12 research outputs found

    Transforming a Business and Information Need Goals’ Ontology into a Formal Specification useful for a Strategy Pattern Recommender System

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    From a computer science point of view, ontologies are aimed at getting knowledge from a certain domain and providing a consensual understanding of it. In the conceptualization stage, ontologies can be represented by means of UML models. However, UML models are not semantically machine processable. Therefore, during the implementation stage, ontologies expressed as UML models should be translated into formal languages, which allow inferring the ontology. In this work, we present the ontology transformation made from an UML conceptual specification to an OWL formal specification for the quality evaluation domain. This ontology represents concepts and relationships related with goals (both business and information need goals) at different organizational levels in addition to projects, strategies and strategy patterns, which help to achieve specific evaluation goal purposes. The final aim of the transformation is to have a shared knowledge about evaluation goals and strategy patterns that permit to instantiate the suitable strategy to carry out goal purposes. This will allow us to develop a strategy pattern recommender system, which can be useful during the strategy selection process when implementing quality measurement and evaluation projects.Sociedad Argentina de Informática e Investigación Operativ

    Transforming a Business and Information Need Goals’ Ontology into a Formal Specification useful for a Strategy Pattern Recommender System

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    From a computer science point of view, ontologies are aimed at getting knowledge from a certain domain and providing a consensual understanding of it. In the conceptualization stage, ontologies can be represented by means of UML models. However, UML models are not semantically machine processable. Therefore, during the implementation stage, ontologies expressed as UML models should be translated into formal languages, which allow inferring the ontology. In this work, we present the ontology transformation made from an UML conceptual specification to an OWL formal specification for the quality evaluation domain. This ontology represents concepts and relationships related with goals (both business and information need goals) at different organizational levels in addition to projects, strategies and strategy patterns, which help to achieve specific evaluation goal purposes. The final aim of the transformation is to have a shared knowledge about evaluation goals and strategy patterns that permit to instantiate the suitable strategy to carry out goal purposes. This will allow us to develop a strategy pattern recommender system, which can be useful during the strategy selection process when implementing quality measurement and evaluation projects.Sociedad Argentina de Informática e Investigación Operativ

    Transforming a Business and Information Need Goals’ Ontology into a Formal Specification useful for a Strategy Pattern Recommender System

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    From a computer science point of view, ontologies are aimed at getting knowledge from a certain domain and providing a consensual understanding of it. In the conceptualization stage, ontologies can be represented by means of UML models. However, UML models are not semantically machine processable. Therefore, during the implementation stage, ontologies expressed as UML models should be translated into formal languages, which allow inferring the ontology. In this work, we present the ontology transformation made from an UML conceptual specification to an OWL formal specification for the quality evaluation domain. This ontology represents concepts and relationships related with goals (both business and information need goals) at different organizational levels in addition to projects, strategies and strategy patterns, which help to achieve specific evaluation goal purposes. The final aim of the transformation is to have a shared knowledge about evaluation goals and strategy patterns that permit to instantiate the suitable strategy to carry out goal purposes. This will allow us to develop a strategy pattern recommender system, which can be useful during the strategy selection process when implementing quality measurement and evaluation projects.Sociedad Argentina de Informática e Investigación Operativ

    FQMaP: Towards a Framework Quantitative Management of Processes in Small Software Development Organizations

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    Software development organizations need to control and improve their practices, seeking to reduce variability when executing the necessary processes to elaborate software; therefore, these organizations implement improvement plans to identify factors that affect the processes. Quantitative Management deals with identification, tracing, and control of those incident factors, using data proactively to predict performance and the effect of possible changes in a process. Reference models in software processes development such as CMMI V2.0 and ISO/IEC 33061:2021 address Quantitative Management, but are aimed at big enterprises. Other models such as MoProSoft, COMPETISOFT, and MPS.BR are aimed at small enterprises, but do not include enough elements on Quantitative Management. Execution of a systematic literature review permitted searching for works on Quantitative Management intended for small software development enterprises, indicating necessary practices and how to perform them. This search showed that a proposal is not available that incorporates Quantitative Management practices for software processes aimed small software development enterprises. The referred aspects make it difficult to adopt a Quantitative Management culture within these organizations, it which has become a problem, consisting in that small software development enterprises that do not execute quantitative management practices will have difficulty identifying and focusing on the factors that impact the process performance and, therefore, on the results of their projects. This work sought to tackle this problem by proposing the “framework for quantitative management of processes in small software development organizations” (FQMaP), which allows incorporating practices and techniques that support Quantitative Management of software development processes in these kinds of enterprises. From the evaluation of FQMaP, carried out by following Focus Group technique guidelines, it can be demonstrated that it is a simple proposal and with elements that can serve a company to quantitatively manage software development processes. Also, it has clearly specified its components, showing that its structure is familiar with other process patterns, that would facilitate their interpretation

    Tools Integration for Supporting Software Measurement: A Systematic Literature Review

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    Software measurement (SM) is a key area to support process quality improvement and project management. Due to the nature of the measurement activities, tool support is essential. Tools can be combined to support the SM process and provide necessary information for decision making. However, tools are usually developed without concern for integration. As a result, organizations have to deal with integration issues to enable communication between tools. Aiming at investigating studies in the literature that report initiatives involving tool integration for supporting SM, we performed a systematic literature review. Twelve initiatives were found. This paper presents the results of the systematic review and discusses the main findings

    A Quality Evaluation and Improvement Approach driven by Multilevel Goals and Strategy Patterns

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    In any organization, goals should not be established in an isolated manner. Moreover, in order to know if business goals are achieved, it should be necessary to consider information need goals that can also require satisfying measurement and evaluation goals at operational level. If measurement and evaluation goals are not aligned with tactical or strategic business goals, the organization can waste its effort and resources. Furthermore, to achieve a project goal, a strategy should be selected for applying activities and methods to the project life cycle. To deal with these issues in a systematic way, organizations should adopt a holistic approach. In this direction, we have developed a quality evaluation and improvement approach that considers and relates multilevel goals, projects, strategies and strategy patterns. This paper discusses a conceptual base for linking business goals concepts with project, strategies and non functional requirements concepts. It also defines the step by step of the proposed approach and illustrates it through a proof of concept.Sociedad Argentina de Informática e Investigación Operativa (SADIO

    A Holistic Quality Evaluation, Selection and Improvement Approach driven by Multilevel Goals and Strategies

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    Organizations should establish business goals and check for their achievement in a systematic and disciplined way. In order to know if a business goal is achieved, it should be necessary to consider information need goals that also can require satisfying measurement and evaluation goals at operational level. Furthermore, if measurement and evaluation goals are not aligned with top-level business goals such as tactical or strategic level goals, the organization could waste its effort and resources. Usually, the different goals established in an organization are operationalized through projects. For a given project, strategies should be used in order to help in the goal achievement. A strategy defines a set of activities and methods to be followed for a specific goal purpose. Ultimately, to engineering all these issues in a systematic way, organizations should adopt a holistic evaluation approach supported by a set of integrated strategies. By means of a systematic literature review as research method, we have observed that very few approaches support integrated strategies and multilevel goals. To bridge this gap, we have developed a holistic quality multilevel and multipurpose evaluation approach that ties together multilevel goals, projects and integrated strategies. As contributions, this paper discusses an enhanced conceptual base (specified by ontologies) for linking business and information need goal concepts with project, strategy and nonfunctional requirements concepts. Then, it defines the step by step of our holistic quality evaluation approach, by listing the necessary activities to establish goals and projects at different organizational levels. Lastly, it specifies and illustrates evaluation scenarios for business/information need goal purposes such as understanding, improving, monitoring and controlling, comparing and selecting entities, which are supported by strategies and strategy patterns.Fil: Rivera, María Belén. Universidad Nacional de la Pampa. Facultad de Ingeniería; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Becker, Pablo Javier. Universidad Nacional de la Pampa. Facultad de Ingeniería; ArgentinaFil: Olsina, Luis Antonio. Universidad Nacional de la Pampa. Facultad de Ingeniería; ArgentinaFil: Papa, María Fernanda. Universidad Nacional de la Pampa. Facultad de Ingeniería; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentin

    Uma Abordagem Baseada em Ontologias para Obtenção de Indicadores a partir de Dados Abertos.

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    Em uma organização diversas decisões são tomadas diariamente, desde o nível estratégico até o nível operacional. Independente do nível em que as decisões são tomadas, elas devem ser baseadas em dados que, quando analisados, fornecem informações que guiam a tomada de decisão. No entanto, apesar de as organizações coletarem e armazenarem dados para auxiliar a tomada de decisão, eles nem sempre são utilizados adequadamente. Esse problema é ampliado quando se trata de dados abertos, onde um grande volume de dados é disponibilizado, mas a identificação e acesso aos dados que, quando analisados, podem prover informações úteis e apoiar tomadas de decisão, não é trivial. Independente do domínio, muitas vezes, a obtenção de informações se dá a partir dos resultados de um processo de medição, no qual definem-se as medidas para as quais se deseja coletar dados e realizam-se a coleta e a análise dos dados. Considerando esse cenário, este trabalho propõe uma abordagem para obtenção de indicadores úteis à tomada de decisão a partir de dados abertos. Apesar de a abordagem ter sido desenvolvida considerando o uso de dados abertos, ela pode ser utilizada para outros tipos de fontes de dados. A abordagem foi definida com base em duas ontologias, também propostas neste trabalho: uma Core Ontology on Measurement, que apresenta a conceituação central de medição independente do domínio de aplicação, incluindo aspectos relacionados à definição de medidas de maneira alinhada a objetivos estabelecidos, à coleta de dados para as medidas e à análise dos dados coletados; e uma Measurement Task Ontology, que descreve o processo de medição e a conceituação a ele associada. A Core Ontology on Measurement foi utilizada para fornecer o conhecimento sobre medição e o vocabulário adotado na abordagem proposta. A Measurement Task Ontology, por sua vez, foi utilizada para nortear a definição da abordagem, orientando sobre as atividades que deveriam ser contempladas. Buscando alcançar clareza conceitual e fidelidade à realidade, as ontologias foram definidas tendo como base a ontologia de fundamentação UFO (Unified Foundational Ontology). Para apoiar o uso da abordagem proposta, uma aplicação foi desenvolvida e, como avaliação preliminar da abordagem, a aplicação foi utilizada para obter indicadores a partir de bases de dados abertos disponibilizadas pela ANAC (Agência Nacional de Aviação Civil) e pela INFRAERO (Empresa Brasileira de Infraestrutura Aeroportuária)

    Methods, Techniques and Tools to Support Software Project Management in High Maturity

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    High maturity in software development is associated to statistical control of critical subprocesses performance and the use of gained predictability to manage projects with better planning precision and monitoring control. Although maturity models such as CMMI mention some statistical and other quantitative approaches, methods and techniques that can support project management in high maturity, they do not provide details about them neither present their available types. Therefore, there is a lack of knowledge on how to support software process improvement initiatives to choose and use statistical and other quantitative approaches, methods and techniques on such context. The objective of this study is to identify different approaches, methods and techniques that can assist on managing projects in high maturity. By conducting a systematic literature mapping on major data sources, we identified 75 papers describing 101 contributions. We briefly describe identified approaches, methods and techniques grouped by similar types and provide some analysis regarding technological maturity stage and evaluation method, and supported development methods and characteristics and process/indicator area in which they were applied. We hope this information can fill some of the statistical and quantitative knowledge gap about the actual types of approaches, methods and techniques being proposed, evaluated, experimented and adopted by organizations to assist on quantitative project management in high maturity

    Enfoque integrado de medición, evaluación y mejora de calidad con soporte a metas de negocio y de necesidad de información: aplicación de estrategias a partir de patrones de estrategia

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    En toda organización de software madura, se debe asegurar la mejora continua de la calidad de los productos, servicios, procesos y recursos. Para ello, no solo es necesario contar con actividades de medición y evaluación que permitan conocer la situación real o estimada de una entidad, analizando y detectando debilidades y vulnerabilidades; sino que también es preciso contar con actividades que permitan introducir cambios orientados a la mejora. Un modo ingenieril de organizar las actividades y recursos involucrados es mediante la gestión de proyectos de medición, evaluación y/o cambio. Estos proyectos operacionalizan metas de necesidad de información de medición y evaluación. Por ejemplo, una meta de este tipo puede ser “comprender el estado actual de una aplicación móvil respecto a la característica usabilidad”. Estas metas constituyen un tipo de meta de necesidad de información que da soporte a metas de negocio operativas, las cuales debieran estar alineadas con metas de negocio estratégicas. A su vez, una estrategia integrada ayuda a alcanzar las metas de un proyecto mediante sus actividades y métodos bien establecidos. En especial, la aplicación de dichas estrategias para llevar a cabo metas de necesidad de información de medición y evaluación, se puede realizar a partir de la instanciación de patrones de estrategia. La presente tesis doctoral se centra en definir un Enfoque Multinivel y Multipropósito de Evaluación de la Calidad que permita establecer metas de necesidad de información de medición y evaluación vinculadas con metas de negocio a distintos niveles organizacionales. Promueve además, la utilización de estrategias integradas específicas para llevar a cabo dichas metas, por medio de la instanciación de patrones de estrategia, como modo de proveer soluciones reusables a problemas recurrentes en la instanciación de estrategias integradas empleadas en proyectos de medición, evaluación y/o cambio.Facultad de Informátic