33 research outputs found

    A Factor Framework for Experimental Design for Performance Evaluation of Commercial Cloud Services

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    Given the diversity of commercial Cloud services, performance evaluations of candidate services would be crucial and beneficial for both service customers (e.g. cost-benefit analysis) and providers (e.g. direction of service improvement). Before an evaluation implementation, the selection of suitable factors (also called parameters or variables) plays a prerequisite role in designing evaluation experiments. However, there seems a lack of systematic approaches to factor selection for Cloud services performance evaluation. In other words, evaluators randomly and intuitively concerned experimental factors in most of the existing evaluation studies. Based on our previous taxonomy and modeling work, this paper proposes a factor framework for experimental design for performance evaluation of commercial Cloud services. This framework capsules the state-of-the-practice of performance evaluation factors that people currently take into account in the Cloud Computing domain, and in turn can help facilitate designing new experiments for evaluating Cloud services.Comment: 8 pages, Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Cloud Computing Technology and Science (CloudCom 2012), pp. 169-176, Taipei, Taiwan, December 03-06, 201

    Building an Expert System for Evaluation of Commercial Cloud Services

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    Commercial Cloud services have been increasingly supplied to customers in industry. To facilitate customers' decision makings like cost-benefit analysis or Cloud provider selection, evaluation of those Cloud services are becoming more and more crucial. However, compared with evaluation of traditional computing systems, more challenges will inevitably appear when evaluating rapidly-changing and user-uncontrollable commercial Cloud services. This paper proposes an expert system for Cloud evaluation that addresses emerging evaluation challenges in the context of Cloud Computing. Based on the knowledge and data accumulated by exploring the existing evaluation work, this expert system has been conceptually validated to be able to give suggestions and guidelines for implementing new evaluation experiments. As such, users can conveniently obtain evaluation experiences by using this expert system, which is essentially able to make existing efforts in Cloud services evaluation reusable and sustainable.Comment: 8 page, Proceedings of the 2012 International Conference on Cloud and Service Computing (CSC 2012), pp. 168-175, Shanghai, China, November 22-24, 201

    Honey bee based trust management system for cloud computing

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    Cloud computing has been considered as the new computing paradigm that would offer computer resources over the Internet as service.With the widespread use of cloud, computing would become another utility similar to electricity, water, gas and telephony where the customer would be paying only for the services consumed contrary to the current practice of paying a monthly or annual fixed charge irrespective of use.For cloud computing to become accepted by everybody, several issues need to be resolved.One of the most important issues to be addressed is cloud security.Trust management is one of the important components of cloud security that requires special attention. In this paper, the authors propose the concept that honey bee algorithm which has been developed to solve complex optimization problems can be successfully used to address this issue.The authors have taken a closer look at the optimization problems that had been solved using the honey bee algorithm and the similarity between these problems and the cloud computing environment.Thus concluding that the honey bee algorithm could be successfully used to solve the trust management issue in cloud computing

    Towards a Taxonomy of Performance Evaluation of Commercial Cloud Services

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    Cloud Computing, as one of the most promising computing paradigms, has become increasingly accepted in industry. Numerous commercial providers have started to supply public Cloud services, and corresponding performance evaluation is then inevitably required for Cloud provider selection or cost-benefit analysis. Unfortunately, inaccurate and confusing evaluation implementations can be often seen in the context of commercial Cloud Computing, which could severely interfere and spoil evaluation-related comprehension and communication. This paper introduces a taxonomy to help profile and standardize the details of performance evaluation of commercial Cloud services. Through a systematic literature review, we constructed the taxonomy along two dimensions by arranging the atomic elements of Cloud-related performance evaluation. As such, this proposed taxonomy can be employed both to analyze existing evaluation practices through decomposition into elements and to design new experiments through composing elements for evaluating performance of commercial Cloud services. Moreover, through smooth expansion, we can continually adapt this taxonomy to the more general area of evaluation of Cloud Computing.Comment: 8 pages, Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Cloud Computing (IEEE CLOUD 2012), pp. 344-351, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA, June 24-29, 201

    Information System as a Service: Issues and Challenges

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    Information system evolved as the evolution of information technology. The current state of information technology, placed the internet as a main resources of computing. Cloud technology as the backbone of internet has been utilized as a powerful computing resources. Therefore, cloud introduced new term of service oriented technology, popular with “as a service” kind of name. In this paper, the service oriented paradigm will be used to address future trend of information system. Thus, this paper try to introduce the term “information system as a service”, holistic view of infrastructure as a service, platform as a service, software as a service, and data as a servic

    On a Catalogue of Metrics for Evaluating Commercial Cloud Services

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    Given the continually increasing amount of commercial Cloud services in the market, evaluation of different services plays a significant role in cost-benefit analysis or decision making for choosing Cloud Computing. In particular, employing suitable metrics is essential in evaluation implementations. However, to the best of our knowledge, there is not any systematic discussion about metrics for evaluating Cloud services. By using the method of Systematic Literature Review (SLR), we have collected the de facto metrics adopted in the existing Cloud services evaluation work. The collected metrics were arranged following different Cloud service features to be evaluated, which essentially constructed an evaluation metrics catalogue, as shown in this paper. This metrics catalogue can be used to facilitate the future practice and research in the area of Cloud services evaluation. Moreover, considering metrics selection is a prerequisite of benchmark selection in evaluation implementations, this work also supplements the existing research in benchmarking the commercial Cloud services.Comment: 10 pages, Proceedings of the 13th ACM/IEEE International Conference on Grid Computing (Grid 2012), pp. 164-173, Beijing, China, September 20-23, 201


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    La computación en la nube se ha convertido en uno de los factores relevantes para las empresas, desarrolladores y trabajadores, porque proporciona herramientas y aplicaciones web que permite almacenarinformación en servidores externos. Además, la computación en la nube ofrece ventajas tales como: reducción de costos, acceso a la información desde cualquier lugar, por mencionar sólo algunos. Hoy en día hay varios proveedores de computación en la nube como: Google Apps, Zoho, AppEngine, E2C Amazon, entre otros. Estos proveedores ofrecen software,infraestructura o plataforma como un servicio. En este trabajo se presenta una revisión general de los proveedores de computación en la nube, con el fin de permitir a los usuarios, empresas y desarrolladores seleccionar el que se ajuste a sus necesidades.


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    Cloud computing has become an important factor for businesses, developers, workers, because it provides tools and Web applications that allows storing information on external servers. Also, Cloud computing offers advantages such as: cost reduction, information access from anywhere, to mention but a few. Nowadays, there are several Cloud computing providers such as: Google Apps, Zoho, AppEngine, Amazon E2C, among others. These providers offer Software, Infrastructure or Platform as a Service. Taking this into account, this paper presents a general review of Cloud computing providers in order to allow users, enterprises, and developers select the one that meets their needs