233,313 research outputs found

    Efficacy of multivariate analysis and zone soil sampling to study relationships between site variables affecting crop yield and yield response to phosphorus and potassium fertilization

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    Crop yield and yield response to fertilization is frequently heterogeneous within-fields. A better understanding of this variability and the development of cost-effective soil sampling techniques to better represent plant nutrient levels are needed to improve nutrient management practices. Two studies were conducted in Iowa to address this general objective.;One study focused on correlations between several site variables and their relationship with soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merr.] yield using two multivariate techniques. Soil and crop variables were measured at five fields using a dense, 0.2-ha grid-point sampling approach. Factor analysis grouped correlated variables into three common factors across fields, which represented conditions for early crop growth, interactions between intrinsic soil properties and landscape position, and P and K availability. These factors explained 10--65% of the yield variability across fields. Principal component analysis explained a similar portion of the yield variability, but relationships between site variables were more difficult to interpret.;In the second study, soil-test P and K results from samples collected using a dense grid sampling approach (0.08--0.24-ha) before applying P or K treatments to long strips in seven fields was used to assess the effectiveness of various zone sampling approaches. Zones were delineated using a systematic, 1.0 grid-cell approach, soil survey maps, remotely sensed soil electrical conductivity, elevation, and slope. The efficacy of the zoning approaches was assessed based on soil-test values and corn (Zea mays L.) and soybean yield response to fertilization. We used yield monitors, global positioning systems, and geographical information systems software. Zones based on elevation and (or) electrical conductivity identified field areas with high and low yield. However, soil-test values and crop response to fertilization seldom differed across zones, except for the grid-sampling approaches. A systematic 1.0-ha grid-cell approach was more effective for identifying field areas with different crop response to fertilization, but the numerous samples required may result in excessive soil testing costs. Because long-term nutrient removal with harvest also is a key element for P and K fertilizer management, less costly zoning approaches used in conjunction with yield maps could be useful for improving long-term nutrient management

    Rationale Management Challenges in Requirements Engineering

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    Rationale and rationale management have been playing an increasingly prominent role in software system development mainly due to the knowledge demand during system evaluation, maintenance, and evolution, especially for large and complex systems. The rationale management for requirements engineering, as a commencing and critical phase in software development life cycle, is still under-exploited. In this paper, we first survey briefly the state-of-the-art on rationale employment and applications in requirements engineering. Secondly, we identify the challenges in integrating rationale management in requirements engineering activities in order to promote further investigations and define a research agenda on rationale management in requirements engineering.

    Automated analysis of feature models: Quo vadis?

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    Feature models have been used since the 90's to describe software product lines as a way of reusing common parts in a family of software systems. In 2010, a systematic literature review was published summarizing the advances and settling the basis of the area of Automated Analysis of Feature Models (AAFM). From then on, different studies have applied the AAFM in different domains. In this paper, we provide an overview of the evolution of this field since 2010 by performing a systematic mapping study considering 423 primary sources. We found six different variability facets where the AAFM is being applied that define the tendencies: product configuration and derivation; testing and evolution; reverse engineering; multi-model variability-analysis; variability modelling and variability-intensive systems. We also confirmed that there is a lack of industrial evidence in most of the cases. Finally, we present where and when the papers have been published and who are the authors and institutions that are contributing to the field. We observed that the maturity is proven by the increment in the number of journals published along the years as well as the diversity of conferences and workshops where papers are published. We also suggest some synergies with other areas such as cloud or mobile computing among others that can motivate further research in the future.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad TIN2015-70560-RJunta de Andalucía TIC-186

    A hierarchical approach to multi-project planning under uncertainty

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    We survey several viewpoints on the management of the planning complexity of multi-project organisations under uncertainty. A positioning framework is proposed to distinguish between different types of project-driven organisations, which is meant to aid project management in the choice between the various existing planning approaches. We discuss the current state of the art of hierarchical planning approaches both for traditional manufacturing and for project environments. We introduce a generic hierarchical project planning and control framework that serves to position planning methods for multi-project planning under uncertainty. We discuss multiple techniques for dealing with the uncertainty inherent to the different hierarchical stages in a multi-project organisation. In the last part of this paper we discuss two cases from practice and we relate these practical cases to the positioning framework that is put forward in the paper

    Development of a fusion adaptive algorithm for marine debris detection within the post-Sandy restoration framework

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    Recognition of marine debris represent a difficult task due to the extreme variability of the marine environment, the possible targets, and the variable skill levels of human operators. The range of potential targets is much wider than similar fields of research such as mine hunting, localization of unexploded ordnance or pipeline detection. In order to address this additional complexity, an adaptive algorithm is being developing that appropriately responds to changes in the environment, and context. The preliminary step is to properly geometrically and radiometrically correct the collected data. Then, the core engine manages the fusion of a set of statistically- and physically-based algorithms, working at different levels (swath, beam, snippet, and pixel) and using both predictive modeling (that is, a high-frequency acoustic backscatter model) and phenomenological (e.g., digital image processing techniques) approaches. The expected outcome is the reduction of inter-algorithmic cross-correlation and, thus, the probability of false alarm. At this early stage, we provide a proof of concept showing outcomes from algorithms that dynamically adapt themselves to the depth and average backscatter level met in the surveyed environment, targeting marine debris (modeled as objects of about 1-m size). The project relies on a modular software library, called Matador (Marine Target Detection and Object Recognition)

    Requirements and Tools for Variability Management

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    Explicit and software-supported Business Process Management has become the core infrastructure of any medium and large organization that has a need to be efficient and effective. The number of processes of a single organization can be very high, furthermore, they might be very similar, be in need of momentary change, or evolve frequently. If the ad-hoc adaptation and customization of processes is currently the dominant way, it clearly is not the best. In fact, providing tools for supporting the explicit management of variation in processes (due to customization or evolution needs) has a profound impact on the overall life-cycle of processes in organizations. Additionally, with the increasing adoption of Service-Oriented Architectures, the infrastructure to support automatic reconfiguration and adaptation of business process is solid. In this paper, after defining variability in business process management, we consider the requirements for explicit variation handling for (service based) business process systems. eGovernment serves as an illustrative example of reuse. In this case study, all local municipalities need to implement the same general legal process while adapting it to the local business practices and IT infrastructure needs. Finally, an evaluation of existing tools for explicit variability management is provided with respect to the requirements identified.

    Evaluation of Variability Concepts for Simulink in the Automotive Domain

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    Modeling variability in Matlab/Simulink becomes more and more important. We took the two variability modeling concepts already included in Matlab/Simulink and our own one and evaluated them to find out which one is suited best for modeling variability in the automotive domain. We conducted a controlled experiment with developers at Volkswagen AG to decide which concept is preferred by developers and if their preference aligns with measurable performance factors. We found out that all existing concepts are viable approaches and that the delta approach is both the preferred concept as well as the objectively most efficient one, which makes Delta-Simulink a good solution to model variability in the automotive domain.Comment: 10 pages, 7 figures, 6 tables, Proceedings of 48th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS), pp. 5373-5382, Kauai, Hawaii, USA, IEEE Computer Society, 201

    Incremental Consistency Checking in Delta-oriented UML-Models for Automation Systems

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    Automation systems exist in many variants and may evolve over time in order to deal with different environment contexts or to fulfill changing customer requirements. This induces an increased complexity during design-time as well as tedious maintenance efforts. We already proposed a multi-perspective modeling approach to improve the development of such systems. It operates on different levels of abstraction by using well-known UML-models with activity, composite structure and state chart models. Each perspective was enriched with delta modeling to manage variability and evolution. As an extension, we now focus on the development of an efficient consistency checking method at several levels to ensure valid variants of the automation system. Consistency checking must be provided for each perspective in isolation, in-between the perspectives as well as after the application of a delta.Comment: In Proceedings FMSPLE 2016, arXiv:1603.0857

    Identifying Advantages and Disadvantages of Variable Rate Irrigation – An Updated Review

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    Variable rate irrigation (VRI) sprinklers on mechanical move irrigation systems (center pivot or lateral move) have been commercially available since 2004. Although the number of VRI, zone or individual sprinkler, systems adopted to date is lower than expected there is a continued interest to harness this technology, especially when climate variability, regulatory nutrient management, water conservation policies, and declining water for agriculture compound the challenges involved for irrigated crop production. This article reviews the potential advantages and potential disadvantages of VRI technology for moving sprinklers, provides updated examples on such aspects, suggests a protocol for designing and implementing VRI technology and reports on the recent advancements. The advantages of VRI technology are demonstrated in the areas of agronomic improvement, greater economic returns, environmental protection and risk management, while the main drawbacks to VRI technology include the complexity to successfully implement the technology and the lack of evidence that it assures better performance in net profit or water savings. Although advances have been made in VRI technologies, its penetration into the market will continue to depend on tangible and perceived benefits by producers