418 research outputs found

    Explorations for Efficient Reversible Barrel Shifters and Their Mappings in QCA Nanocomputing

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    This thesis is based on promising computing paradigm of reversible logic which generates unique outputs out of the inputs and. Reversible logic circuits maintain one-to-one mapping inside of the inputs and the outputs. Compared to the traditional irreversible computation, reversible logic circuit has the advantage that it successfully avoids the information loss during computations. Also, reversible logic is useful to design ultra-low-power nanocomputing circuits, circuits for quantum computing, and the nanocircuits that are testable in nature. Reversible computing circuits require the ancilla inputs and the garbage outputs. Ancilla input is the constant input in reversible circuits. Garbage output is the output for maintaining the reversibility of the reversible logic but is not any of the primary inputs nor a useful bit. An efficient reversible circuit will have the minimal number of garbage and ancilla bits. Barrel shifter is one of main computing systems having applications in high speed digital signal processing, oating-point arithmetic, FPGA, and Center Processing Unit (CPU). It can operate the function of shifting or rotation for multiple bits in only one clock cycle. The goal of this thesis is to design barrel shifters based on the reversible computing that are optimized in terms of the number of ancilla and garbage bits. In order to achieve this goal, a new Super Conservative Reversible Logic Gate (SCRL gate) has been used. The SCRL gate has 1 control input depending on the value of which it can swap any two n-1 data inputs. We proved that the SCRL gate is superior to the existing conservative reversible Fredkin gate. This thesis develops 5 design methodologies for reversible barrel shifters using SCRL gates that are primarily optimized with the criteria of the number of ancilla and garbage bits. The five proposed methodologies consist of reversible right rotator, reversible logical right shifter, reversible arithmetic right shifter, reversible universal right shifter and reversible universal bidirectional shifter. The proposed reversible barrel shifter design is compared with the existing works in literature and have shown improvement ranging from 8.5% to 92% by the number of garbage and ancilla bits. The SCRL gate and design methodologies of reversible barrel shifter are mapped in Quantum Dot Cellular Automata (QCA) computing. It is illustrated that the SCRL-based designs of reversible barrel shifters have less QCA cost (cost in terms of number of inverters and majority voters) compared to the Fredkin gate- based designs of reversible barrel shifters

    Decimal Floating-point Fused Multiply Add with Redundant Number Systems

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    The IEEE standard of decimal floating-point arithmetic was officially released in 2008. The new decimal floating-point (DFP) format and arithmetic can be applied to remedy the conversion error caused by representing decimal floating-point numbers in binary floating-point format and to improve the computing performance of the decimal processing in commercial and financial applications. Nowadays, many architectures and algorithms of individual arithmetic functions for decimal floating-point numbers are proposed and investigated (e.g., addition, multiplication, division, and square root). However, because of the less efficiency of representing decimal number in binary devices, the area consumption and performance of the DFP arithmetic units are not comparable with the binary counterparts. IBM proposed a binary fused multiply-add (FMA) function in the POWER series of processors in order to improve the performance of floating-point computations and to reduce the complexity of hardware design in reduced instruction set computing (RISC) systems. Such an instruction also has been approved to be suitable for efficiently implementing not only stand-alone addition and multiplication, but also division, square root, and other transcendental functions. Additionally, unconventional number systems including digit sets and encodings have displayed advantages on performance and area efficiency in many applications of computer arithmetic. In this research, by analyzing the typical binary floating-point FMA designs and the design strategy of unconventional number systems, ``a high performance decimal floating-point fused multiply-add (DFMA) with redundant internal encodings" was proposed. First, the fixed-point components inside the DFMA (i.e., addition and multiplication) were studied and investigated as the basis of the FMA architecture. The specific number systems were also applied to improve the basic decimal fixed-point arithmetic. The superiority of redundant number systems in stand-alone decimal fixed-point addition and multiplication has been proved by the synthesis results. Afterwards, a new DFMA architecture which exploits the specific redundant internal operands was proposed. Overall, the specific number system improved, not only the efficiency of the fixed-point addition and multiplication inside the FMA, but also the architecture and algorithms to build up the FMA itself. The functional division, square root, reciprocal, reciprocal square root, and many other functions, which exploit the Newton's or other similar methods, can benefit from the proposed DFMA architecture. With few necessary on-chip memory devices (e.g., Look-up tables) or even only software routines, these functions can be implemented on the basis of the hardwired FMA function. Therefore, the proposed DFMA can be implemented on chip solely as a key component to reduce the hardware cost. Additionally, our research on the decimal arithmetic with unconventional number systems expands the way of performing other high-performance decimal arithmetic (e.g., stand-alone division and square root) upon the basic binary devices (i.e., AND gate, OR gate, and binary full adder). The proposed techniques are also expected to be helpful to other non-binary based applications


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    A 16 bit floating point (FP) Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU) was designed and implemented in 0.35µm CMOS technology. Typical uses of the 16 bit FP ALU include graphics processors and embedded multimedia applications. The ALU of the modern microprocessors use a fused multiply add (FMA) design technique. An advantage of the FMA is to remove the need for a comparator which is required for a normal FP adder. The FMA consists of a multiplier, shifters, adders and rounding circuit. A fast multiplier based on the Wallace tree configuration was designed. The number of partial products was greatly reduced by the use of the modified booth encoder. The Wallace tree was chosen to reduce the number of reduction layers of partial products. The multiplier also involved the design of a pass transistor based 4:2 compressor. The average delay of the pass transistor based compressor was 55ps and was found to be 7 times faster than the full adder based 4:2 compressor. The shifters consist of separate left and right shifters using multiplexers. The shift amount is calculated using the exponents of the three operands. The addition operation is implemented using a carry skip adder (CSK). The average delay of the CSK was 1.05ns and was slower than the carry look ahead adder by about 400ps. The advantages of the CSK are reduced power, gate count and area when compared to the similar sized carry look ahead adder. The adder computes the addition of the multiplier result and the shifted value of the addend. In most modern computers, division is performed using software thereby eliminating the need for a separate hardware unit. FMA hardware unit was utilized to perform FP division. The FP divider uses the Newton Raphson algorithm to solve division by iteration. The initial approximated value with five bit accuracy was assumed to be pre-stored in cache memory and a separate clock cycle for cache read was assumed before the start of the FP division operation. In order to significantly reduce the area of the design, only one multiplier was used. Rounding to nearest technique was implemented using an 11 bit variable CSK adder. This is the best rounding technique when compared to other rounding techniques. In both the FMA and division, rounding was performed after the computation of the final result during the last clock cycle of operation. Testability analysis is performed for the multiplier which is the most complex and critical part of the FP ALU. The specific aim of testability was to ensure the correct operation of the multiplier and thus guarantee the correctness of the FMA circuit at the layout stage. The multiplier\u27s output was tested by identifying the minimal number of input vectors which toggle the inputs of the 4:2 compressors of the multiplier. The test vectors were identified in a semi automated manner using Perl scripting language. The multiplier was tested with a test set of thirty one vectors. The fault coverage of the multiplier was found to be 90.09%. The layout was implemented using IC station of Mentor Graphics CAD tool and resulted in a chip area of 1.96mm2. The specifications for basic arithmetic operations were met successfully. FP Division operation was completed within six clock cycles. The other arithmetic operations like FMA, FP addition, FP subtraction and FP multiplication were completed within three clock cycles

    Automated Sentiment Analysis for Personnel Survey Data in the US Air Force Context

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    When surveys are distributed across the Air Force (AF), whether it be an employee engagement survey, a climate survey, or similar, significant resources are put towards the development, distribution and analysis of the survey. However, when open ended questions are included on these surveys, respondent comments are generally underutilized, more often treated as a source for pull-quotes rather than a data source in and of themselves. This is due to a lack of transparency and confidence in the accuracy of machine-aided methods such as sentiment analysis and topic modeling. This confidence reduces further when the text has special context, such as within the Air Force context. No model or methodology has been universally identified as ideal for this use case, nor has any model been universally adapted. The inconsistencies in approaches across analytical teams tasked with assessing the results of these surveys leaves data on the field

    One way Doppler extractor. Volume 1: Vernier technique

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    A feasibility analysis, trade-offs, and implementation for a One Way Doppler Extraction system are discussed. A Doppler error analysis shows that quantization error is a primary source of Doppler measurement error. Several competing extraction techniques are compared and a Vernier technique is developed which obtains high Doppler resolution with low speed logic. Parameter trade-offs and sensitivities for the Vernier technique are analyzed, leading to a hardware design configuration. A detailed design, operation, and performance evaluation of the resulting breadboard model is presented which verifies the theoretical performance predictions. Performance tests have verified that the breadboard is capable of extracting Doppler, on an S-band signal, to an accuracy of less than 0.02 Hertz for a one second averaging period. This corresponds to a range rate error of no more than 3 millimeters per second

    Low Power and Efficient Re-Configurable Multiplier for Accelerator

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    Deep learning is a rising topic at the edge of technology, with applications in many areas of our lives, including object detection, speech recognition, natural language processing, and more. Deep learning's advantages of high accuracy, speed, and flexibility are now being used in practically all major sciences and technologies. As a result, any efforts to improve the performance of related techniques are worthwhile. We always have a tendency to generate data faster than we can analyse, comprehend, transfer, and reconstruct it. Demanding data-intensive applications such as Big Data. Deep Learning, Machine Learning (ML), the Internet of Things (IoT), and high- speed computing are driving the demand for "accelerators" to offload work from general-purpose CPUs. An accelerator (a hardware device) works in tandem with the CPU server to improve data processing speed and performance. There are a variety of off-the-shelf accelerator architectures available, including GPU, ASIC, and FPGA architectures. So, this work focus on designing a multiplier unit for the accelerators. This increases the performance of DNN, reduced the area and increasing the training speed of the system

    New Classes of Binary Random Sequences for Cryptography

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    In the vision for the 5G wireless communications advancement that yield new security prerequisites and challenges we propose a catalog of three new classes of pseudorandom random sequence generators. This dissertation starts with a review on the requirements of 5G wireless networking systems and the most recent development of the wireless security services applied to 5G, such as private-keys generation, key protection, and flexible authentication. This dissertation proposes new complexity theory-based, number-theoretic approaches to generate lightweight pseudorandom sequences, which protect the private information using spread spectrum techniques. For the class of new pseudorandom sequences, we obtain the generalization. Authentication issues of communicating parties in the basic model of Piggy Bank cryptography is considered and a flexible authentication using a certified authority is proposed

    Optimisations arithmétiques et synthèse de haut niveau

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    High-level synthesis (HLS) tools offer increased productivity regarding FPGA programming.However, due to their relatively young nature, they still lack many arithmetic optimizations.This thesis proposes safe arithmetic optimizations that should always be applied.These optimizations are simple operator specializations, following the C semantic.Other require to a lift the semantic embedded in high-level input program languages, which are inherited from software programming, for an improved accuracy/cost/performance ratio.To demonstrate this claim, the sum-of-product of floating-point numbers is used as a case study. The sum is performed on a fixed-point format, which is tailored to the application, according to the context in which the operator is instantiated.In some cases, there is not enough information about the input data to tailor the fixed-point accumulator.The fall-back strategy used in this thesis is to generate an accumulator covering the entire floating-point range.This thesis explores different strategies for implementing such a large accumulator, including new ones.The use of a 2's complement representation instead of a sign+magnitude is demonstrated to save resources and to reduce the accumulation loop delay.Based on a tapered precision scheme and an exact accumulator, the posit number systems claims to be a candidate to replace the IEEE floating-point format.A throughout analysis of posit operators is performed, using the same level of hardware optimization as state-of-the-art floating-point operators.Their cost remains much higher that their floating-point counterparts in terms of resource usage and performance. Finally, this thesis presents a compatibility layer for HLS tools that allows one code to be deployed on multiple tools.This library implements a strongly typed custom size integer type along side a set of optimized custom operators.À cause de la nature relativement jeune des outils de synthèse de haut-niveau (HLS), de nombreuses optimisations arithmétiques n'y sont pas encore implémentées. Cette thèse propose des optimisations arithmétiques se servant du contexte spécifique dans lequel les opérateurs sont instanciés.Certaines optimisations sont de simples spécialisations d'opérateurs, respectant la sémantique du C.D'autres nécéssitent de s'éloigner de cette sémantique pour améliorer le compromis précision/coût/performance.Cette proposition est démontré sur des sommes de produits de nombres flottants.La somme est réalisée dans un format en virgule-fixe défini par son contexte.Quand trop peu d’informations sont disponibles pour définir ce format en virgule-fixe, une stratégie est de générer un accumulateur couvrant l'intégralité du format flottant.Cette thèse explore plusieurs implémentations d'un tel accumulateur.L'utilisation d'une représentation en complément à deux permet de réduire le chemin critique de la boucle d'accumulation, ainsi que la quantité de ressources utilisées. Un format alternatif aux nombres flottants, appelé posit, propose d'utiliser un encodage à précision variable.De plus, ce format est augmenté par un accumulateur exact.Pour évaluer précisément le coût matériel de ce format, cette thèse présente des architectures d'opérateurs posits, implémentés avec le même degré d'optimisation que celui de l'état de l'art des opérateurs flottants.Une analyse détaillée montre que le coût des opérateurs posits est malgré tout bien plus élevé que celui de leurs équivalents flottants.Enfin, cette thèse présente une couche de compatibilité entre outils de HLS, permettant de viser plusieurs outils avec un seul code. Cette bibliothèque implémente un type d'entiers de taille variable, avec de plus une sémantique strictement typée, ainsi qu'un ensemble d'opérateurs ad-hoc optimisés
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