3 research outputs found

    Comparison of chemical clustering methods using graph- and fingerprint-based similarity measures

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    This paper compares several published methods for clustering chemical structures, using both graph- and fingerprint-based similarity measures. The clusterings from each method were compared to determine the degree of cluster overlap. Each method was also evaluated on how well it grouped structures into clusters possessing a non-trivial substructural commonality. The methods which employ adjustable parameters were tested to determine the stability of each parameter for datasets of varying size and composition. Our experiments suggest that both graph- and fingerprint-based similarity measures can be used effectively for generating chemical clusterings; it is also suggested that the CAST and Yin–Chen methods, suggested recently for the clustering of gene expression patterns, may also prove effective for the clustering of 2D chemical structures

    Data Transmissions using Hub Nodes in Vehicular Social Networks

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    © 2020 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works.[EN] Vehicular Social Networks (VSNs) consist of groups of individuals (i.e., people) who may share common interests, preferences and needs in the context of temporal spatial proximity on roads. In this environment, the impact of human social factors, such as mobility, willingness to cooperate and personal preferences, on vehicular connectivity is taken under consideration, thus extending the concept of Vehicular Ad-hoc Networks. In VSNs, vehicles are classified based on their social degree, a vehicle considered to be a ¿social¿ one if it accesses the vehicular social network and posts messages with a frequency higher than a given threshold. Therefore, to speed up the data dissemination process within a vehicular social network, a packet should be forwarded to those vehicles showing high social activity. In a previous paper, we introduced a new probabilistic-based broadcasting scheme called SCARF (SoCial-Aware Reliable Forwarding Technique for Vehicular Communications), and we analytically demonstrated its effectiveness in packet transmission reduction while guaranteeing network dissemination. In this paper, we assess SCARF in more realistic scenarios with real traffic traces, and we compare it with other similar techniques. We show that SCARF outperforms other approaches in terms of delivery ratio, while guaranteeing acceptable time delay values and average number of forwardings.Vegni, AM.; Souza, C.; Loscrí, V.; Hernández-Orallo, E.; Manzoni, P. (2020). Data Transmissions using Hub Nodes in Vehicular Social Networks. IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing. 19(7):1570-1585. https://doi.org/10.1109/TMC.2019.2928803S1570158519


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    Cloud motion wind (CMW) determination requires tracking of individual cloud targets. This is achieved by first clustering and then tracking each cloud cluster. Ideally, different cloud clusters correspond to diiferent pressure levels. Two new clustering techniques have been developed for the identification of cloud types in multi-spectral satellite imagery. The first technique is the Global-Local clustering algorithm. It is a cascade of a histogram clustering algorithm and a dynamic clustering algorithm. The histogram clustering algorithm divides the multi-spectral histogram into'non-overlapped regions, and these regions are used to initialise the dynamic clustering algorithm. The dynamic clustering algorithm assumes clusters have a Gaussian distributed probability density function with diiferent population size and variance. The second technique uses graph theory to exploit the spatial information which is often ignored in per-pixel clustering. The algorithm is in two stages: spatial clustering and spectral clustering. The first stage extracts homogeneous objects in the image using a family of algorithms based on stepwise optimization. This family of algorithms can be further divided into two approaches: Top-down and Bottom-up. The second stage groups similar segments into clusters using a statistical hypothesis test on their similarities. The clusters generated are less noisy along class boundaries and are in hierarchical order. A criterion based on mutual information is derived to monitor the spatial clustering process and to suggest an optimal number of segments. An automated cloud motion tracking program has been developed. Three images (each separated by 30 minutes) are used to track cloud motion and the middle image is clustered using Global-Local clustering prior to tracking. Compared with traditional methods based on raw images, it is found that separation of cloud types before cloud tracking can reduce the ambiguity due to multi-layers of cloud moving at different speeds and direction. Three matching techniques are used and their reliability compared. Target sizes ranging from 4 x 4 to 32 x 32 are tested and their errors compared. The optimum target size for first generation METEOSAT images has also been found.Meteorological Office, Bracknel