23 research outputs found


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    SiMBA merupakan teknologi sistem informasi manajemen yang dikembangkan sejak tahun 2011 untuk digunakan oleh BAZNAS dan LAZ. Sistem ini telah terintegrasi baik mulai BAZNAS pusat sampai daerah sehingga diperoleh laporan zakat yang transparan, akuntabel dan mudah diakses web melalui masing-masing BAZNAS dan LAZ. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui karakteristik pengguna SiMBA dari kalangan mahasiswa. Data diambil dari 50 mahasiswa jurusan Manajemen Zakat dan Wakaf FEBI IAIN Tulungagung yang telah dan sedang mengambil matakuliah Sistem Informasi Manajemen Zakat dan Wakaf. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah karakteristik dan pendapat mahasiswa terkait penggunaan SiMBA


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    SiMBA merupakan teknologi sistem informasi manajemen yang dikembangkan sejak tahun 2011 untuk digunakan oleh BAZNAS dan LAZ. Sistem ini telah terintegrasi baik mulai BAZNAS pusat sampai daerah sehingga diperoleh laporan zakat yang transparan, akuntabel dan mudah diakses web melalui masing-masing BAZNAS dan LAZ. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui karakteristik pengguna SiMBA dari kalangan mahasiswa. Data diambil dari 50 mahasiswa jurusan Manajemen Zakat dan Wakaf FEBI IAIN Tulungagung yang telah dan sedang mengambil matakuliah Sistem Informasi Manajemen Zakat dan Wakaf. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah karakteristik dan pendapat mahasiswa terkait penggunaan SiMBA.</p

    Factors Affecting the Adoption of Mobile Payment Systems: An Empirical Analysis

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    The world witnessed a rapid growth in the e-commerce in the recent years. Widespread use of mobile devices in the e-commerce has a role in this augmentation. Associated with growth of trading volume and the introduction of new devices, new products and solutions emerge and they diversify concerning online payments. Consumer attitudes and behaviors may change according to these developments. The purpose of this study is to investigate the factors effecting adoption of mobile payment systems by the consumer. 225 individuals were surveyed online through convenience sampling method. A research model was developed and proposed relationships were tested using structural equation modeling. The empirical findings point out that perceived trust, perceived mobility and attitudes positively affect the adoption of MPS; perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use have no effect on adoption of MPS. Furthermore perceived reputation positively related to perceived trust and finally environmental risk negatively related to perceived trust

    A Framework to Study Factors Influencing the Acceptance of Information Technology in Yemen Government

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    Organizations around the world are looking for the development and keep up to date with emerging technology. Thus, they pay more intention to develop their technology infrastructure to improve productivity, effectiveness, or to adopt e-government. However, in reality, not all companies adopt and use effectively, or even use, information technology. And in reality, not all employees in organizations accept, adopt, and use effectively, or even use, information technology. When this happens, there is a gap between the ideal and the reality of the actual usage of information technology. As a result, there is need to study and understand the factors affecting the acceptance of technologies. This study aims to test the success of the technology acceptance model in Yemen culture. In addition, This study aims to investigate the factors influencing the acceptance of technology in Yemen public sector. This study developed a framework based on two theories, TAM 2 and UTAUT. In addition, the study added two important factors of organization culture and government support to the key factors in the theory of technology acceptance in order to provide better understanding for the factors influencing the acceptance of information technology among the individual perceptions. survey questionnaire was distributed to 53 government utilities and 357 cases were used in the analysis. Structural Equition Modeling AMOS 18 was used for the analysis of the proposed model, from a total 14 hypothesis, 11 were supported and three hypothesis were rejected. This study provided empirical evidence for the effects of new technology determinants in the government sector. In particular, it has successfully revealed that organization culture, government support, subjective norm, top management support and information quality are important determinants in influencing the adoption of technologies. The findings confirmed the theory of TAM and showed its potential capability in the Middle East, particularly in Yemen

    Determination Factors of Affecting Individuals’ Acceptance of Internet Banking with Structural Equation Model

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    The purpose of this study is, investigating the affecting factors of adopting individuals’ internet banking with adding trust and perceived web security variables to Technology Acceptance Model (TAM). For this purpose six hypothesis has developed as part of research model. To collect data survey form has been prepared and has been applied in 8 cities. Useable data has been attained from 413 acquired surveys. Acquired data have been analysed with Structural Equation Modeling (SEM). In accordance with the statistical analyse results; it is determined that perceived ease of use upon perceived usefulness, perceived usefulness upon trust and in addition trust, perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use and perceived web security separately upon intention to use have an positive and meaningful effect.Technology Acceptance Model, Internet Banking, Structural Equation Modelling

    Measuring the Level of Non-normal Students’ Usage Behavior and Satisafction with Art and Design Online Course in Hunan, China

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    Purpose:&nbsp;This research examines the factors influencing actual usage and satisfaction of non-normal students with the art and designs online course at four Universities in Hunan, China. The conceptual framework was constructed with commitment, self-efficacy, transformational leadership, service quality, satisfaction, and actual usage. Research design, data, and methodology:&nbsp;Sample data was collected from 500 students. The quantitative method is to collect the data by a questionnaire. Before the large-scale data collection, the Item-Objective Congruence Index (IOC) and pilot test of 30 participants were secured to approve content validity and Cronbach’s Alpha reliability test. The sampling procedure involves judgmental, quota, and convenience sampling. Data were analyzed by Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) and Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) to validate the model’s goodness of fit and confirm the causal relationship among variables for hypothesis testing.&nbsp;Results:&nbsp;The results indicated that actual usage is the strongest factor that significant impacts student satisfaction, followed by commitment, self-efficacy, transformational leadership, and service quality. In addition, self-efficacy is directly related to actual usage.&nbsp;Conclusions:&nbsp;The conceptual framework proposed in this study had high reliability and validity. Hence, art and design online courses should improve students’ cognitive level, student satisfaction, and actual usage to strengthen the curriculum construction

    The Assessment of Student Satisfaction with Art and Design Online Course at Normal Universities in Hunan, China

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    Purpose:&nbsp;In the 5G age, new information technology like artificial intelligence and big data greatly influenced online courses. This research examines the factors impacting user satisfaction with the art and designs online course at the normal universities in Hunan, China. The conceptual framework was constructed with commitment, self-efficacy, transformational leadership, service quality, satisfaction, and actual usage. Research design, data, and methodology:&nbsp;Sample data was collected from the art and design major of three typical normal universities in Hunan Province by using quantitative methods and a questionnaire as a tool before distributing the questionnaire, Item-Objective, and reliability. Data was analyzed by utilizing Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) and Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) to validate the model’s goodness of fit and confirm the causal relationship among variables for hypothesis testing.&nbsp;Results:&nbsp;The results indicated that actual usage was the strongest factor that had a significant impact on student satisfaction, followed by commitment, self-efficacy, transformational leadership, and service quality. In addition, self-efficacy was directly related to actual usage. Conclusions:&nbsp;The conceptual framework proposed in this study had high reliability and validity. Art and design online courses should improve students’ cognitive levels, improve student satisfaction, and actual usage to strengthen the curriculum construction. &nbsp

    Technology acceptance among pre-service teachers: Does gender matter?

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    This study examined possible gender differences in pre-service teachers’ perceived acceptance of technology in their professional work under the framework of the technology acceptance model (TAM). Based on a sample of pre-service teachers, a series of progressively more stringent measurement invariance tests (configural, metric, and scalar invariances, as well as latent mean difference) were conducted. Practically, the findings revealed that, while the gender groups showed no statistical difference on perceived usefulness, attitudes toward technology, intention to use technology, female pre-service teachers had lower scores on perceived ease of use, suggesting that technology use is more challenging for female pre-service teachers than for their male counterparts. Technically, the findings provided support for full configural and metric invariance, and for partial scalar invariance. Discussions about the findings and their practical implications concerning teacher training are provided. Future research directions are also suggested

    ¿Son las TICs aplicadas a la enseñanza universitaria útiles para el aprendizaje universitario?

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    [SPA] La utilización de tecnologías de la información aplicadas a la docencia como es el entorno SAKAI se convierte en un fundamental en la enseñanza universitaria de la actualidad. En este trabajo analizamos, por un lado, como la facilidad del uso de la aplicación y los conocimientos en materia de Internet del alumno facilitan su utilización. Por otro, se comprueba como la utilización de este tipo de herramientas facilita la obtención de resultados de aprendizaje y satisfacción del alumno. Para ello, se ha recogido información sobre la utilización de esta aplicación en un grupo de estudiantes de la Universidad de Murcia. [ENG] The use of information technologies applied to learning, such as the SAKAI environment, becomes nowadays a fundamental in the University education level. In this paper we analyze, on the one hand, how the ease to use of the application and the student Internet self-efficacy facilitate their use. On the other hand, will check such how the use of such tools provides student learning results and satisfaction. To do so, it has been collected information about the use of this application in a group of students from the University of Murcia

    Technology and innovation management awreness and practice : a case study in British American Tobacco GSD (KL) Sdn Bhd.

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    Technology and innovation are two important elements in improving efficiency, productivity and competitiveness in organisations. Therefore, what differentiates successful organisations from others is their management of technology and innovation towards awarenees and practise. The objective of this paper is to investigate the Level of Understanding Technology and Innovation Management Awareness and Practise at BAT GSDKL Sdn Bhd based on Technology Audit Model developed by Garcia-Arreola (1996). It sought to assess the relationship between the employees? and organisation in managing technological innovation awareness and practices at BAT GSDKL Sdn Bhd. A descriptive research design was employed in this study, with data collected through the use of a two parts of questionnaire: the demographic data of respondents and the importance and performance on level of understanding of technology and innovation awareness and practices in BAT GSDKL Sdn Bhd by using the objective of this study. This study will be limited to the Local Management to the Senior Leadership Team in BAT GSDKL Sdn Bhd at Technology Park Malaysia, Bukit Jalil, Kuala Lumpur. Technology Audit Managment? questionnaires were used as an instrument to examine the respondents and interviews. Inferential statistics of ANOVA and T-test was used to examine the direct relationship involving the dependant variable: employees and organization toward level of understanding; and the independent variables: gender, race, designation, and education background. The result from this study is to assess the test is any significant assess on the organisation towards technology and innovation management awareness and practise BAT GSDKL Sdn Bhd and whereas second test as well revealed a positive relationship of statistically significant relationship between demographic factors of education and race among the tested variables through the nominal measurement. This test indicates that the variable had moderate impact on the strength between demographics factors and different level of understanding towards technology and innovation management awareness and practice. In furthering this study, it is also recommended for an indeed enhancement on the organisation understanding on toward technology & innovation management awareness and practise in BAT GSDKL Sdn Bhd