2 research outputs found

    Redes de troca de informação aplicadas a tarefas de optimização

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    Tese de Doutoramento em Gestão na especialidade em Gestão de Informação apresentada à Universidade AbertaEsta tese estuda a aplicação da teoria do equilíbrio estrutural das redes sociais a tarefas práticas. O estudo do equilíbrio estrutural é uma linha de investigação da sociologia matemática dedicada à análise dos processos de estabilização das relações dos indivíduos quando ocorre uma divergência na avaliação de uma mesma fonte de informação. Existe uma longa discussão sobre qual o modelo dinâmico que adequadamente descreve essa estabilização. É demonstrado que as regras originalmente observadas por Newcomb correspondem a uma maior simplicidade e coerência da dinâmica do equilíbrio estrutural. São depois desenvolvidas algumas aplicações deste modelo. Num primeiro exemplo é desenvolvido um algoritmo híbrido para optimização sem restrições. É depois transformado um algoritmo de partição de redes com sinais de acordo com a dinâmica de rede descrita. Ambos os algoritmos obtém resultados competitivos na resolução de problemas padrão, por comparação com algoritmos conhecidos e com propriedades semelhantes. Estes resultados mostram a utilidade da aplicação do modelo supracitado.This dissertation addresses the application of the theory of structural balance of social networks in solving practical problems. Structural Balance is a line of research in mathematical sociology dedicated to the analysis of stabilization of an individual‟s relationships with others when evaluations of a single piece of information diverge. There has been a long discussion on how to describe the stabilization dynamics. It is shown that the set of rules observed by Newcomb is a manifestation of a simple and coherent dynamic model of structural balance. Some applications of this model are then developed to problems represented as signed networks. First example is a hybrid algorithm for unrestricted optimization. Secondly, a signed networks partitioning algorithm is transformed to accommodate the defended dynamical model. Both algorithms are demonstrated to be perform competetively against related well-known algorithms in standard problems. These results show the utility of the application of the model

    Evolutionary Algorithms and Computational Methods for Derivatives Pricing

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    This work aims to provide novel computational solutions to the problem of derivative pricing. To achieve this, a novel hybrid evolutionary algorithm (EA) based on particle swarm optimisation (PSO) and differential evolution (DE) is introduced and applied, along with various other state-of-the-art variants of PSO and DE, to the problem of calibrating the Heston stochastic volatility model. It is found that state-of-the-art DEs provide excellent calibration performance, and that previous use of rudimentary DEs in the literature undervalued the use of these methods. The use of neural networks with EAs for approximating the solution to derivatives pricing models is next investigated. A set of neural networks are trained from Monte Carlo (MC) simulation data to approximate the closed form solution for European, Asian and American style options. The results are comparable to MC pricing, but with offline evaluation of the price using the neural networks being orders of magnitudes faster and computationally more efficient. Finally, the use of custom hardware for numerical pricing of derivatives is introduced. The solver presented here provides an energy efficient data-flow implementation for pricing derivatives, which has the potential to be incorporated into larger high-speed/low energy trading systems