15 research outputs found

    Towards Improved Robustness of Public Transport by a Machine-Learned Oracle

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    The design and optimization of public transport systems is a highly complex and challenging process. Here, we focus on the trade-off between two criteria which shall make the transport system attractive for passengers: their travel time and the robustness of the system. The latter is time-consuming to evaluate. A passenger-based evaluation of robustness requires a performance simulation with respect to a large number of possible delay scenarios, making this step computationally very expensive. For optimizing the robustness, we hence apply a machine-learned oracle from previous work which approximates the robustness of a public transport system. We apply this oracle to bi-criteria optimization of integrated public transport planning (timetabling and vehicle scheduling) in two ways: First, we explore a local search based framework studying several variants of neighborhoods. Second, we evaluate a genetic algorithm. Computational experiments with artificial and close to real-word benchmark datasets yield promising results. In all cases, an existing pool of solutions (i.e., public transport plans) can be significantly improved by finding a number of new non-dominated solutions, providing better and different trade-offs between robustness and travel time

    An adjustable robust optimization approach for periodic timetabling

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    In this paper, we consider the Robust Periodic Timetabling Problem (RPTP), the problem of designing a periodic timetable that can easily be adjusted in case of small periodic disturbances. We develop a solution method for a parametrized class of uncertainty regions. This class relates closely to uncertainty regions known in the robust optimization literature, and naturally defines a metric for the robustness of the timetable. The proposed solution method combines a linear decision rule with well-known reformulation techniques and cutting-plane methods. We show that the RPTP can be solved for practical-sized instances by applying the solution method to practical cases of Netherlands Railways (NS). In particular, we show that the trade-off between the efficiency and robustness of a timetable can be analyzed using our solution method

    The Bus Rapid Transit Investment Problem

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    Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) systems can provide a fast and reliable service to passengers at low investment costs compared to tram, metro and train systems. Therefore, they can be of great value to attract more passengers to use public transport. This paper thus focuses on the BRT investment problem: Which segments of a single bus line should be upgraded such that the number of newly attracted passengers is maximized? Motivated by the construction of a new BRT line around Copenhagen, we consider a setting in which multiple parties are responsible for different segments of the line. As each party has a limited willingness to invest, we solve a bi-objective problem to quantify the trade-off between the number of attracted passengers and the investment budget. We model different problem variants: First, we consider two potential passenger responses to upgrades on the line. Second, to prevent scattered upgrades along the line, we consider different restrictions on the number of upgraded connected components on the line. We propose an epsilon-constraint-based algorithm to enumerate the complete set of non-dominated points and investigate the complexity of this problem. Moreover, we perform extensive numerical experiments on artificial instances and a case study based on the BRT line around Copenhagen. Our results show that we can generate the full Pareto front for real-life instances and that the resulting trade-off between investment budget and attracted passengers depends both on the origin-destination demand and on the passenger response to upgrades. Moreover, we illustrate how the generated Pareto plots can assist decision makers in selecting from a set of geographical route alternatives in our case study.Comment: 40 pages; updated links to supplemental materia

    An iterative heuristic for passenger-centric train timetabling with integrated adaption times

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    In this paper we present a method to construct a periodic timetable from a tactical planning perspective. We aim at constructing a timetable that is feasible with respect to infrastructure constraints and minimizes average perceived passenger travel time. In addition to in-train and transfer times, our notion of perceived passenger time includes the adaption time (waiting time at the origin station). Adaption time minimization allows us to avoid strict frequency regularity constraints and, at the same time, to ensure regular connections between passengers’ origins and destinations. The combination of adaption time minimization and infrastructure constraints satisfaction makes the problem very challenging. The described periodic timetabling problem can be modelled as an extension of a Peri- odic Event Scheduling Problem (PESP) formulation, but requires huge computing times if it is directly solved by a general-purpose solver for instances of realistic size. In this paper, we propose a heuristic approach consisting of two phases that are executed iteratively. First, we solve a mixed-integer linear program to determine an ideal timetable that mini- mizes the average perceived passenger travel time but neglects infrastructure constraints. Then, a Lagrangian-based heuristic makes the timetable feasible with respect to infras- tructure constraints by modifying train departure and arrival times as little as possible. The obtained feasible timetable is then evaluated to compute the resulting average per- ceived passenger travel time, and a feedback is sent to the Lagrangian-based heuristic so as to possibly improve the obtained timetable from the passenger perspective, while still respecting infrastructure constraints. We illustrate the proposed iterative heuristic approach on real-life instances of Netherlands Railways and compare it to a benchmark approach, showing that it finds a feasible timetable very close to the ideal one

    An Adjustable Robust Optimization Approach for Periodic Timetabling

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    In this paper, we consider the Robust Periodic Timetabling Problem (RPTP), the problem of designing an adjustable robust periodic timetable. We develop a solution method for a parametrized class of uncertainty regions. This class relates closely to uncertainty regions known in the robust optimization literature, and naturally denes a metric for the robustness of the timetable. The proposed solution method combines a linear decision rule with well-known reformulation techniques and cutting-plane methods. We show that the RPTP can be solved for practical-sized instances by applying the solution method to practical cases of Netherlands Railways (NS). In particular, we show that the trade-o between the e- ciency and robustness of a timetable can be analyzed using our solution method