31,569 research outputs found

    Building the Science Foundation of a Modern Food Safety System: Lessons From Denmark, the Netherlands, and the United Kingdom on Creating a More Coordinated and Integrated Approach to Food Safety Information

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    Examines how food safety reforms in three countries and the European Union affected data collection and analysis, coordination and integrated approaches, and use of data for prevention. Makes recommendations for U.S. programs, policies, and activities

    All-Payer Claims Database Development Manual: Establishing a Foundation for Health Care Transparency and Informed Decision Making

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    With support from the Gary and Mary West Health Policy Center, the APCD Council has developed a manual for states to develop all-payer claims databases. Titled All-Payer Claims Database Development Manual: Establishing a Foundation for Health Care Transparency and Informed Decision Making, the manual is a first-of its-kind resource that provides states with detailed guidance on common data standards, collection, aggregation and analysis involved with establishing these databases

    The European Institute for Innovation through Health Data

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    The European Institute for Innovation through Health Data (i~HD, www.i-hd.eu) has been formed as one of the key sustainable entities arising from the Electronic Health Records for Clinical Research (IMI-JU-115189) and SemanticHealthNet (FP7-288408) projects, in collaboration with several other European projects and initiatives supported by the European Commission. i~HD is a European not-for-profit body, registered in Belgium through Royal Assent. i~HD has been established to tackle areas of challenge in the successful scaling up of innovations that critically rely on high-quality and interoperable health data. It will specifically address obstacles and opportunities to using health data by collating, developing, and promoting best practices in information governance and in semantic interoperability. It will help to sustain and propagate the results of health information and communication technology (ICT) research that enables better use of health data, assessing and optimizing their novel value wherever possible. i~HD has been formed after wide consultation and engagement of many stakeholders to develop methods, solutions, and services that can help to maximize the value obtained by all stakeholders from health data. It will support innovations in health maintenance, health care delivery, and knowledge discovery while ensuring compliance with all legal prerequisites, especially regarding the insurance of patient's privacy protection. It is bringing multiple stakeholder groups together so as to ensure that future solutions serve their collective needs and can be readily adopted affordably and at scale

    Framework de Tomada de Decisão para Last-Mile Sustentável

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    The e-commerce growth, propelled by factors like globalization, urbanization, or the COVID-19 pandemic, has been raising the demand for logistic activities. This affects the entire supply chain, especially the last-mile, as it is considered the most ineffective part of the supply chain and a source of negative externalities. Although various solutions promise to alleviate these problems, understanding them and selecting the best has proven to be difficult due to conflicting criteria, multiple perspectives, and trade-offs. The vicissitudes of complex and sensitive urban contexts like historic centers also contribute to this difficulty. This work contributes an integrated framework that may assist the involved stakeholders in decision-making. To this end, this work is based on a three-part methodology. The extensive systematic literature review developed provided an integrated overview of this fragmented research area. This review confirmed the multidisciplinary nature of the topic, as there is an increasing number of studies conducted under very different perspectives. Furthermore, it was found that the economic dimension is the most considered; the most polluting countries contributed little to the research; and the solutions involve trade-offs. The literature review supported the definition of the hierarchical model that structures last-mile operations in historic centers. This model was evaluated by interviewing a group of experts. After integrating the experts’ feedback, the model was quantified by the same experts according to an AHP-TOPSIS approach. This quantification had as a case study the historic center of Porto, Portugal. The experts considered the three sustainability dimensions identically important. Air pollution was the most valued sub-criterion whereas Visual pollution was the least. All last-mile solutions considered in the model achieved similar results, therefore suggesting a combined distribution strategy. Nevertheless, the use of parcel lockers is the most favorable solution and seems adequate in Porto’s historic center.O crescimento do e-commerce, impulsionado por fatores como a globalização, a urbanização ou a pandemia de COVID-19, tem aumentado a procura por atividades logísticas. Isto afeta toda a cadeia de abastecimento, principalmente a última-milha, por ser considerada a parte mais ineficaz da cadeia de abastecimento e uma fonte de externalidades negativas. Embora existam várias soluções que prometem aliviar estes problemas, entendêlas e selecionar a melhor tem se provado difícil devido a critérios conflituosos, múltiplas perspetivas e trade-offs. As vicissitudes de contextos urbanos complexos e sensíveis como os centros históricos também contribuem para essa dificuldade. Este trabalho contribui um framework integrado que pode auxiliar os stakeholders envolvidos na tomada de decisão. Para este fim, este trabalho é baseado numa metodologia composta por três partes. A extensa revisão sistemática da literatura desenvolvida forneceu uma visão integrada desta área de investigação fragmentada. Esta revisão confirmou o caráter multidisciplinar do tema, pois há um número crescente de estudos conduzidos sob perspetivas muito diferentes. Além disso, verificou-se que a dimensão económica é a mais considerada; os países mais poluentes contribuíram pouco para a pesquisa; e as soluções envolvem trade-offs. A revisão da literatura suportou a definição do modelo hierárquico que estrutura as operações de última-milha em centros históricos. Este modelo foi avaliado entrevistando um grupo de experts. Após a integração do feedback dos experts, o modelo foi quantificado pelos mesmos de acordo com uma abordagem AHP-TOPSIS. Esta quantificação teve como caso de estudo o centro histórico do Porto, Portugal. Os experts consideraram as três dimensões da sustentabilidade identicamente importantes. O subcritério relativo à poluição atmosférica foi o mais valorizado, enquanto o menos foi o relativo à poluição visual. Todas as soluções de últimamilha consideradas no modelo alcançaram resultados semelhantes, sugerindo uma estratégia de distribuição combinada. No entanto, o uso de parcel lockers é a solução mais favorável e é aparentemente adequada para o centro histórico do Porto

    US/UK Mental Models of Planning: The Relationship Between Plan Detail and Plan Quality

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    This paper presents the results of a research study applying a new cultural analysis method to capture commonalities and differences between US and UK mental models of operational planning. The results demonstrate the existence of fundamental differences between the way US and UK planners think about what it means to have a high quality plan. Specifically, the present study captures differences in how US and UK planners conceptualize plan quality. Explicit models of cultural differences in conceptions of plan quality are useful for establishing performance metrics for multinational planning teams. This paper discusses the prospects of enabling automatic evaluation of multinational team performance by combining recent advances in cultural modelling with enhanced ontology languages

    Crime scripting: A systematic review

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    The file attached to this record is the author's final peer reviewed version.More than two decades after the publication of Cornish’s seminal work about the script-theoretic approach to crime analysis, this article examines how the concept has been applied in our community. The study provides evidence confirming that the approach is increasingly popular; and takes stock of crime scripting practices through a systematic review of over one hundred scripts published between 1994 and 2018. The results offer the first comprehensive picture of this approach, and highlights new directions for those interested in using data from cyber-systems and the Internet of Things to develop effective situational crime prevention measures

    Implementing Sustainable Competitive Advantage to the Public Sector's Management System - By Sense & Respond Methodology in Facilities Services Unit's Preparedness

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    Tutkimuksen tarkoitus on strategian resurssilähtöinen tunnistaminen kestävän kilpailuedun toteuttamiseksi julkisen sektorin hallintajärjestelmässä. Tutkimuksessa arvioidaan empiirisesti kriittiset tekijät (BCFI, SCFI ja NSCFI) tunnistamismenetelmän sovellettavuutta operatiiviseen johtamiseen. Tämä tapahtuu hyödyntämällä strategista analyysiä ja syventämällä tutkimuksen tuloksia ja johtopäätöksiä haastatteluin. Tutkimusmenetelminä ovat tapaustutkimus ja kaksivaiheinen kyselytutkimus, jossa oli yhdistetty analyyttiseen hierarkiaprosessiin pohjautuva lomake ja kaksi Sense & Respond menetelmään pohjautuvaa lomaketta. Kyselytutkimuksessa oli mukana kolme kuudesta Seinäjoen kaupungin hierarkiatasosta. Julkisen sektorin esimies löytää kriittiset tekijät suorituskyvylle parhaiten NSCFI-mallilla. Analyysin perusteella ennen ja jälkeen kriisiä, ennakoivan yksikön vahvimmin vaikuttava strateginen tyyppi on Prospector eli edelläkävijä. Operatiivisen johtamisen näkökulmasta lähiesimiehillä kriittisimmät tekijät ovat tiedon ja teknologian mahdollistamat edellytykset. Kokemukset eivät kohdanneet odotuksia. Saavuttaakseen ylläpitopalvelut yksikön tavoitteet kriittisinä tekijöinä työntekijätasolla ovat tuotteiden, toimintojen ja prosessien laadunhallinta. Tutkimus on tärkeä. Löydökset sekä haastattelut vahvistavat kehittämistoimet. Muuntavan johtamisen tulokset antavat vahvan viitteen varautumiseen ja jatkotutkimuksesta liittyen: operatiivinen kestävä kilpailuetu (OSCA).fi=Opinnäytetyö kokotekstinä PDF-muodossa.|en=Thesis fulltext in PDF format.|sv=Lärdomsprov tillgängligt som fulltext i PDF-format