24,702 research outputs found

    Resilience markers for safer systems and organisations

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    If computer systems are to be designed to foster resilient performance it is important to be able to identify contributors to resilience. The emerging practice of Resilience Engineering has identified that people are still a primary source of resilience, and that the design of distributed systems should provide ways of helping people and organisations to cope with complexity. Although resilience has been identified as a desired property, researchers and practitioners do not have a clear understanding of what manifestations of resilience look like. This paper discusses some examples of strategies that people can adopt that improve the resilience of a system. Critically, analysis reveals that the generation of these strategies is only possible if the system facilitates them. As an example, this paper discusses practices, such as reflection, that are known to encourage resilient behavior in people. Reflection allows systems to better prepare for oncoming demands. We show that contributors to the practice of reflection manifest themselves at different levels of abstraction: from individual strategies to practices in, for example, control room environments. The analysis of interaction at these levels enables resilient properties of a system to be ‘seen’, so that systems can be designed to explicitly support them. We then present an analysis of resilience at an organisational level within the nuclear domain. This highlights some of the challenges facing the Resilience Engineering approach and the need for using a collective language to articulate knowledge of resilient practices across domains

    Evaluating the Learning Performance of Emergency Procedures for Operators in Metro Based on a Cognition Model

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    With the rapid development of the automated metro, valid emergency procedures play a significant role for operators in metro emergency response and recovery. Also, the operators have a challenge to learn different emergency procedures under different automation grades of the metro. Hence, the paper aims to evaluate the learning performance of emergency procedures with regard to the operator. Based on the ACT-R cognitive theory, two decision patterns of the operators are proposed to predict the operator’s learning process for emergency procedures, and a cognition model including 16 production rules and 32 chunks to realize the perceptual encoding and the corresponding determining parts is built. After that, an experiment is further implemented to validate the model results.</p

    Introduction to Nuclear Propulsion: Lecture 15 - Nuclear Test Operations

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    The test operation of nuclear power plants, specifically nuclear rockets, bears some interesting similarities to the operation of chemical rocket tests as well as, of course, many differences. A significant feature common to both nuclear and chemical rocket tests is that all the fuel for the entire operation is loaded at the start of the test. As a direct consequence of this fact, the operation of nuclear power plants must be surrounded with adequate safety precautions, as is indeed the case in the operation of chemical rockets, A second direct consequence is that in both types of testing a very thorough and complete checkout is made before starting the test

    Developtment of a software tool for the analysis and verification of emergency operating procedures through the integrated simulation of plant and operators actions

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    Probabilistic safety assessment (PSA) includes operator actions as elements in the set of the considered protection performances during accident sequences. Nevertheless, its impact throughout a sequence is not usually analyzed dynamically. In this sense, it is convenient to make a more detailed analysis about its importance in the dynamics of the sequences, allowing for sensitivity studies with respect to human reliability and response times. For this reason, new developments in simulation software must be able to incorporate operator actions in conventional thermalhydraulic simulations. In this paper, we present one of these new tools, the TRETA/TIZONA–COPMA III coupled codes, which can be used for evaluating the impact in the final plant state of the execution by operators of procedures and the evaluation of the available times for the manual actions of the operators. This software tool consists of a closed-loop plant/operator simulator: a thermalhydraulic code for simulating the plant transient (TRETA for PWR NPPs and TIZONA for BWR NPPs) and the procedures processor (COPMA III) to simulate the operator actions requested by the procedures, both coupled by a data communication system which allows the information exchange (SWBus). The first pilot cases have been performed in order to analyze sequences initiated by secondary side breaks leading to loss of heat sink sequences in a PWR plant. These tests have been carried out using the real plant EOPs for COPMA-III and a PWR plant model for TRETA code. The results of these simulations are presented in this paper

    Designing Flightdeck Procedures: Literature Resources

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    This technical publication contains the titles, abstracts, summaries, descriptions, and/or annotations of available literature sources on procedure design and development, requirements, and guidance. It is designed to provide users with an easy access to available resources on the topic of procedure design, and with a sense of the contents of these sources. This repository of information is organized into the following publication sources: Research (e.g., journal articles, conference proceedings), Manufacturers' (e.g., operation manuals, newsletters), and Regulatory and/or Government (e.g., advisory circulars, reports). An additional section contains synopses of Accident/Incident Reports involving procedures. This work directly supports a comprehensive memorandum by Barshi, Mauro, Degani, & Loukopoulou (2016) that summarizes the results of a multi-year project, partially funded by the FAA, to develop technical reference materials that support guidance on the process of developing cockpit procedures (see "Designing Flightdeck Procedures" https://ntrs.nasa.gov/archive/nasa/casi.ntrs.nasa.gov/20160013263.pdf). An extensive treatment of this topic is presented in a forthcoming book by the same authors

    Application of Artificial Intelligence in Detection and Mitigation of Human Factor Errors in Nuclear Power Plants: A Review

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    Human factors and ergonomics have played an essential role in increasing the safety and performance of operators in the nuclear energy industry. In this critical review, we examine how artificial intelligence (AI) technologies can be leveraged to mitigate human errors, thereby improving the safety and performance of operators in nuclear power plants (NPPs). First, we discuss the various causes of human errors in NPPs. Next, we examine the ways in which AI has been introduced to and incorporated into different types of operator support systems to mitigate these human errors. We specifically examine (1) operator support systems, including decision support systems, (2) sensor fault detection systems, (3) operation validation systems, (4) operator monitoring systems, (5) autonomous control systems, (6) predictive maintenance systems, (7) automated text analysis systems, and (8) safety assessment systems. Finally, we provide some of the shortcomings of the existing AI technologies and discuss the challenges still ahead for their further adoption and implementation to provide future research directions

    Draft Function Allocation Framework and Preliminary Technical Basis for Advanced SMR Concepts of Operations

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    This report presents preliminary research results from the investigation in to the development of new models and guidance for concepts of operations (ConOps) in advanced small modular reactor (aSMR) designs. In support of this objective, three important research areas were included: operating principles of multi-modular plants, functional allocation models and strategies that would affect the development of new, non-traditional concept of operations, and the requiremetns for human performance, based upon work domain analysis and current regulatory requirements. As part of the approach for this report, we outline potential functions, including the theoretical and operational foundations for the development of a new functional allocation model and the identification of specific regulatory requirements that will influence the development of future concept of operations. The report also highlights changes in research strategy prompted by confirmationof the importance of applying the work domain analysis methodology to a reference aSMR design. It is described how this methodology will enrich the findings from this phase of the project in the subsequent phases and help in identification of metrics and focused studies for the determination of human performance criteria that can be used to support the design process

    A lunar base reference mission for the phased implementation of bioregenerative life support system components

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    Previous design efforts of a cost effective and reliable regenerative life support system (RLSS) provided the foundation for the characterization of organisms or 'biological processors' in engineering terms and a methodology was developed for their integration into an engineered ecological LSS in order to minimize the mass flow imbalances between consumers and producers. These techniques for the design and the evaluation of bioregenerative LSS have now been integrated into a lunar base reference mission, emphasizing the phased implementation of components of such a BLSS. In parallel, a designers handbook was compiled from knowledge and experience gained during past design projects to aid in the design and planning of future space missions requiring advanced RLSS technologies. The lunar base reference mission addresses in particular the phased implementation and integration of BLS parts and includes the resulting infrastructure burdens and needs such as mass, power, volume, and structural requirements of the LSS. Also, operational aspects such as manpower requirements and the possible need and application of 'robotics' were addressed

    Technological advances, human performance, and the operation of nuclear facilities

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    2017 Spring.Includes bibliographical references.Many unfortunate and unintended adverse industrial incidents occur across the United States each year, and the nuclear industry is no exception. Depending on their severity, these incidents can be problematic for people, the facilities, and surrounding environments. Human error is a contributing factor in many such incidents. This dissertation first explored the hypothesis that technological changes that affect how operators interact within the systems of the nuclear facilities exacerbate the cost of incidents caused by human error. I conducted a review of nuclear incidents in the United States from 1955 through 2010 that reached Level 3 (serious incident) or higher on the International Nuclear Events Scale (INES). The cost of each incident at facilities that had recently undergone technological changes affecting plant operators' jobs was compared to the cost of events at facilities that had not undergone changes. A t-test determined a statistically significant difference between the two groups, confirming the hypothesis. Next, I conducted a follow-on study to determine the impact of the incorporation of new technologies into nuclear facilities. The data indicated that spending more money on upgrades increased the facility's capacity as well as the number of incidents reported, but the incident severity was minor. Finally, I discuss the impact of human error on plant operations and the impact of evolving technology on the 21st-century operator, proposing a methodology to overcome these challenges by applying the systems engineering process