5 research outputs found

    Segment Oriented Compression Scheme for MOLAP Based on Extendible Multidimensional Arrays

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    Many statistical and MOLAP applications use multidimensional arrays as the basic data structure to allow the efficient and convenient storage and retrieval of large volumes of business data for decision making. Allocation of data or data compression is a key performance factor for this purpose because performance strongly depends on the amount of storage required and availability of memory. This holds especially for data warehousing environments in which huge amounts of data have to be dealt with. The most evident consequence of data compression is that it reduces storage cost by packing more logical data per unit of physical capacity. And improved performance is a net outcome because less physical data need to be retrieved during scan-oriented queries. In this paper, an efficient data compression technique is proposed based on the notion of extendible array. The main idea of the scheme is to compress each of the segments of the extendible array using the position information only. We compare the proposed scheme for different performance issues with prominent compression schemes.</p

    Parallel Access of Out-Of-Core Dense Extendible Arrays

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    Datasets used in scientific and engineering applications are often modeled as dense multi-dimensional arrays. For very large datasets, the corresponding array models are typically stored out-of-core as array files. The array elements are mapped onto linear consecutive locations that correspond to the linear ordering of the multi-dimensional indices. Two conventional mappings used are the row-major order and the column-major order of multi-dimensional arrays. Such conventional mappings of dense array files highly limit the performance of applications and the extendibility of the dataset. Firstly, an array file that is organized in say row-major order causes applications that subsequently access the data in column-major order, to have abysmal performance. Secondly, any subsequent expansion of the array file is limited to only one dimension. Expansions of such out-of-core conventional arrays along arbitrary dimensions, require storage reorganization that can be very expensive. Wepresent a solution for storing out-of-core dense extendible arrays that resolve the two limitations. The method uses a mapping function F*(), together with information maintained in axial vectors, to compute the linear address of an extendible array element when passed its k-dimensional index. We also give the inverse function, F-1*() for deriving the k-dimensional index when given the linear address. We show how the mapping function, in combination with MPI-IO and a parallel file system, allows for the growth of the extendible array without reorganization and no significant performance degradation of applications accessing elements in any desired order. We give methods for reading and writing sub-arrays into and out of parallel applications that run on a cluster of workstations. The axial-vectors are replicated and maintained in each node that accesses sub-array elements

    Implementation and Evaluation of Balanced and Nested Grid (Bang) File Structures

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    Computinq and Information Science

    Grid File Approach to Large Multidimensional Dynamic Data Structures

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    Computing and Information Science

    On indexing highly dynamic multidimensional datasets for interactive analytics

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    Orientador : Prof. Dr. Luis Carlos Erpen de BonaTese (doutorado) - Universidade Federal do Paraná, Setor de Ciências Exatas, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Informática. Defesa: Curitiba, 15/04/2016Inclui referências : f. 77-91Área de concentração : Ciência da computaçãoResumo: Indexação de dados multidimensionais tem sido extensivamente pesquisada nas últimas décadas. Neste trabalho, um novo workload OLAP identificado no Facebook é apresentado, caracterizado por (a) alta dinamicidade e dimensionalidade, (b) escala e (c) interatividade e simplicidade de consultas, inadequado para os SGBDs OLAP e técnicas de indexação de dados multidimensionais atuais. Baseado nesse caso de uso, uma nova estratégia de indexação e organização de dados multidimensionais para SGBDs em memória chamada Granular Partitioning é proposta. Essa técnica extende a visão tradicional de partitionamento em banco de dados, particionando por intervalo todas as dimensões do conjunto de dados e formando pequenos blocos que armazenam dados de forma não coordenada e esparsa. Desta forma, é possível atingir altas taxas de ingestão de dados sem manter estrutura auxiliar alguma de indexação. Este trabalho também descreve como um SGBD OLAP capaz de suportar um modelo de dados composto por cubos, dimensões e métricas, além de operações como roll-ups, drill-downs e slice and dice (filtros) eficientes pode ser construído com base nessa nova técnica de organização de dados. Com objetivo de validar experimentalmente a técnica apresentada, este trabalho apresenta o Cubrick, um novo SGBD OLAP em memória distribuída e otimizada para a execução de consultas analíticas baseado em Granular Partitioning, escritas desde a primeira linha de código para este trabalho. Finalmente, os resultados de uma avaliação experimental extensiva contendo conjuntos de dados e consultas coletadas de projetos pilotos que utilizam Cubrick é apresentada; em seguida, é mostrado que a escala desejada pode ser alcançada caso os dados sejam organizados de acordo com o Granular Partitioning e o projeto seja focado em simplicidade, ingerindo milhões de registros por segundo continuamente de uxos de dados em tempo real, e concorrentemente executando consultas com latência inferior a 1 segundo.Abstrct: Indexing multidimensional data has been an active focus of research in the last few decades. In this work, we present a new type of OLAP workload found at Facebook and characterized by (a) high dynamicity and dimensionality, (b) scale and (c) interactivity and simplicity of queries, that is unsuited for most current OLAP DBMSs and multidimensional indexing techniques. To address this use case, we propose a novel multidimensional data organization and indexing strategy for in-memory DBMSs called Granular Partitioning. This technique extends the traditional view of database partitioning by range partitioning every dimension of the dataset and organizing the data within small containers in an unordered and sparse fashion, in such a way to provide high ingestion rates and indexed access through every dimension without maintaining any auxiliary data structures. We also describe how an OLAP DBMS able to support a multidimensional data model composed of cubes, dimensions and metrics and operations such as roll-up, drill-down as well as efficient slice and dice filtering) can be built on top of this new data organization technique. In order to experimentally validate the described technique we present Cubrick, a new in-memory distributed OLAP DBMS for interactive analytics based on Granular Partitioning we have written from the ground up at Facebook. Finally, we present results from a thorough experimental evaluation that leveraged datasets and queries collected from a few pilot Cubrick deployments. We show that by properly organizing the dataset according to Granular Partitioning and focusing the design on simplicity, we are able to achieve the target scale and store tens of terabytes of in-memory data, continuously ingest millions of records per second from realtime data streams and still execute sub-second queries