3 research outputs found

    Fast Matrix-Free Evaluation of Discontinuous Galerkin Finite Element Operators

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    Code Generation for High Performance PDE Solvers on Modern Architectures

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    Numerical simulation with partial differential equations is an important discipline in high performance computing. Notable application areas include geosciences, fluid dynamics, solid mechanics and electromagnetics. Recent hardware developments have made it increasingly hard to achieve very good performance. This is both due to a lack of numerical algorithms suited for the hardware and efficient implementations of these algorithms not being available. Modern CPUs require a sufficiently high arithmetic intensity in order to unfold their full potential. In this thesis, we use a numerical scheme that is well-suited for this scenario: The Discontinuous Galerkin Finite Element Method on cuboid meshes can be implemented with optimal complexity exploiting the tensor product structure of basis functions and quadrature formulae using a technique called sum factorization. A matrix-free implementation of this scheme significantly lowers the memory footprint of the method and delivers a fully compute-bound algorithm. An efficient implementation of this scheme for a modern CPU requires maximum use of the processor’s SIMD units. General purpose compilers are not capable of autovectorizing traditional PDE simulation codes, requiring high performance implementations to explicitly spell out SIMD instructions. With the SIMD width increasing in the last years (reaching its current peak at 512 bits in the Intel Skylake architecture) and programming languages not providing tools to directly target SIMD units, such code suffers from a performance portability issue. This work proposes generative programming as a solution to this issue. To this end, we develop a toolchain that translates a PDE problem expressed in a domain specific language into a piece of machine-dependent, optimized C++ code. This toolchain is embedded into the existing user workflow of the DUNE project, an open source framework for the numerical solution of PDEs. Compared to other such toolchains, special emphasis is put on an intermediate representation that enables performance-oriented transformations. Furthermore, this thesis defines a new class of SIMD vectorization strategies that operate on batches of subkernels within one integration kernel. The space of these vectorization strategies is explored systematically from within the code generator in an autotuning procedure. We demonstrate the performance of our vectorization strategies and their implementation by providing measurements on the Intel Haswell and Intel Skylake architectures. We present numbers for the diffusion-reaction equation, the Stokes equations and Maxwell’s equations, achieving up to 40% of the machine’s theoretical floating point performance for an application of the DG operator

    A study of vectorization for matrix-free finite element methods

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    Vectorization is increasingly important to achieve high performance on modern hardware with SIMD instructions. Assembly of matrices and vectors in the finite element method, which is characterized by iterating a local assembly kernel over unstructured meshes, poses difficulties to effective vectorization. Maintaining a user-friendly high-level interface with a suitable degree of abstraction while generating efficient, vectorized code for the finite element method is a challenge for numerical software systems and libraries. In this work, we study cross-element vectorization in the finite element framework Firedrake via code transformation and demonstrate the efficacy of such an approach by evaluating a wide range of matrix-free operators spanning different polynomial degrees and discretizations on two recent CPUs using three mainstream compilers. Our experiments show that our approaches for cross-element vectorization achieve 30% of theoretical peak performance for many examples of practical significance, and exceed 50% for cases with high arithmetic intensities, with consistent speed-up over (intra-element) vectorization restricted to the local assembly kernels