the MAC protocol waits for the intended destination to wake up and receive the data. This design makes it difficult to adapt to link dynamics and introduces delays while waiting for the next hop to wake up. In this paper we introduce ORW, a practical opportunistic routing scheme for wireless sensor networks. In a dutycycled setting, packets are addressed to sets of potential receivers and forwarded by the neighbor that wakes up first and successfully receives the packet. This reduces delay and energy consumption by utilizing all neighbors as potential forwarders. Furthermore, this increases resilience to wireless link dynamics by exploiting spatial diversity. Our results show that ORW reduces radio duty-cycles on average by 50% (up to 90% on individual nodes) and delays by 30% to 90% when compared to the state of the art

    Traffic eavesdropping based scheme to deliver time-sensitive data in sensor networks

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    Due to the broadcast nature of wireless channels, neighbouring sensor nodes may overhear packets transmissions from each other even if they are not the intended recipients of these transmissions. This redundant packet reception leads to unnecessary expenditure of battery energy of the recipients. Particularly in highly dense sensor networks, overhearing or eavesdropping overheads can constitute a significant fraction of the total energy consumption. Since overhearing of wireless traffic is unavoidable and sometimes essential, a new distributed energy efficient scheme is proposed in this paper. This new scheme exploits the inevitable overhearing effect as an effective approach in order to collect the required information to perform energy efficient delivery for data aggregation. Based on this approach, the proposed scheme achieves moderate energy consumption and high packet delivery rate notwithstanding the occurrence of high link failure rates. The performance of the proposed scheme is experimentally investigated a testbed of TelosB motes in addition to ns-2 simulations to validate the performed experiments on large-scale network

    Link Quality Metrics in Large Scale Indoor Wireless Sensor Networks

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    International audiencePouvoir estimer la qualité d'un lien sur la base d'un minimum de paquets est essentiel pour un réseau de capteur sans fil multisaut en environnement "indoor" compte tenu du coût énergétique de cette estimation et de ses conséquences sur la stabilité des routes construites sur ces liens. Notre étude s'appuie ainsi sur des expérimentations intensives menées sur une plateforme Senslab (\cite{www_senslab}) qui nous ont permis de trouver des lois de distribution suivies par les métriques physiques (RSSI, LQI) pour 3 catégories de liens (bons, mauvais, intermédiaires) regroupés par plage de PRR (Packet Reception Ratio). Sur la base de ces distributions, nous observons comment elles peuvent nous aider à discriminer les différents liens et ainsi les utiliser dans de futures expérimentations pour améliorer l'efficacité de protocoles de routage de réseaux de capteurs dans le choix des liens
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