17,798 research outputs found

    Developing Educational Software: a professional tool perspective

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    The selection, and use of educational software and its impact in schools are still controversial issues. In this paper we present an alternative conceptualisation of educational software based on considering the software as an instrument for teachers’ professional performance. We review previous work in the areas of the design, development and evaluation of educational software and of the process of educational innovation. The review of these four areas converges to demonstrate the need for knowing and considering the context of use of educational software and for understanding users' perspectives about its roles and possibilities and hence supports a consideration a perspective on educational software which sees it as a professional tool for teachers performance of their teaching role

    Innovative Teaching and Digital Literacy in Preschool. App Content Analysis and Experimental Case Studies in a Sociological Perspective

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    The objective of this article is to illustrate, from the theoretical and methodological perspective, the construction of an experimental process of a “digital education app” in several preschools in the municipality of Rome. The general objective the project fits into is related to a sociological analysis, based on the relationship between theory and empirical research, of the effects of introducing digital media into preschool didactics. Preschools are a privileged site for observing and analyzing the formation and development of children’s capabilities (Nussbaum, 2000), since the plasticity of the child’s thought begins to be configured as early as preschool and evolves progressively taking into account the perceptive, sociocultural and behavioural conditions emerging from different educational agencies (Piaget, Inhelder, 1950). The article refers to the research project of the Mediamonitor Minori Observatory of the Sapienza University of Rome entitled “Media Usage in Pre-school. Analysis and Evaluation of the Influence of Digital Media on the Socialization of Children between 0-6”. The article retraces in particular the stages of the research strategy designed to structure a formative, experimental protocol to be experimented in some case studies in Rome and illustrates the main results

    Aplicações digitais para a inclusão. O projeto europeu DEPIT

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    This article discusses the relevance of personalization and inclusion as key aspects of teaching planning and emphasizes the suitability of technologies to support this perspective. An app, called DEPIT (Designing for Personalization and Inclusion with Technologies), whose purpose is to support teacher planning and programming, is presented and evaluated from the perspective of the teaching staff. The information is collected from teachers regarding their attitude towards the DEPIT app, as well as its usefulness in teaching practice. The applied value of the app is collected through a discussion forum. The quantitative analysis of the data carried out by means of the statistical program SPSS v.24, identifies positive attitudes of the teaching staff in relation to the use of digital tools to elaborate the teaching programming. The qualitative analysis, carried out through the software Atlas.ti v.8, records aspects that teachers value in the application of DEPIT, among others: “Its adaptation and versatility to diverse educational contexts”, “It facilitates interaction and communication” and “It promotes freedom, independence and autonomy”.The results allow us to conclude that teachers assume a proactive and positive attitude towards the incorporation of technological tools for their teaching and put in value the potential of the DEPIT App for teacher programming.En esta aportación se plantea la relevancia de la personalización y la inclusión como aspectos clave de la planificación de la enseñanza y se incide en la idoneidad de las tecnologías para apoyar esta perspectiva. Se presenta y evalúa desde la perspectiva del profesorado, el potencial de la herramienta DEPIT (Designing for Personalization and Inclusion with Technologies) cuya finalidad es apoyar la planificación y programación docente, atendiendo a la inclusión y personalización. Se recoge información del profesorado sobre su actitud hacia DEPIT, así como sobre su utilidad en la praxis docente. El valor aplicado de DEPIT se recaba a través de un foro de discusión. El análisis cuantitativo de los datos llevado a cabo mediante el programa estadístico SPSS v.24, identifica actitudes positivas del profesorado en relación al uso de herramientas digitales para elaborar la programación docente. El análisis cualitativo, realizado mediante el programa Atlas.Ti V.8, registra aspectos que los docentes valoran de la aplicación DEPIT, entre otros: “Adaptación y versatilidad a contextos educativos diversos” “Facilita la interacción y la comunicación” y “Potencia la libertad, independencia y autonomía”. De los resultados obtenidos se concluye que el profesorado asume una actitud proactiva y positiva hacia la incorporación de herramientas tecnológicas para su docencia y ponen en valor el potencial de DEPIT para la programación docente.   [1] DEPIT (Designing for Personalization and Inclusion with Technologies) forma parte de un proyecto cofinanciado por el programa Erasmus+ de la Unión Europea, en el que participan diferentes universidades europeas. Web del proyecto: http://depit.euNesta aportação se propõe a relevância da personalização e à inclusão como aspectos chave da planificação do ensino e se incide na idoneidade das tecnologias para apoiar esta perspectiva. Se apresenta e avalia desde a perspectiva do professorado, o potencial da ferramenta DEPIT (Designing for Personalization and Inclusion with Technologies) cuja finalidade e apoiar a planificação e programação docente, atendendo a inclusão e personalização. Colhendo informação do professorado sobre sua atitude com DEPIT, assim como sobre sua utilidade na práxis docente.  O valor aplicado do DEPIT se consegue através de um fórum de discussão. A analises quantitativa dos dados estudados mediante o programa estatístico SPSS v.24, identifica atitudes positivas do professorado em relação ao uso de ferramentas digitais para elaborara a programação docente. A analises qualitativa, realizada mediante o programa Atlas.Ti V.8, registra aspectos que os docentes avaliam da aplicação DEPIT, entre outros: “adaptação e versatilidade a contextos educativos diversos” “Facilita a interação e a comunicação” e “potência a liberdade, independência e autonomia”. Dos resultados obtidos se conclui que o professorado assume uma atitude proativa e positiva para a incorporação de ferramentas tecnológicas para sua docência e põe em valor o potencial do DEPIT para programação docente

    Technology and Pedagogy:keywords in developing online-education

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    Desarrollo de una herramienta didáctica para la enseñanza de conceptos básicos en sistemas embebidos (SE)

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    Didactic tools in the classroom are a very important element  in the teaching­learning process.  In the embedded systems  topic, these tools offer to teachers and students a fast way to  apply the concepts and knowledge through rapid prototyping  using  the  concept  of  modularity.    In  this  paper,  the  development  of  a  didactic  tool  for  the  teaching  of  basic  concepts in embedded systems is presented. First, the study  and selection of the most used peripherals in the teaching of  embedded systems was made. Then, by using CAD tools,  the Printed Circuit Boards (PCB's) of the didactic tool were  designed based on Arduino compatible layout. Afterward, a  functional prototype was built.  Finally, a laboratory guide  handbook and a user manual were elaborated.  A prototype  of a didactic module for the teaching of basic concepts in  embedded systems was implemented and tested. Also, the  related  documentation  with  this  didactic  module  was  developed.  The  developed  tool  can  be  considered  as  a  classroom technology innovation because of it can be used  as a support tool in embedded systems related course, since  its  modular  concept  permit  that  students  do  not  spend  money and extra time implementing the necessary circuits to  test the algorithms developed in the classroom.Las herramientas didácticas en el aula son un elemento muy  importante  en  el  proceso  de  enseñanza­aprendizaje.  En  el  tema de sistemas integrados, estas herramientas ofrecen a  profesores  y  estudiantes  una  forma  rápida  de  aplicar  los  conceptos y el conocimiento a través de prototipos rápidos  utilizando el concepto de modularidad. En este artículo, se  presenta el desarrollo de una herramienta didáctica para la  enseñanza  de  conceptos  básicos  en  sistemas  embebidos.  Primero, se realizó el estudio y la selección de los periféricos  más  utilizados  en  la  enseñanza  de  sistemas  embebidos.  Luego, mediante el uso de herramientas CAD, las placas de  circuito  impreso  (PCB)  de  la  herramienta  didáctica  se  diseñaron  según  un  diseño  compatible  con  Arduino.  Posteriormente,  se  construyó  un  prototipo  funcional.  Finalmente, se elaboró     un manual de guía de laboratorio y un  manual de usuario. Se implementó y probó un prototipo de un  módulo didáctico para la enseñanza de conceptos básicos en  sistemas embebidos. Además, se desarrolló la documentación  relacionada  con  este  módulo  didáctico.  La  herramienta  desarrollada  se  puede  considerar  como  una  innovación  tecnológica en el aula debido a que se puede utilizar como  una  herramienta  de  apoyo  en  un  curso  relacionado  con  sistemas integrados, ya que su concepto modular permite que  los  estudiantes  no  gasten  dinero  y  tiempo  extra  implementando  los  circuitos  necesarios  para  probar  los  algoritmos desarrollados en el aula

    Improving the Power Electronics Laboratory teaching/learning process: an interactive web tool

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    European Higher Education Area; Power Electronics Laboratory; educational methods Resumen: The forthcoming European Higher Education Area implies an important change in the teaching/learning process: it is necessary to get students more involved as well as to promote their independence and active participation. To achieve this objective, the new teaching methodologies aimed at more effective and appropriate learning for professional practice involve the use of audiovisual, computer and multimedia tools on the part of lecturers. Therefore, a web tool, based on a content management system, has been developed for the teaching in Power Electronics Laboratory. Moreover, the use of these multimedia tools makes possible to promote the students independence. Finally, the use of this web tool results in a very significant increase in the motivation students.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Advances in Teaching & Learning Day Abstracts 2004

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    Proceedings of the Advances in Teaching & Learning Day Regional Conference held at The University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston in 2004