9,747 research outputs found

    Exceeding classical capacity limit in quantum optical channel

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    The amount of information transmissible through a communications channel is determined by the noise characteristics of the channel and by the quantities of available transmission resources. In classical information theory, the amount of transmissible information can be increased twice at most when the transmission resource (e.g. the code length, the bandwidth, the signal power) is doubled for fixed noise characteristics. In quantum information theory, however, the amount of information transmitted can increase even more than twice. We present a proof-of-principle demonstration of this super-additivity of classical capacity of a quantum channel by using the ternary symmetric states of a single photon, and by event selection from a weak coherent light source. We also show how the super-additive coding gain, even in a small code length, can boost the communication performance of conventional coding technique.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure


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    A unique binary four-point approximating subdivision scheme has been developed in which one part of binary formula have stationary mask and other part have the non-stationary mask. The resulting curves have the smoothness of C3 continuous for the wider range of shape control parameter. The role of the parameter has been depicted using the square form of discrete control points

    Efficient Unified Arithmetic for Hardware Cryptography

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    The basic arithmetic operations (i.e. addition, multiplication, and inversion) in finite fields, GF(q), where q = pk and p is a prime integer, have several applications in cryptography, such as RSA algorithm, Diffie-Hellman key exchange algorithm [1], the US federal Digital Signature Standard [2], elliptic curve cryptography [3, 4], and also recently identity based cryptography [5, 6]. Most popular finite fields that are heavily used in cryptographic applications due to elliptic curve based schemes are prime fields GF(p) and binary extension fields GF(2n). Recently, identity based cryptography based on pairing operations defined over elliptic curve points has stimulated a significant level of interest in the arithmetic of ternary extension fields, GF(3^n)

    The Mask of Odd Points n

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    We present an explicit formula for the mask of odd points n-ary, for any odd n⩾3, interpolating subdivision schemes. This formula provides the mask of lower and higher arity schemes. The 3-point and 5-point a-ary schemes introduced by Lian, 2008, and (2m+1)-point a-ary schemes introduced by, Lian, 2009, are special cases of our explicit formula. Moreover, other well-known existing odd point n-ary schemes including the schemes introduced by Zheng et al., 2009, can easily be generated by our formula. In addition, error bounds between subdivision curves and control polygons of schemes are computed. It has been noticed that error bounds decrease when the complexity of the scheme decreases and vice versa. Also, as we increase arity of the schemes the error bounds decrease. Furthermore, we present brief comparison of total absolute curvature of subdivision schemes having different arity with different complexity. Convexity preservation property of scheme is also presented

    The Linear Information Coupling Problems

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    Many network information theory problems face the similar difficulty of single-letterization. We argue that this is due to the lack of a geometric structure on the space of probability distribution. In this paper, we develop such a structure by assuming that the distributions of interest are close to each other. Under this assumption, the K-L divergence is reduced to the squared Euclidean metric in an Euclidean space. In addition, we construct the notion of coordinate and inner product, which will facilitate solving communication problems. We will present the application of this approach to the point-to-point channel, general broadcast channel, and the multiple access channel (MAC) with the common source. It can be shown that with this approach, information theory problems, such as the single-letterization, can be reduced to some linear algebra problems. Moreover, we show that for the general broadcast channel, transmitting the common message to receivers can be formulated as the trade-off between linear systems. We also provide an example to visualize this trade-off in a geometric way. Finally, for the MAC with the common source, we observe a coherent combining gain due to the cooperation between transmitters, and this gain can be quantified by applying our technique.Comment: 27 pages, submitted to IEEE Transactions on Information Theor

    Sixteen space-filling curves and traversals for d-dimensional cubes and simplices

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    This article describes sixteen different ways to traverse d-dimensional space recursively in a way that is well-defined for any number of dimensions. Each of these traversals has distinct properties that may be beneficial for certain applications. Some of the traversals are novel, some have been known in principle but had not been described adequately for any number of dimensions, some of the traversals have been known. This article is the first to present them all in a consistent notation system. Furthermore, with this article, tools are provided to enumerate points in a regular grid in the order in which they are visited by each traversal. In particular, we cover: five discontinuous traversals based on subdividing cubes into 2^d subcubes: Z-traversal (Morton indexing), U-traversal, Gray-code traversal, Double-Gray-code traversal, and Inside-out traversal; two discontinuous traversals based on subdividing simplices into 2^d subsimplices: the Hill-Z traversal and the Maehara-reflected traversal; five continuous traversals based on subdividing cubes into 2^d subcubes: the Base-camp Hilbert curve, the Harmonious Hilbert curve, the Alfa Hilbert curve, the Beta Hilbert curve, and the Butz-Hilbert curve; four continuous traversals based on subdividing cubes into 3^d subcubes: the Peano curve, the Coil curve, the Half-coil curve, and the Meurthe curve. All of these traversals are self-similar in the sense that the traversal in each of the subcubes or subsimplices of a cube or simplex, on any level of recursive subdivision, can be obtained by scaling, translating, rotating, reflecting and/or reversing the traversal of the complete unit cube or simplex.Comment: 28 pages, 12 figures. v2: fixed a confusing typo on page 12, line

    Ternary shape-preserving subdivision schemes

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    We analyze the shape-preserving properties of ternary subdivision schemes generated by bell-shaped masks. We prove that any bell-shaped mask, satisfying the basic sum rules, gives rise to a convergent monotonicity preserving subdivision scheme, but convexity preservation is not guaranteed. We show that to reach convexity preservation the first order divided difference scheme needs to be bell-shaped, too. Finally, we show that ternary subdivision schemes associated with certain refinable functions with dilation 3 have shape-preserving properties of higher order
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