36 research outputs found


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    Microsoft, Motorola, Siemens, Hitachi, IAPR, NICI, IUF This paper presents a perturbation­based approach useful to select the best combination method for a multi­classifier system. The basic idea is to simulate small variations in the performance of the set of classifiers and to evaluate to what extent they influence the performance of the combined classifier. In the experimental phase, the Behavioural Knowledge Space and the Dempster­Shafer combination methods have been considered. The experimental results, carried out in the field of hand­written numeral recognition, demonstrate the effectiveness of the new approach

    Integration of traditional imaging, expert systems, and neural network techniques for enhanced recognition of handwritten information

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    Includes bibliographical references (p. 33-37).Research supported by the I.F.S.R.C. at M.I.T.Amar Gupta, John Riordan, Evelyn Roman

    Design of Blind Signature Protocol Based upon DLP

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    Blind signature scheme is based on public key cryptosystem. Public-key cryptosystem is widely used these days for various security purposes. The use of public key cryptosystems received huge amount of attention. They are benecial in encipherment, authentication, non-repudiation as well as digital signature, which plays an essential role in electronic banking and nancial transactions. This project has proposed a new blind signature scheme based on ElGamal signature scheme. Blind signature schemes, rst introduced by David Chaum, allows a person to get a message signed by another party without revealing any information about the message to the other party. It is an extension of digital signature which can be implements using a number of common public key signing schemes, for instance RSA and ElGamal signature scheme. Blind signature is typically employed in privacy related protocols, where the signer and the requester are dierent person. In our project work we have taken an existing scheme based on ElGamal signature scheme as the reference scheme for comparison and proposed a new scheme. Aims of the proposed scheme is high security features and reduce the communication overhead, computation overhead, signature length. The proposed scheme aims to have lesser computation overhead and high security features than existing scheme [1, 2, 3, 5, 15, 16