19 research outputs found

    Reconciling Repeatable Timing with Pipelining and Memory Hierarchy

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    This paper argues that repeatable timing is more important and more achievable than predictable timing. It describes microarchitecture approaches to pipelining and memory hierarchy that deliver repeatable timing and promise comparable or better performance compared to established techniques. Specifically, threads are interleaved in a pipeline to eliminate pipeline hazards, and a hierarchical memory architecture is outlined that hides memory latencies

    Performance limitations of block-multithreaded distributed-memory systems

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    The performance of modern computer systems is increasingly often limited by long latencies of accesses to the memory subsystems. Instruction-level multithreading is an architectural approach to tolerating such long latencies by switching instruction threads rather than waiting for the completion of memory operations. The paper studies performance limitations in distributed-memory block multithreaded systems and determines conditions for such systems to be balanced. Event-driven simulation of a timed Petri net model of a simple distributed-memory system confirms the derived performance result

    Increasing the level of abstraction in FPGA-based designs

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    Traditional design techniques for FPGAs are based on using hardware description languages, with functional and post-place-and-route simulation as a means to check design cor-rectness and remove detected errors. With large complexity of things to be designed it is necessary to introduce new de-sign approaches that will increase the level of abstraction while maintaining the necessary efficiency of a computation performed in hardware that we are used to today. This paper presents one such methodology that builds upon existing re-search in multithreading, object composability and encapsu-lation, partial runtime reconfiguration, and self adaptation. The methodology is based on currently available FPGA de-sign tools. The efficiency of the methodology is evaluated on basic vector and matrix operations. 1

    A Survey on Thread-Level Speculation Techniques

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    Producción CientíficaThread-Level Speculation (TLS) is a promising technique that allows the parallel execution of sequential code without relying on a prior, compile-time-dependence analysis. In this work, we introduce the technique, present a taxonomy of TLS solutions, and summarize and put into perspective the most relevant advances in this field.MICINN (Spain) and ERDF program of the European Union: HomProg-HetSys project (TIN2014-58876-P), CAPAP-H5 network (TIN2014-53522-REDT), and COST Program Action IC1305: Network for Sustainable Ultrascale Computing (NESUS)

    An efficient design space exploration framework to optimize power-efficient heterogeneous many-core multi-threading embedded processor architectures

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    By the middle of this decade, uniprocessor architecture performance had hit a roadblock due to a combination of factors, such as excessive power dissipation due to high operating frequencies, growing memory access latencies, diminishing returns on deeper instruction pipelines, and a saturation of available instruction level parallelism in applications. An attractive and viable alternative embraced by all the processor vendors was multi-core architectures where throughput is improved by using micro-architectural features such as multiple processor cores, interconnects and low latency shared caches integrated on a single chip. The individual cores are often simpler than uniprocessor counterparts, use hardware multi-threading to exploit thread-level parallelism and latency hiding and typically achieve better performance-power figures. The overwhelming success of the multi-core microprocessors in both high performance and embedded computing platforms motivated chip architects to dramatically scale the multi-core processors to many-cores which will include hundreds of cores on-chip to further improve throughput. With such complex large scale architectures however, several key design issues need to be addressed. First, a wide range of micro- architectural parameters such as L1 caches, load/store queues, shared cache structures and interconnection topologies and non-linear interactions between them define a vast non-linear multi-variate micro-architectural design space of many-core processors; the traditional method of using extensive in-loop simulation to explore the design space is simply not practical. Second, to accurately evaluate the performance (measured in terms of cycles per instruction (CPI)) of a candidate design, the contention at the shared cache must be accounted in addition to cycle-by-cycle behavior of the large number of cores which superlinearly increases the number of simulation cycles per iteration of the design exploration. Third, single thread performance does not scale linearly with number of hardware threads per core and number of cores due to memory wall effect. This means that at every step of the design process designers must ensure that single thread performance is not unacceptably slowed down while increasing overall throughput. While all these factors affect design decisions in both high performance and embedded many-core processors, the design of embedded processors required for complex embedded applications such as networking, smart power grids, battlefield decision-making, consumer electronics and biomedical devices to name a few, is fundamentally different from its high performance counterpart because of the need to consider (i) low power and (ii) real-time operations. This implies the design objective for embedded many-core processors cannot be to simply maximize performance, but improve it in such a way that overall power dissipation is minimized and all real-time constraints are met. This necessitates additional power estimation models right at the design stage to accurately measure the cost and reliability of all the candidate designs during the exploration phase. In this dissertation, a statistical machine learning (SML) based design exploration framework is presented which employs an execution-driven cycle- accurate simulator to accurately measure power and performance of embedded many-core processors. The embedded many-core processor domain is Network Processors (NePs) used to processed network IP packets. Future generation NePs required to operate at terabits per second network speeds captures all the aspects of a complex embedded application consisting of shared data structures, large volume of compute-intensive and data-intensive real-time bound tasks and a high level of task (packet) level parallelism. Statistical machine learning (SML) is used to efficiently model performance and power of candidate designs in terms of wide ranges of micro-architectural parameters. The method inherently minimizes number of in-loop simulations in the exploration framework and also efficiently captures the non-linear interactions between the micro-architectural design parameters. To ensure scalability, the design space is partitioned into (i) core-level micro-architectural parameters to optimize single core architectures subject to the real-time constraints and (ii) shared memory level micro- architectural parameters to explore the shared interconnection network and shared cache memory architectures and achieves overall optimality. The cost function of our exploration algorithm is the total power dissipation which is minimized, subject to the constraints of real-time throughput (as determined from the terabit optical network router line-speed) required in IP packet processing embedded application

    Lock-Based cache coherence protocol for chip multiprocessors

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    Chip multiprocessor (CMP) is replacing the superscalar processor due to its huge performance gains in terms of processor speed, scalability, power consumption and economical design. Since the CMP consists of multiple processor cores on a single chip usually with share cache resources, process synchronization is an important issue that needs to be dealt with. Synchronization is usually done by the operating system in case of shared memory multiprocessors (SMP). This work studies the effect of performing synchronization by the hardware through its integration with the cache coherence protocol. A novel cache coherence protocol, called Lock-based Cache Coherence Protocol (LCCP) was designed and its performance was compared with MESI cache coherence protocol. Experiments were performed by a functional multiprocessor simulator, MP_Simplesim, that was modified to do this work. A novel interconnection network was also designed and tested in terms of performance against the traditional bus approach by means of simulation


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    This research focuses on evaluating and enhancing the performance of an in-house, structured, 2D CFD code - GHOST, on modern commodity clusters. The basic philosophy of this work is to optimize the cache performance of the code by splitting up the grid into smaller blocks and carrying out the required calculations on these smaller blocks. This in turn leads to enhanced code performance on commodity clusters. Accordingly, this work presents a discussion along with a detailed description of two techniques: external and internal blocking, for data access optimization. These techniques have been tested on steady, unsteady, laminar, and turbulent test cases and the results are presented. The critical hardware parameters which influenced the code performance were identified. A detailed study investigating the effect of these parameters on the code performance was conducted and the results are presented. The modified version of the code was also ported to the current state-of-art architectures with successful results