53 research outputs found

    The Effectiveness of Using Interactive Multimedia on the Learning Process for Enhancing the Connection between Education and Practice

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    Interactive multimedia technology enhances the educational process by increasing interaction between teachers and students at universities, especially in the practical subjects. The use of multimedia technology in the educational field has a role-play to enhance the quality of teaching and outcomes for students. In this vein, the educational institutions are using multimedia tools such as video, sound, and animated presentations and simulations to advance their teaching strategies. This benefits college students. The interactive multimedia learning has become a popular teaching strategy that uses visual and audio annotations to help students understand lessons easily and quickly. Therefore, this study aims to examine the effectiveness of using multimedia tools in teaching compared to the traditional methods of teaching practical subjects. This study is an experimental one based on questionnaires that are distributed to 238 students from various colleges at Tikrit University. Finally, the results reveal significant differences among students. Those who use multimedia tools to support their learning in the practical subjects show better results compared to those who are taught by the traditional methods. This study recommends using the multimedia instructional tool as an effective tool to enhance the outcomes of students in practicing skills in the practical subjects


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    Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk mengetahui efektivitas penggunaan multimedia interaktif terhadap peningkatan kemampuan kognitif peserta didik dalam pembelajaran kimia dengan mensintesis beberapa literature terkait. Multimedia interaktif diartikan sebagai kesatuan dari suara, video, data, audio, animasi, grafik, dan teks yang setiap bagian dari beberapa gabungan tersebut dapat dipaparkan dengan perantara media elektronik seperti komputer, laptop, atau android. Metode yang digunakan yaitu metode meta analisis dengan cara membandingkan informasi melalui beberapa studi literatur penelitian yang sejenis. Berdasarkan hasil analisis beberapa literatur yang telah dikumpulkan, penggunaan multimedia interaktif dalam pembelajaran dapat meningkatkan kemampuan kognitif peserta didik dalam pembelajaran kimia. Perbandingan hasil analisis peningkatan kemampuan kognitif pada peserta didik dapat diamati dari persentase data pretest dan posttest efektivitas penggunaan media pembelajaran multimedia interaktif yang kemudian dilakukan uji statistik paired sample. Berdasarkan hasil uji analisis diketahui rata-rata persentase pretest dan posttest efektivitas penggunaan media pembelajaran multimedia interaktif dalam pembelajaran kimia yaitu sebesar 48,67% dan 79,60%. Analisis data diolah menggunakan uji statistik paired sample dan effect size. Rata-rata peningkatan antara pretest dan posttest yaitu sebesar 30,93% dan diperoleh nilai effect size sebesar 1,47689. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa penggunaan media pembelajaran multimedia interaktif efektif dapat meningkatkan kemampuan kognitif peserta didik dalam pembelajaran kimia

    Multimodal reading and second language learning

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    Most of the texts that second language learners engage with include both text (written and/or spoken) and images. The use of images accompanying texts is believed to support reading comprehension and facilitate learning. Despite their widespread use, very little is known about how the presentation of multiple input sources affects the attentional demands and the underlying cognitive processes involved. This paper provides a review of research on multimodal reading, with a focus on attentional processing. It first introduces the relevant theoretical frameworks and empirical evidence provided in support of the use of pictures in reading. It then reviews studies that have looked at the processing of text and pictures in first and second language contexts. Based on this review, main gaps in research and future research directions are identified. The discussion provided in this paper aims at advancing research on multimodal reading in a second language. Achieving a better understanding of the underlying cognitive processes in multimodal reading is crucial to inform pedagogical practices and to develop theoretical accounts of second language multimodal reading

    Fixation-related EEG frequency band power analysis: A promising methodology for studying instructional design effects of multimedia learning material

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    During the last decade the combined recording of eye-tracking data and electroencephalographic (EEG) data has led to the methodology of fixation-related potentials analysis (FRP). This methodology has been increasingly and successfully used to study EEG correlates in the time domain (i.e., event-related potentials, ERPs) of cognitive processing in free viewing situations like text reading or natural scene perception. Basically, fixation-onset serves as time-locking event for epoching and analysing the EEG data. Here, we propose a methodology of fixation-related frequency band power analysis (FRBP) to study cognitive load and affective variations in learners during free viewing situations of multimedia learning materials (i.e., combinations of textual and pictorial elements). The EEG alpha frequency band power at parietal electrodes may serve as a valid measure of cognitive load, whereas the frontal alpha asymmetry may serve as a measure of affective variations. We will briefly introduce and motivate the measures and the methodology, and discuss methodological challenges. The methodology is frontline for learning research, first, as to date the EEG has been seldom used to study design effects of multimedia learning materials and second, as fixation-related EEG data analysis has rarely been done focussing on the frequency domain (i.e., FRBP). Despite methodological challenges still to be solved, FRBP may provide a more in-depth picture of cognitive processing during multimedia learning compared to eye-tracking data or EEG data in isolation and thus may help clarifying effects of multimedia design decisions

    La multimedia en la enseñanza de bachillerato: Análisis bibliométrico de las publicaciones en ScienceDirect

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    The purpose of this work is the progress and progress of literature regarding multimedia in high school education. The bibliography published in 10 of the main journals of the ScienceDirect database was obtained directly, through the keywords “multimedia”, “teaching” and “baccalaureate”, with their respective synonyms. The information corresponding to authors, titles, subtitles, sources, citations, etc., was recorded in MS-Excel for proper analysis. In this study, 117 articles were found regarding the subject under study published in the years 2015 - 2019. It is presented that the year 2015 was the most productive, with 40 articles. The magazine that stands out is Computers & Education, with 29 articles; considering it as the basis for the study, authors Hew Teck-Soon and Ke Fengfeng with more publications are also discarded. This document provides reliable and original information about multimedia in high school education.La finalidad de este trabajo es el avance y progreso de la literatura en cuanto a la multimedia en la enseñanza de bachillerato. La bibliografía publicada en 10 de las principales revistas de la base de datos ScienceDirect se obtuvo de manera directa, por medio de las palabras claves “multimedia”, “enseñanza” y “bachillerato”, con sus respectivos sinónimos. La información correspondiete a autores, títulos, subtítulos, fuentes, citas, etc., fue registrada en MS-Excel para su debido análisis. En este estudio se encontraron 117 artículos con relación al tema en estudio publicados en los años 2015 – 2019. Se presenta que el año 2015, fue el más productivo, con 40 artículos. La revista que resalta es Computers & Education, con 29 artículos; considerándola como base para el estudio, también se descata a los autores Hew Teck-Soon y Ke Fengfeng con más publicaciones. Este documento aporta información confiable y original sobre la multimedia en la enseñanza de bachillerato


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    This study examined e-books utilisations and students' academic achievement in universities in Lagos State: implication for educational planners. With the use of descriptive survey research methodologies, this study was driven by three research questions and three null hypotheses. All six of Lagos State's traditional universities make up the study's population. Three institutions were chosen using a straightforward random sampling method. Additionally, 150 final-year students from each of the studied institutions were chosen using a practical selection approach, resulting in 450 respondents from the three universities chosen for the study. A well-structured questionnaire titled "E-Book Utilisation and Students' Academic Achievement in Universities" was used to gather data (IEBSAAU). The test-retest reliability approach was used to validate the instrument, and it was determined to be reliable with a reliability coefficient of 0.79. The statistical technique Chi-Square was used to gather data. The findings showed significant relationship in the use of electronic books with X2 = (4, N = 450) = 246.462, P =.000; a significant relationship between computer literacy with  X2 = (4,  N = 450) = 206.431 , P =.000; a significant relationship between students ‘perception on the use of electronic books for academic progress with  X2 = (4,  N = 450) = 262.109 , P =.000 and student academic achievement. It is recommended that: E-book library should be set up and maintained in every university of study to boost interest and enlightens students and teachers on the importance of e-books to teaching and learning

    Pun processing in advertising posters: evidence from eye tracking

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    This study examines the process of reading polycode advertising posters, focusing in particular on the effect of a pun in the headline. The pun, or a sequence of lexical items that can be perceived as ambiguous, is contained in the headline and different meanings of this sequence are supported by the picture and text. The results of the preliminary experiment showed that advertisements with puns are rated as more attractive, original, effective and positive compared to advertisements without puns. We hypothesized that puns in the headlines increase cognitive effort in processing posters, leading to higher evaluations. The main experiment tested this and examined differences in eye movement when reading posters with and without puns. Fifty-five Russian participants viewed advertisements while their eye movements were recorded. Our results showed no fundamental differences in the general pattern of viewing advertisement posters with and without puns. We found that readers start to perceive polycode advertisements from the text and spend more time reading the text than looking at an image. These findings shed light on how attention is distributed between verbal and non-verbal components of polycode texts, and which type of poster is more effective for information retrieval at different processing levels

    Can videos affect learning outcomes? Evidence from an actual learning environment

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    We examine the effect of an innovation in an educational context, a class of 500 + first-year economics students at a well-known Australian university. We study whether introducing content in the form of a multimedia presentation has a detectable effect on specific categories of student knowledge. The multimedia presentation has a narrator presenting concepts with images, words, and worked examples. Our key outcome measure is the probability of answering questions correctly on a mid-term test. A quasi-experimental design is followed to offer a causal interpretation of the results. We find that the multimedia presentation markedly increases students’ academic outcomes on the test compared to those that did not view the presentation, especially in regards to procedural and evaluative knowledge. An additional survey reveals gains in students’ metacognitive knowledge. These findings suggest that multimedia presentations contribute to improved student learning outcomes and offer valuable options at a time of increased online course delivery. The findings also highlight the relevance of investing in education and resources to develop the necessary design skills among academics and staff