20,997 research outputs found

    Consensus and meta-analysis regulatory networks for combining multiple microarray gene expression datasets

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    Microarray data is a key source of experimental data for modelling gene regulatory interactions from expression levels. With the rapid increase of publicly available microarray data comes the opportunity to produce regulatory network models based on multiple datasets. Such models are potentially more robust with greater confidence, and place less reliance on a single dataset. However, combining datasets directly can be difficult as experiments are often conducted on different microarray platforms, and in different laboratories leading to inherent biases in the data that are not always removed through pre-processing such as normalisation. In this paper we compare two frameworks for combining microarray datasets to model regulatory networks: pre- and post-learning aggregation. In pre-learning approaches, such as using simple scale-normalisation prior to the concatenation of datasets, a model is learnt from a combined dataset, whilst in post-learning aggregation individual models are learnt from each dataset and the models are combined. We present two novel approaches for post-learning aggregation, each based on aggregating high-level features of Bayesian network models that have been generated from different microarray expression datasets. Meta-analysis Bayesian networks are based on combining statistical confidences attached to network edges whilst Consensus Bayesian networks identify consistent network features across all datasets. We apply both approaches to multiple datasets from synthetic and real (Escherichia coli and yeast) networks and demonstrate that both methods can improve on networks learnt from a single dataset or an aggregated dataset formed using a standard scale-normalisation

    Differential expression analysis with global network adjustment

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    <p>Background: Large-scale chromosomal deletions or other non-specific perturbations of the transcriptome can alter the expression of hundreds or thousands of genes, and it is of biological interest to understand which genes are most profoundly affected. We present a method for predicting a gene’s expression as a function of other genes thereby accounting for the effect of transcriptional regulation that confounds the identification of genes differentially expressed relative to a regulatory network. The challenge in constructing such models is that the number of possible regulator transcripts within a global network is on the order of thousands, and the number of biological samples is typically on the order of 10. Nevertheless, there are large gene expression databases that can be used to construct networks that could be helpful in modeling transcriptional regulation in smaller experiments.</p> <p>Results: We demonstrate a type of penalized regression model that can be estimated from large gene expression databases, and then applied to smaller experiments. The ridge parameter is selected by minimizing the cross-validation error of the predictions in the independent out-sample. This tends to increase the model stability and leads to a much greater degree of parameter shrinkage, but the resulting biased estimation is mitigated by a second round of regression. Nevertheless, the proposed computationally efficient “over-shrinkage” method outperforms previously used LASSO-based techniques. In two independent datasets, we find that the median proportion of explained variability in expression is approximately 25%, and this results in a substantial increase in the signal-to-noise ratio allowing more powerful inferences on differential gene expression leading to biologically intuitive findings. We also show that a large proportion of gene dependencies are conditional on the biological state, which would be impossible with standard differential expression methods.</p> <p>Conclusions: By adjusting for the effects of the global network on individual genes, both the sensitivity and reliability of differential expression measures are greatly improved.</p&gt

    Network estimation in State Space Model with L1-regularization constraint

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    Biological networks have arisen as an attractive paradigm of genomic science ever since the introduction of large scale genomic technologies which carried the promise of elucidating the relationship in functional genomics. Microarray technologies coupled with appropriate mathematical or statistical models have made it possible to identify dynamic regulatory networks or to measure time course of the expression level of many genes simultaneously. However one of the few limitations fall on the high-dimensional nature of such data coupled with the fact that these gene expression data are known to include some hidden process. In that regards, we are concerned with deriving a method for inferring a sparse dynamic network in a high dimensional data setting. We assume that the observations are noisy measurements of gene expression in the form of mRNAs, whose dynamics can be described by some unknown or hidden process. We build an input-dependent linear state space model from these hidden states and demonstrate how an incorporated L1L_{1} regularization constraint in an Expectation-Maximization (EM) algorithm can be used to reverse engineer transcriptional networks from gene expression profiling data. This corresponds to estimating the model interaction parameters. The proposed method is illustrated on time-course microarray data obtained from a well established T-cell data. At the optimum tuning parameters we found genes TRAF5, JUND, CDK4, CASP4, CD69, and C3X1 to have higher number of inwards directed connections and FYB, CCNA2, AKT1 and CASP8 to be genes with higher number of outwards directed connections. We recommend these genes to be object for further investigation. Caspase 4 is also found to activate the expression of JunD which in turn represses the cell cycle regulator CDC2.Comment: arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1308.359

    Defining a robust biological prior from Pathway Analysis to drive Network Inference

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    Inferring genetic networks from gene expression data is one of the most challenging work in the post-genomic era, partly due to the vast space of possible networks and the relatively small amount of data available. In this field, Gaussian Graphical Model (GGM) provides a convenient framework for the discovery of biological networks. In this paper, we propose an original approach for inferring gene regulation networks using a robust biological prior on their structure in order to limit the set of candidate networks. Pathways, that represent biological knowledge on the regulatory networks, will be used as an informative prior knowledge to drive Network Inference. This approach is based on the selection of a relevant set of genes, called the "molecular signature", associated with a condition of interest (for instance, the genes involved in disease development). In this context, differential expression analysis is a well established strategy. However outcome signatures are often not consistent and show little overlap between studies. Thus, we will dedicate the first part of our work to the improvement of the standard process of biomarker identification to guarantee the robustness and reproducibility of the molecular signature. Our approach enables to compare the networks inferred between two conditions of interest (for instance case and control networks) and help along the biological interpretation of results. Thus it allows to identify differential regulations that occur in these conditions. We illustrate the proposed approach by applying our method to a study of breast cancer's response to treatment

    A machine learning pipeline for discriminant pathways identification

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    Motivation: Identifying the molecular pathways more prone to disruption during a pathological process is a key task in network medicine and, more in general, in systems biology. Results: In this work we propose a pipeline that couples a machine learning solution for molecular profiling with a recent network comparison method. The pipeline can identify changes occurring between specific sub-modules of networks built in a case-control biomarker study, discriminating key groups of genes whose interactions are modified by an underlying condition. The proposal is independent from the classification algorithm used. Three applications on genomewide data are presented regarding children susceptibility to air pollution and two neurodegenerative diseases: Parkinson's and Alzheimer's. Availability: Details about the software used for the experiments discussed in this paper are provided in the Appendix

    Identification of transcriptional regulatory networks specific to pilocytic astrocytoma.

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    BackgroundPilocytic Astrocytomas (PAs) are common low-grade central nervous system malignancies for which few recurrent and specific genetic alterations have been identified. In an effort to better understand the molecular biology underlying the pathogenesis of these pediatric brain tumors, we performed higher-order transcriptional network analysis of a large gene expression dataset to identify gene regulatory pathways that are specific to this tumor type, relative to other, more aggressive glial or histologically distinct brain tumours.MethodsRNA derived from frozen human PA tumours was subjected to microarray-based gene expression profiling, using Affymetrix U133Plus2 GeneChip microarrays. This data set was compared to similar data sets previously generated from non-malignant human brain tissue and other brain tumour types, after appropriate normalization.ResultsIn this study, we examined gene expression in 66 PA tumors compared to 15 non-malignant cortical brain tissues, and identified 792 genes that demonstrated consistent differential expression between independent sets of PA and non-malignant specimens. From this entire 792 gene set, we used the previously described PAP tool to assemble a core transcriptional regulatory network composed of 6 transcription factor genes (TFs) and 24 target genes, for a total of 55 interactions. A similar analysis of oligodendroglioma and glioblastoma multiforme (GBM) gene expression data sets identified distinct, but overlapping, networks. Most importantly, comparison of each of the brain tumor type-specific networks revealed a network unique to PA that included repressed expression of ONECUT2, a gene frequently methylated in other tumor types, and 13 other uniquely predicted TF-gene interactions.ConclusionsThese results suggest specific transcriptional pathways that may operate to create the unique molecular phenotype of PA and thus opportunities for corresponding targeted therapeutic intervention. Moreover, this study also demonstrates how integration of gene expression data with TF-gene and TF-TF interaction data is a powerful approach to generating testable hypotheses to better understand cell-type specific genetic programs relevant to cancer

    Diverse correlation structures in gene expression data and their utility in improving statistical inference

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    It is well known that correlations in microarray data represent a serious nuisance deteriorating the performance of gene selection procedures. This paper is intended to demonstrate that the correlation structure of microarray data provides a rich source of useful information. We discuss distinct correlation substructures revealed in microarray gene expression data by an appropriate ordering of genes. These substructures include stochastic proportionality of expression signals in a large percentage of all gene pairs, negative correlations hidden in ordered gene triples, and a long sequence of weakly dependent random variables associated with ordered pairs of genes. The reported striking regularities are of general biological interest and they also have far-reaching implications for theory and practice of statistical methods of microarray data analysis. We illustrate the latter point with a method for testing differential expression of nonoverlapping gene pairs. While designed for testing a different null hypothesis, this method provides an order of magnitude more accurate control of type 1 error rate compared to conventional methods of individual gene expression profiling. In addition, this method is robust to the technical noise. Quantitative inference of the correlation structure has the potential to extend the analysis of microarray data far beyond currently practiced methods.Comment: Published in at http://dx.doi.org/10.1214/07-AOAS120 the Annals of Applied Statistics (http://www.imstat.org/aoas/) by the Institute of Mathematical Statistics (http://www.imstat.org

    Probing host pathogen cross-talk by transcriptional profiling of both Mycobacterium tuberculosis and infected human dendritic cells and macrophages

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    This study provides the proof of principle that probing the host and the microbe transcriptomes simultaneously is a valuable means to accessing unique information on host pathogen interactions. Our results also underline the extraordinary plasticity of host cell and pathogen responses to infection, and provide a solid framework to further understand the complex mechanisms involved in immunity to M. tuberculosis and in mycobacterial adaptation to different intracellular environments