17 research outputs found

    Evaluation of the readiness of the ait organization artificial satellites applied for stakeholders requirements/ Avaliação da prontidão dos satélites artificiais da organização da ait aplicados aos requisitos das partes interessadas

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    The activities of Assembly, Integration and Testing of an artificial satellite corresponds to a set of procedures and the execution of the logically correlated events sequence to obtain a high degree of confidence of satellite operation. The Assembly, Integration and Testing (AIT) activities are performed to ensure that all specified design and performance parameters were reached. Within this context, all the environmental conditions in which the satellite will be asked for, from its launch until its operation in orbit, are simulated. The study presented herein is part of a Ph.D. research, with the purpose of developing a conceptual framework and a methodology for analysis of the AIT organization readiness level to integrate a particular satellite in order to satisfy all stakeholders' requirements (AIT stakeholders) valuing quality, reliability, safety and compliance of performance parameters usually adopted by the AIT organization

    Разработка Telegram-бота «Определение уровня готовности технологии»

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    The article proposes a Telegram bot to automate the process of assessing the readiness level of the technology. Flowcharts reflecting the algorithm of the bot, and images demonstrating the appearance of its interface are presented. To confirm the correct operation of the Telegram bot, a random project was taken, its main characteristics were highlighted, and based on them, a conclusion about the technology readiness level was made in two ways: by expert evaluation in accordance with the national standard and using a bot running on a personal computer with the Windows operating system and on a mobile device with the Android operating system. With equal input data, the conclusion about the readiness level of the technology obtained at the output of the algorithm coincides with the result of the expert assessment. It is proposed to use the Telegram bot as a source of an additional opinion about the level of technological readiness of the project.В статье предложен Telegram-бот для автоматизации процесса оценки уровня готовности технологии. Представлены блок-схемы, отражающие алгоритм работы бота, и изображения, демонстрирующие внешний вид его интерфейса. Для подтверждения корректной работы Telegram-бота взят случайный проект, выделены его основные характеристики, и на их основе двумя способами сделан вывод об уровне готовности технологии: путем экспертной оценки в соответствии с национальным стандартом и с помощью бота, запущенного на персональном компьютере с операционной системой Windows и на мобильном устройстве с операционной системой Android. При равных входных данных заключение об уровне готовности технологии, полученное на выходе алгоритма, совпадает с результатом экспертной оценки. Предлагается использовать Telegram-бот в качестве источника второго мнения об уровне технологической готовности проекта

    Developing the framework for multi-criteria assessment of smart local energy systems

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    In response to the climate emergency, energy landscapes are rapidly shifting to cleaner, decentralised smart local energy systems (SLESs). SLES will facilitate connection of transport, heat and power through flexible energy supply, demand and storage options supported by digital technology. SLESs are expected to contribute to tackling the energy trilemma (cost, security and sustainability), but there is also scope for them to offer many co-benefits aligned with the United Nations (UN) Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). These benefits may drive for ongoing political and financial investment in SLES; therefore, there’s a need to indicate how a SLES is performing over time relative to each of them. Currently, there is no standardised approach to evaluate SLES and most of the existing techno-socio-economic tools have limited scope to assess the complex multiple performance indices, scenarios and stakeholders. The Innovate UK-funded EnergyREV research consortium is developing a multi-criteria assessment tool (MCA) for SLES. This paper describes the first step in this process – developing a simplified and standardised framework for assessing the performance of the system and the realization of benefits. It explores existing protocols and stakeholder opinion to identify 50 potential factors that are important in monitoring the system performance. These are clustered into 10 key themes to create a taxonomy for SLES performance that are aligned with relevant UN SDGs to track wider co-benefits. The resulting MCA tool will be instrumental to project stakeholders in providing evidence to support performance claims and identifying potential benefits beyond targeted key performance indicators

    AEB Online Calculator for Assessing Technology Maturity: IMATEC

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    This paper exposes initially the motivations for developing a TRL online calculator by AEB (Brazilian Space Agency; in Portuguese, Agência Espacial Brasileira). Such motivations demand the tool to be a way not only to assess the TRL condition of operational space missions and systems, but also as a method of evaluating and sharing proposals with new technological content. The TRL methodology and its relation to risk management are discussed. The development phases of the IMATEC Lite application are then described, with emphasis to the data handling structure capable of storing the user product model. A result of technology assessment using the software is detailed by presenting the PBS of the SERPENS 1 mission nanosatellite. The prospects of using the tool for judging the acceptability of new missions and projects are discussed, as well as some of the encountered difficulties

    Modelo de análise de prontidão para inovação para empresas nascentes / Analysis model of innovation readiness for nascent companies

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    As empresas nascentes, do tipo Startups, são criadas para entregar um novo produto ou serviço sobre condições de extrema incerteza, com um modelo de negócios a ser validado e executado com eficiência. Contudo, precisam validar a concepção do produto ou serviço, levantar investimentos e gerar receita pela comercialização em um mercado desconhecido. Então, como uma empresa nascente poderá avaliar se o seu produto ou serviço está pronto para o mercado? Como os gestores de uma Startup podem se comunicar com investidores sobre o estado atual do desenvolvimento tecnológico do produto ou serviço? Este artigo analisa o emprego de instrumentos de medida de níveis de prontidão tecnológica que auxiliem empresas nascentes, do tipo Startups, a avaliar o estado atual do desenvolvimento de sua solução tecnológica e outros aspectos pertinentes ao seu modelo de negócios. A avaliação dos níveis é verificada por meio de evidências qualitativas e documentais

    Development of technology maturity framework in managing manufacturing improvement for innovation providers

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    Readiness measurement frameworks have been used in different sectors of industry for many years. Many companies described them as essential when considering product development processes. Unfortunately, most of these frameworks cannot be directly applied in research centre environment for two reasons: too complicated, and not relevant to research centres‟ nature of work (Gove and Uzdzinski, 2013; Lind et al., 2013; Mankinsab, 2009). In addition, innovation providers have to consider global megatrends and the way they influence the community especially the manufacturing sector. For example, an increasing demand for customised nano- and macro- technologies has been observed and this trend has created a great impact on technological innovations and directions that research projects will follow in the coming years. This study focuses on manufacturing sector as this sector is mostly affected by the megatrends (Hajkowicz, 2015; Korn Ferry Hay Group, 2016; Ernest & Young, 2015). As existing industrial frameworks are not applicable at research centres, there is a need for developing new framework that would help not only with monitoring technology development processes, but also with decision-making processes. In fact, the majority of research centres in the UK often use road-mapping to evaluate and decide what would be their next actions. However, road-mapping was sometimes described as unreliable and hard to validate (Kostoff & Schaller, 2001). Anew framework would therefore be a better alternative. Preliminary studies suggested that there is a need for a new research centre-oriented framework, hence called technology maturity (Dombrowski et al., 2016; Gove & Uzdzinski, 2013). Moreover, given the importance of megatrends to the manufacturing sector, technology maturity, is found crucial when developing new technological solutions and considering so-called "valley of death", i.e. the transition from the innovation stage to the competitive manufacturing stage. Therefore, the main goal of this paper is to develop a conceptual maturity framework and support research centres to enter Industry 4.0 by overcoming some of the modern engineering issues such as "valley of death"

    Three dimensions of maturity required to achieve future state, technology-enabled manufacturing supply chains

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    The particular challenges associated with supply chain application of emerging manufacturing technologies are increasingly recognised in industry, academia and government. The problem is often described in terms of Technology Readiness Levels (TRLs), with the particular challenge relating to the stages between proof of concept and initial adoption in the factory environment. In the UK the government has established the High Value Manufacturing Catapult, a network of manufacturing innovation centres brought together with the objective of addressing the so called ‘valley of death’ between traditional academic research and industrial needs across a broad spectrum of manufacturing process technology. This is achieved through demonstrating manufacturing technology at full scale, in factory representative environments in terms of equipment, process control and operation. This provision helps to address the key gap of full scale pre-production capability demonstration and can be seen to de-risk investment in new manufacturing technology. This paper argues that addressing this particular gap is entirely necessary but not sufficient to drive exploitation of the full potential that is available from the latest manufacturing technologies. A three dimensional maturity based framework is proposed which, in addition to considerations of technology demonstration, also allows the position of the target product application in its product lifecycle, and the readiness of the supply chain to receive the technology to be taken into account as success factors in the potential for industrialisation. Case study examples, both current and historical, are used to illustrate the need for such an approach in achieving future technology enabled supply chains. In combination this analysis introduces the basis of a more complete ‘long valley of death’ description which articulates the needs of research networks to establish a level of foundational capability ahead of specific client readiness projects in order to maximise overall pace and achieve a level of agility of delivery which is consistent with future views on digitalisation of manufacture

    Propuesta metodológica para determinar los niveles de madurez tecnológica TRL 4 a TRL 7 para aplicaciones móviles

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    Las industrias dentro de sus estrategias de transformación para la mejora, pueden apoyarse en el uso de aplicaciones móviles (Apps), cuya calidad, es fundamental para la disminución de errores en producción, garantizar mayor cobertura y optimización de costos y tiempos; aspectos importantes para la generación de confianza en los involucrados; a partir de esta necesidad, surgen modelos de evaluación de la madurez, como, por ejemplo, Technology Readiness Levels (TRL), que ha sido acogido por entidades como el Ministerio de Ciencias, Tecnología e Innovación en Colombia, con el fin de identificar el alcance de las actividades asociadas a la investigación, el desarrollo tecnológico y la Innovación (I+D+i) de los proyectos que le son presentados. Cada desarrollo tecnológico tiene sus particularidades y las aplicaciones móviles no son la excepción, razón por la cual es deseable, contar con elementos que permitan la evaluación de madurez de las Apps, basadas en el modelo TRL. Por esta razón se plantea la construcción de una metodología que busca facilitar la determinación de la madurez de una App, mediante el mapeo en los Niveles de Madurez Tecnológica (TRL4 al TRL7). Para lograr esta meta, se realizó una revisión sistemática de la adopción de TRL a los productos de software incluyendo las aplicaciones móviles, encontrando algunas investigaciones que se tomaron de base, pero reafirmando la ausencia de una  metodología, que abordara de forma amplia el uso de aplicaciones móviles; una vez se contó con estos insumos, se procedió a revisar los diferentes métodos, técnicas y herramientas usadas en la evaluación tecnológica de software aplicables a móviles, seleccionando las más apropiadas, para luego diseñar una serie de actividades y artefactos que componen la herramienta que se validó a través de la evaluación de un  producto tecnológico dentro de un proyecto de convocatoria de Minciencias, dando como resultado el poder realizar la valoración de la madurez tecnológica en los niveles del 4 al 7 dentro del modelo TRL, y presentando a la comunidad académica y científica un producto replicable, aplicable y adaptable a productos tecnológicos similares. Finalmente se puede concluir que es muy importante contar con herramientas como la presentada aquí, para apoyar los procesos de investigación e innovación, asegurando la calidad de los productos tecnológicos y cumplir lo planteado en el modelo TR