390 research outputs found

    Robust Region-of-Attraction Estimation

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    We propose a method to compute invariant subsets of the region-of-attraction for asymptotically stable equilibrium points of polynomial dynamical systems with bounded parametric uncertainty. Parameter-independent Lyapunov functions are used to characterize invariant subsets of the robust region-of-attraction. A branch-and-bound type refinement procedure reduces the conservatism. We demonstrate the method on an example from the literature and uncertain controlled short-period aircraft dynamics

    Process operating mode monitoring : switching online the right controller

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    This paper presents a structure which deals with process operating mode monitoring and allows the control law reconfiguration by switching online the right controller. After a short review of the advances in switching based control systems during the last decade, we introduce our approach based on the definition of operating modes of a plant. The control reconfiguration strategy is achieved by online selection of an adequate controller, in a case of active accommodation. The main contribution lies in settling up the design steps of the multicontroller structure and its accurate integration in the operating mode detection and accommodation loop. Simulation results show the effectiveness of the operating mode detection and accommodation (OMDA) structure for which the design steps propose a method to study the asymptotic stability, switching performances improvement, and the tuning of the multimodel based detector

    Issues in the design of switched linear systems : a benchmark study

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    In this paper we present a tutorial overview of some of the issues that arise in the design of switched linear control systems. Particular emphasis is given to issues relating to stability and control system realisation. A benchmark regulation problem is then presented. This problem is most naturally solved by means of a switched control design. The challenge to the community is to design a control system that meets the required performance specifications and permits the application of rigorous analysis techniques. A simple design solution is presented and the limitations of currently available analysis techniques are illustrated with reference to this example

    Performance analysis of switching systems

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    Performance analysis is an important aspect in the design of dynamic (control) systems. Without a proper analysis of the behavior of a system, it is impossible to guarantee that a certain design satisfies the system’s requirements. For linear time-invariant systems, accurate performance analyses are relatively easy to make and as a result also many linear (controller) design methods have appeared in the past. For nonlinear systems, on the other hand, such accurate performance analyses and controller design methods are in general not available. A main reason hereof is that nonlinear systems, as opposed to linear time-invariant systems, can have multiple steady-state solutions. Due to the coexistence of multiple steady-state solutions, it is much harder to define an accurate performance index. Some nonlinear systems, i.e. the so-called convergent nonlinear systems, however, are characterized by a unique steady-state solution. This steady-state solution may depend on the system’s input signals (e.g. reference signals), but is independent of the initial conditions of the system. In the past, the notion of convergent systems has already been proven to be very useful in the performance analysis of nonlinear systems with inputs. In this thesis, new results in the field of performance analysis of nonlinear systems with inputs are presented, based on the notion of convergent systems. One part of the thesis is concerned with the question "how to analyse the performance for a convergent system?" Since the behavior of a convergent system is independent of the initial conditions (after some transient time), simulation can be used to find the unique steady-state solution that corresponds to a certain input signal, but this can be very time-consuming. In this thesis, a computationally more efficient approach is presented to estimate the steady-state performance of harmonically forced Lur’e systems, in terms of nonlinear frequency response functions (nFRFs). This approach is based on the method of harmonic linearization. It provides both a linear approximation of the nFRF and an upper bound on the error between this linear approximation and the true nFRF. It is shown in several examples that the approximation of the nFRF is accurate, and that it provides more detailed information on the considered system than the often used ‘L2 gain’ performance index. An additional observation that is made, is that the method of harmonic linearization can sometimes be ‘misleading’ for Lur’e systems with a saturation-like nonlinearity: for the case that the harmonic balance equation has a unique solution, it is shown that the corresponding nonlinear system can have multiple distinct steady-state solutions. Another part of the thesis is concerned with the question "under what conditions is a system with inputs guaranteed to be convergent?" In particular two types of systems were investigated: switched linear systems and Lur’e systems with a saturation nonlinearity and marginally stable linear part. For the switched linear systems, it is assumed that the dynamics of all the separate linear modes are given. For this setting, it was investigated if it is possible to find a switching rule (which defines when to switch between the available modes) such that the closed-loop system is convergent. Both a state-based, an observer-based, and a time-based switching rule are presented that guarantee a convergent system, assuming some conditions on the linear dynamics are met. The second type of systems that are discussed, are Lur’e systems with a saturation nonlinearity and marginally stable linear part. For this type of systems, the goal was to find sufficient conditions under which the closed-loop system is convergent. Because of the marginally stable linear part, however, a quadratically convergent system cannot be obtained. Instead, sufficient conditions are discussed that guarantee uniform convergency of the system. The obtained theory is shown to be also applicable to a class of anti-windup systems with a marginally stable plant. For this class of systems, the results of the convergency-based performance analysis are compared with the analysis results of existing anti-windup methods. It is shown that the convergency-based performance analysis can in some cases provide more detailed information on the steady-state behavior of the system. The results of uniform convergency for anti-windup systems are shown to be also applicable in the field of production and inventory control of discrete-event manufacturing systems. Since a manufacturing machine has a certain production capacity and cannot produce at a negative rate, it can be seen as an integrator plant (input: production rate, output: amount of finished products) preceded by a saturation function. For this marginally stable plant, a controller was constructed in such a way that the closed-loop system is uniformly convergent. The controller was also implemented in the discrete-event domain and the results from discrete-event simulations were compared with those of continuous-time simulations. Similarly, the controller was also applied for the production and inventory control of a line of four manufacturing machines. For both the single machine and the line of four machines, the resulting controlled discrete-event systems are shown to have the desired tracking properties. Besides these theoretical and numerical results, also experimental results are presented in this thesis. By means of an electromechanical construction, several experimental results were obtained, and used to validate the theoretical results for both the switched linear systems and the anti-windup systems

    Robust Region-of-Attraction Estimation

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    Nonlinear constrained and saturated control of power electronics and electromechanical systems

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    Power electronic converters are extensively adopted for the solution of timely issues, such as power quality improvement in industrial plants, energy management in hybrid electrical systems, and control of electrical generators for renewables. Beside nonlinearity, this systems are typically characterized by hard constraints on the control inputs, and sometimes the state variables. In this respect, control laws able to handle input saturation are crucial to formally characterize the systems stability and performance properties. From a practical viewpoint, a proper saturation management allows to extend the systems transient and steady-state operating ranges, improving their reliability and availability. The main topic of this thesis concern saturated control methodologies, based on modern approaches, applied to power electronics and electromechanical systems. The pursued objective is to provide formal results under any saturation scenario, overcoming the drawbacks of the classic solution commonly applied to cope with saturation of power converters, and enhancing performance. For this purpose two main approaches are exploited and extended to deal with power electronic applications: modern anti-windup strategies, providing formal results and systematic design rules for the anti-windup compensator, devoted to handle control saturation, and “one step” saturated feedback design techniques, relying on a suitable characterization of the saturation nonlinearity and less conservative extensions of standard absolute stability theory results. The first part of the thesis is devoted to present and develop a novel general anti-windup scheme, which is then specifically applied to a class of power converters adopted for power quality enhancement in industrial plants. In the second part a polytopic differential inclusion representation of saturation nonlinearity is presented and extended to deal with a class of multiple input power converters, used to manage hybrid electrical energy sources. The third part regards adaptive observers design for robust estimation of the parameters required for high performance control of power systems

    Switching Adaptive Concurrent Learning Control for Powered Rehabilitation Machines with FES

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    Interfacing robotic devices with humans presents significant control challenges, as the control algorithms governing these machines must accommodate for the inherent variability among individuals. This requirement necessitates the system’s ability to adapt to changes in the environment, particularly in the context of human-in-the-loop applications, wherein the system must identify specific features of the human interacting with the machine. In the field of rehabilitation, one promising approach for exercise-based rehabilitation involves the integration of hybrid rehabilitation machines, combining robotic devices such as motorized bikes and exoskeletons with functional electrical stimulation (FES) applied on lower-limb muscles. This integrated approach offers the potential for repetitive training, reduced therapist workload, improved range of motion, and therapeutic benefits. However, conducting prolonged rehabilitation sessions to maximize functional recovery using these hybrid machines imposes several difficulties. Firstly, the design and analysis of adaptive controllers are motivated, but challenges exist in coping with the inherent switching effects associated with hybrid machines. Notably, the transitions between gait phases and the dynamic switching of inputs between active lower-limb muscles and electric motors and their incorporation in the control design remain an open problem for the research community. Secondly, the system must effectively compensate for the influence of human input, which can be viewed as an external disturbance in the closed-loop system during rehabilitation. Robust methods for understanding and adapting to the variations in human input are critical for ensuring stability and accurate control of the human-robot closed-loop system. Lastly, FES-induced muscle fatigue diminishes the human torque contribution to the rehabilitation task, leading to input saturation and potential instabilities as the duration of the exercise extends. Overcoming this challenge requires the development of control algorithms that can adapt to variations in human performance by dynamically adjusting the control parameters accordingly. Consequently, the development of rehabilitative devices that effectively interface with humans requires the design and implementation of control algorithms capable of adapting to users with varying muscle and kinematic characteristics. In this regard, adaptive-based control methods provide tools for addressing the uncertainties in human-robot dynamics within exercise-based rehabilitation using FES, while ensuring stability and robustness in the human-robot closed-loop system. This dissertation develops adaptive controllers to enhance the effectiveness of exercise-based rehabilitation using FES. The objectives include the design and evaluation of adaptive control algorithms that effectively handle the switching effects inherent in hybrid machines, adapt to compensate for human input, and account for input saturation due to muscle fatigue. The control designs leverage kinematic and torque feedback and ensure the stability of the human-robot closed-loop system. These controllers have the potential to significantly enhance the practicality and effectiveness of assistive technologies in both clinical and community settings. In Chapter 1, the motivation to design switching adaptive closed-loop controllers for motorized FES-cycling and powered exoskeletons is described. A survey of closed-loop kinematic control methods related to the tracking objectives in the subsequent chapters of the dissertation is also introduced. In Chapter 2, the dynamic models for cycling and bipedal walking are described: (i) a stationary FES-cycling model with nonlinear dynamics and switched control inputs are introduced based on published literature. The muscle stimulation pattern is defined based on the kinematic effectiveness of the rider, which depends on the crank angle. (ii) A phase-dependent bipedal walking system model with switched dynamics is introduced to control a 4-degrees-of-freedom (DoF) lower-limb exoskeleton assuming single stance support. Moreover, the experimental setup of the cycle-rider and lower-limb exoskeleton system are described. Chapter 3 presents a switched concurrent learning adaptive controller for cadence tracking using the cycle-rider model. The control design is decoupled for the muscles and electric motor. An FES controller is developed with minimal parameters, capable of generating bounded muscle responses with an adjustable saturation limit. The electric motor controller employs an adaptive-based method that estimates uncertain parameters in the cycle-rider system and leverages the muscle input as a feedforward term to improve the tracking of crank trajectories. The adaptive motor controller and saturated muscle controller are implemented in able-bodied individuals and people with movement disorders. Three cycling trials were conducted to demonstrate the feasibility of tracking different crank trajectories with the same set of control parameters across all participants. The developed adaptive controller requires minimal tuning and handles rider uncertainty while ensuring predictable and satisfactory performance. This result has the potential to facilitate the widespread implementation of adaptive closed-loop controllers for FES-cycling systems in real clinical and home-based scenarios. Chapter 4 presents an integral torque tracking controller with anti-windup compensation, which achieves the dual objectives of kinematic and torque tracking (i.e., power tracking) for FES cycling. Designing an integral torque tracking controller to avoid feedback of high-order derivatives poses a significant challenge, as the integration action in the muscle loop can induce error buildup; demanding high FES input on the muscle. This can cause discomfort and accelerate muscle fatigue, thereby limiting the practical utility of the power tracking controller. To address this issue, this chapter builds upon the adaptive control for cadence tracking developed in Chapter 3 and integrates a novel torque tracking controller that allows for input saturation in the FES controller. By doing so, the controller achieves cadence and torque tracking while preventing error buildup. The analysis rigorously considers the saturation effect, and preliminary experimental results in able-bodied individuals demonstrate its feasibility. In Chapter 5, a switched concurrent learning adaptive controller is developed to achieve kinematic tracking throughout the step cycle for treadmill-based walking with a 4-DoF lower-limb hybrid exoskeleton. The developed controller leverages a phase-dependent human-exoskeleton model presented in Chapter 2. A multiple-Lyapunov stability analysis with a dwell time condition is developed to ensure exponential kinematic tracking and parameter estimation. The controller is tested in two able-bodied individuals for a six-minute walking trial and the performance of the controller is compared with a gradient descent classical adaptive controller. Chapter 6 highlights the contributions of the developed control methods and provides recommendations for future research directions

    Static anti-windup compensator design for locally Lipschitz systems under input and output delays

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    This paper proposes a static anti-windup compensator (AWC) design methodology for the locally Lipschitz nonlinear systems, containing time-varying interval delays in input and output of the system in the presence of actuator saturation. Static AWC design is proposed for the systems by considering a delay-range-dependent methodology to consider less conservative delay bounds. The approach has been developed by utilizing an improved Lyapunov-Krasovskii functional, locally Lipschitz nonlinearity property, delay-interval, delay derivative upper bound, local sector condition, L2 gain reduction from exogenous input to exogenous output, improved Wirtinger inequality, additive time-varying delays, and convex optimization algorithms to obtain convex conditions for AWC gain calculations. In contrast to the existing results, the present work considers both input and output delays for the AWC design (along with their combined additive effect) and deals with a more generic locally Lipschitz class of nonlinear systems. The effectiveness of the proposed methodology is demonstrated via simulations for a nonlinear DC servo motor system, possessing multiple time-delays, dynamic nonlinearity and actuator constraints

    Control of Systems with Limited Capacity

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    Virtually all real life systems are such that they present some kind of limitation on one or many of its variables, physical quantities. These systems are designated in this thesis as systems with limited capacity. This work is treating control related problems of a subclass of such systems, where the limitation is a critical factor. The thesis is composed of four parts. The first part is treating the control of tire slip in a braking car. The Anti-lock Braking System (ABS) is an important component of a complex steering system for the modern car. In the latest generation of brake-by-wire systems, the controllers have to maintain a specified tire slip for each wheel during braking. This thesis proposes a design model and based on that a hybrid controller that regulates the tire-slip. Simulation and results from drive tests are presented. In the second part, a design method for robust PID controllers is presented for a class of systems with limited capacity. Robustness is ensured with respect to a cone bounded static nonlinearity acting on the plant. Additional constraints on maximum sensitivity are also considered. The design procedure has been successfully applied in the synthesis of the proposed ABS controller. The third part studies the trajectory convergence for a general class of nonlinear systems. The servo problem for piecewise linear systems is presented. Convex optimization is used to describe the behavior of system trajectories of a piecewise linear system with respect to some input signals. The obtained results are then applied for the study of anti-windup compensators. The last part of the thesis is treating the problem of voltage stability in power systems. Voltage at the load end of a power system has to be controlled within prescribed tolerances. In case of emergencies such as sudden line failures, this task ca n be very challenging. The main contribution of this chapter is a method for improving the stability properties of the power system by dynamic compensation of the reference load voltage. Moreover, a complete compensation scheme is proposed where load shedding is the secondary control variable. This control scheme is shown to stabilize different power system models
