1,523 research outputs found

    Neuro-electronic technology in medicine and beyond

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    This dissertation looks at the technology and social issues involved with interfacing electronics directly to the human nervous system, in particular the methods for both reading and stimulating nerves. The development and use of cochlea implants is discussed, and is compared with recent developments in artificial vision. The final sections consider a future for non-medicinal applications of neuro-electronic technology. Social attitudes towards use for both medicinal and non-medicinal purposes are discussed, and the viability of use in the latter case assessed

    Design and Implementation of Wireless Point-Of-Care Health Monitoring Systems: Diagnosis For Sleep Disorders and Cardiovascular Diseases

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    Chronic sleep disorders are present in 40 million people in the United States. More than 25 million people remain undiagnosed and untreated, which accounts for over $22 billion in unnecessary healthcare costs. In addition, another major chronic disease is the heart diseases which cause 23.8% of the deaths in the United States. Thus, there is a need for a low cost, reliable, and ubiquitous patient monitoring system. A remote point-of-care system can satisfy this need by providing real time monitoring of the patient\u27s health condition at remote places. However, the currently available POC systems have some drawbacks; the fixed number of physiological channels and lack of real time monitoring. In this dissertation, several remote POC systems are reported to diagnose sleep disorders and cardiovascular diseases to overcome the drawbacks of the current systems. First, two types of remote POC systems were developed for sleep disorders. One was designed with ZigBee and Wi-Fi network, which provides increase/decrease the number of physiological channels flexibly by using ZigBee star network. It also supports the remote real-time monitoring by extending WPAN to WLAN with combination of two wireless communication topologies, ZigBee and Wi-Fi. The other system was designed with GSM/WCDMA network, which removes the restriction of testing places and provides remote real-time monitoring in the true sense of the word. Second, a fully wearable textile integrated real-time ECG acquisition system for football players was developed to prevent sudden cardiac death. To reduce power consumption, adaptive RF output power control was implemented based on RSSI and the power consumption was reduced up to 20%. Third, as an application of measuring physiological signals, a wireless brain machine interface by using the extracted features of EOG and EEG was implemented to control the movement of a robot. The acceleration/deceleration of the robot is controlled based on the attention level from EEG. The left/right motion of eyeballs of EOG is used to control the direction of the robot. The accuracy rate was about 95%. These kinds of health monitoring systems can reduce the exponentially increasing healthcare costs and cater the most important healthcare needs of the society

    Graphene textiles towards soft wearable interfaces for electroocular remote control of objects

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    Study of eye movements (EMs) and measurement of the resulting biopotentials, referred to as electrooculography (EOG), may find increasing use in applications within the domain of activity recognition, context awareness, mobile human-computer interaction (HCI) applications, and personalized medicine provided that the limitations of conventional “wet” electrodes are addressed. To overcome the limitations of conventional electrodes, this work, reports for the first time the use and characterization of graphene-based electroconductive textile electrodes for EOG acquisition using a custom-designed embedded eye tracker. This self-contained wearable device consists of a headband with integrated textile electrodes and a small, pocket-worn, battery-powered hardware with real-time signal processing which can stream data to a remote device over Bluetooth. The feasibility of the developed gel-free, flexible, dry textile electrodes was experimentally authenticated through side-by-side comparison with pre-gelled, wet, silver/silver chloride (Ag/AgCl) electrodes, where the simultaneously and asynchronous recorded signals displayed correlation of up to ~87% and ~91% respectively over durations reaching hundred seconds and repeated on several participants. Additionally, an automatic EM detection algorithm is developed and the performance of the graphene-embedded “all-textile” EM sensor and its application as a control element toward HCI is experimentally demonstrated. The excellent success rate ranging from 85% up to 100% for eleven different EM patterns demonstrates the applicability of the proposed algorithm in wearable EOG-based sensing and HCI applications with graphene textiles. The system-level integration and the holistic design approach presented herein which starts from fundamental materials level up to the architecture and algorithm stage is highlighted and will be instrumental to advance the state-of-the-art in wearable electronic devices based on sensing and processing of electrooculograms

    A Study of recent classification algorithms and a novel approach for biosignal data classification

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    Analyzing and understanding human biosignals have been important research areas that have many practical applications in everyday life. For example, Brain Computer Interface is a research area that studies the connection between the human brain and external systems by processing and learning the brain signals called Electroencephalography (EEG) signals. Similarly, various assistive robotics applications are being developed to interpret eye or muscle signals in humans in order to provide control inputs for external devices. The efficiency for all of these applications depends heavily on being able to process and classify human biosignals. Therefore many techniques from Signal Processing and Machine Learning fields are applied in order to understand human biosignals better and increase the efficiency and success of these applications. This thesis proposes a new classifier for biosignal data classification utilizing Particle Swarm Optimization Clustering and Radial Basis Function Networks (RBFN). The performance of the proposed classifier together with several variations in the technique is analyzed by utilizing comparisons with the state of the art classifiers such as Fuzzy Functions Support Vector Machines (FFSVM), Improved Fuzzy Functions Support Vector Machines (IFFSVM). These classifiers are implemented on the classification of same biological signals in order to evaluate the proposed technique. Several clustering algorithms, which are used in these classifiers, such as K-means, Fuzzy c-means, and Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO), are studied and compared with each other based on clustering abilities. The effects of the analyzed clustering algorithms in the performance of Radial Basis Functions Networks classifier are investigated. Strengths and weaknesses are analyzed on various standard and EEG datasets. Results show that the proposed classifier that combines PSO clustering with RBFN classifier can reach or exceed the performance of these state of the art classifiers. Finally, the proposed classification technique is applied to a real-time system application where a mobile robot is controlled based on person\u27s EEG signal

    Applications of the electric potential sensor for healthcare and assistive technologies

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    The work discussed in this thesis explores the possibility of employing the Electric Potential Sensor for use in healthcare and assistive technology applications with the same and in some cases better degrees of accuracy than those of conventional technologies. The Electric Potential Sensor is a generic and versatile sensing technology capable of working in both contact and non-contact (remote) modes. New versions of the active sensor were developed for specific surface electrophysiological signal measurements. The requirements in terms of frequency range, electrode size and gain varied with the type of signal measured for each application. Real-time applications based on electrooculography, electroretinography and electromyography are discussed, as well as an application based on human movement. A three sensor electrooculography eye tracking system was developed which is of interest to eye controlled assistive technologies. The system described achieved an accuracy at least as good as conventional wet gel electrodes for both horizontal and vertical eye movements. Surface recording of the electroretinogram, used to monitor eye health and diagnose degenerative diseases of the retina, was achieved and correlated with both corneal fibre and wet gel surface electrodes. The main signal components of electromyography lie in a higher bandwidth and surface signals of the deltoid muscle were recorded over the course of rehabilitation of a subject with an injured arm. Surface electromyography signals of the bicep were also recorded and correlated with the joint dynamics of the elbow. A related non-contact application of interest to assistive technologies was also developed. Hand movement within a defined area was mapped and used to control a mouse cursor and a predictive text interface

    A Light on Physiological Sensors for Efficient Driver Drowsiness Detection System

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    International audienceThe significant advance in bio-sensor technologies hold promise to monitor human physiologicalsignals in real time. In the context of public safety, such technology knows notable research investigations toobjectively detect early stage of driver drowsiness that impairs driver performance under various conditions.Seeking for low-cost, compact yet reliable sensing technology that can provide a solution to drowsy stateproblem is challenging. While some enduring solutions have been available as prototypes for a while, many ofthese technologies are now in the development, validation testing, or even commercialization stages. Thecontribution of this paper is to assess current progress in the development of bio-sensors based driver drowsinessdetection technologies and study their fundamental specifications to achieve accuracy requirements. Existingmarket and research products are then ranked following the discussed specifications. The finding of this work isto provide a methodology to facilitate making the appropriate hardware choice to implement efficient yet lowcostdrowsiness detection system using existing market physiological based sensors


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    In this work, a MATLAB-based graphical user interface is proposed for the visual examination of several eye movements. The proposed solution is algorithm-based, which localizes the area of the eye movement, removes artifacts, and calculates the view trajectory in terms of direction and orb deviation. To compute the algorithm, a five-electrode configuration is needed. The goodness of the proposed MATLAB-based graphical user interface has been validated, at the Clinic of Child Neurology of University Hospital of Ostrava, through the EEG Wave Program, which was considered as “gold standard” test. The proposed solution can help physicians on studying cerebral diseases, or to be used for the development of human-machine interfaces useful for the improvement of the digital era that surrounds us today

    A versatile wearable based on reconfigurable hardware for biomedical measurements

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    In this work a versatile hardware platform based on reconfigurable devices is presented. This platform it intended for the acquisition of multiple biosignals, only requiring a reconfiguration to switch applications. This prototype has been combined with graphene-based, flexible electrodes to cover the application to different biosignals presented in this paper, which are electrocardiogram, electrooculogram and electromyogram. The features of this system provide to the user and to medical personnel a complete set of diagnosis tools, available both at home and hospitals, to be used as a triage tool and for remote patient monitoring. Additionally, an Android application has been developed for signal processing and data presentation to the user. The results obtained demonstrate the wide range of possibilities in portable/wearable applications of the combination of reconfigurable devices and flexible electronics, especially for the remote monitoring of patients using multiple biosignals of interest. The versatility of this device makes it a complete set of monitoring tools integrated in a reduced size device

    High-performance analog front-end (AFE) for EOG systems

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    Electrooculography is a technique for measuring the corneo-retinal standing potential of the human eye. The resulting signal is called the electrooculogram (EOG). The primary applications are in ophthalmological diagnosis and in recording eye movements to develop simple human–machine interfaces (HCI). The electronic circuits for EOG signal conditioning are well known in the field of electronic instrumentation; however, the specific characteristics of the EOG signal make a careful electronic design necessary. This work is devoted to presenting the most important issues related to the design of an EOG analog front-end (AFE). In this respect, it is essential to analyze the possible sources of noise, interference, and motion artifacts and how to minimize their effects. Considering these issues, the complete design of an AFE for EOG systems is reported in this work.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio