3,680 research outputs found

    High speed precision motion strategies for lightweight structures

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    Work during the recording period proceeded along the lines of the proposal, i.e., three aspects of high speed motion planning and control of flexible structures were explored: fine motion control, gross motion planning and control, and automation using light weight arms. In addition, modeling the large manipulator arm to be used in experiments and theory has lead to some contributions in that area. These aspects are reported below. Conference, workshop and journal submissions, and presentations related to this work were seven in number, and are listed. Copies of written papers and abstracts are included

    Experimental comparison of parameter estimation methods in adaptive robot control

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    In the literature on adaptive robot control a large variety of parameter estimation methods have been proposed, ranging from tracking-error-driven gradient methods to combined tracking- and prediction-error-driven least-squares type adaptation methods. This paper presents experimental data from a comparative study between these adaptation methods, performed on a two-degrees-of-freedom robot manipulator. Our results show that the prediction error concept is sensitive to unavoidable model uncertainties. We also demonstrate empirically the fast convergence properties of least-squares adaptation relative to gradient approaches. However, in view of the noise sensitivity of the least-squares method, the marginal performance benefits, and the computational burden, we (cautiously) conclude that the tracking-error driven gradient method is preferred for parameter adaptation in robotic applications

    Control strategy for cooperating disparate manipulators

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    To manipulate large payloads typical of space construction, the concept of a small arm mounted on the end of a large arm is introduced. The main purposes of such a configuration are to increase the structural stiffness of the robot by bracing against or locking to a stationary frame, and to maintain a firm position constraint between the robot's base and workpieces by grasping them. Possible topologies for a combination of disparate large and small arms are discussed, and kinematics, dynamics, controls, and coordination of the two arms, especially when they brace at the tip of the small arm, are developed. The feasibility and improvement in performance are verified, not only with analytical work and simulation results but also with experiments on the existing arrangement Robotic Arm Large and Flexible and Small Articulated Manipulator

    Characterization of robotics parallel algorithms and mapping onto a reconfigurable SIMD machine

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    The kinematics, dynamics, Jacobian, and their corresponding inverse computations are six essential problems in the control of robot manipulators. Efficient parallel algorithms for these computations are discussed and analyzed. Their characteristics are identified and a scheme on the mapping of these algorithms to a reconfigurable parallel architecture is presented. Based on the characteristics including type of parallelism, degree of parallelism, uniformity of the operations, fundamental operations, data dependencies, and communication requirement, it is shown that most of the algorithms for robotic computations possess highly regular properties and some common structures, especially the linear recursive structure. Moreover, they are well-suited to be implemented on a single-instruction-stream multiple-data-stream (SIMD) computer with reconfigurable interconnection network. The model of a reconfigurable dual network SIMD machine with internal direct feedback is introduced. A systematic procedure internal direct feedback is introduced. A systematic procedure to map these computations to the proposed machine is presented. A new scheduling problem for SIMD machines is investigated and a heuristic algorithm, called neighborhood scheduling, that reorders the processing sequence of subtasks to reduce the communication time is described. Mapping results of a benchmark algorithm are illustrated and discussed

    A family of asymptotically stable control laws for flexible robots based on a passivity approach

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    A general family of asymptotically stabilizing control laws is introduced for a class of nonlinear Hamiltonian systems. The inherent passivity property of this class of systems and the Passivity Theorem are used to show the closed-loop input/output stability which is then related to the internal state space stability through the stabilizability and detectability condition. Applications of these results include fully actuated robots, flexible joint robots, and robots with link flexibility

    Stiffness Analysis Of Multi-Chain Parallel Robotic Systems

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    The paper presents a new stiffness modelling method for multi-chain parallel robotic manipulators with flexible links and compliant actuating joints. In contrast to other works, the method involves a FEA-based link stiffness evaluation and employs a new solution strategy of the kinetostatic equations, which allows computing the stiffness matrix for singular postures and to take into account influence of the external forces. The advantages of the developed technique are confirmed by application examples, which deal with stiffness analysis of a parallel manipulator of the Orthoglide famil

    Dynamic modeling, property investigation, and adaptive controller design of serial robotic manipulators modeled with structural compliance

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    Research results on general serial robotic manipulators modeled with structural compliances are presented. Two compliant manipulator modeling approaches, distributed and lumped parameter models, are used in this study. System dynamic equations for both compliant models are derived by using the first and second order influence coefficients. Also, the properties of compliant manipulator system dynamics are investigated. One of the properties, which is defined as inaccessibility of vibratory modes, is shown to display a distinct character associated with compliant manipulators. This property indicates the impact of robot geometry on the control of structural oscillations. Example studies are provided to illustrate the physical interpretation of inaccessibility of vibratory modes. Two types of controllers are designed for compliant manipulators modeled by either lumped or distributed parameter techniques. In order to maintain the generality of the results, neither linearization is introduced. Example simulations are given to demonstrate the controller performance. The second type controller is also built for general serial robot arms and is adaptive in nature which can estimate uncertain payload parameters on-line and simultaneously maintain trajectory tracking properties. The relation between manipulator motion tracking capability and convergence of parameter estimation properties is discussed through example case studies. The effect of control input update delays on adaptive controller performance is also studied

    On the optimal design of parallel robots taking into account their deformations and natural frequencies

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    This paper discusses the utility of using simple stiffness and vibrations models, based on the Jacobian matrix of a manipulator and only the rigidity of the actuators, whenever its geometry is optimised. In many works, these simplified models are used to propose optimal design of robots. However, the elasticity of the drive system is often negligible in comparison with the elasticity of the elements, especially in applications where high dynamic performances are needed. Therefore, the use of such a simplified model may lead to the creation of robots with long legs, which will be submitted to large bending and twisting deformations. This paper presents an example of manipulator for which it is preferable to use a complete stiffness or vibration model to obtain the most suitable design and shows that the use of simplified models can lead to mechanisms with poorer rigidity

    Modelling and identification of a six axes industrial robot

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    This paper deals with the modelling and identification of a six axes industrial St ¨aubli RX90 robot. A non-linear finite element method is used to generate the dynamic equations of motion in a form suitable for both simulation and identification. The latter requires that the equations of motion are linear in the inertia parameters. Joint friction is described by a friction model that describes the friction behaviour in the full velocity range necessary for identification. Experimental parameter identification by means of linear least squares techniques showed to be very suited for identification of the unknown parameters, provided that the problem is properly scaled and that the influence of disturbances is sufficiently analysed and managed. An analysis of the least squares problem by means of a singular value decomposition is preferred as it not only solves the problem of rank deficiency, but it also can correctly deal with measurement noise and unmodelled dynamics