25 research outputs found

    Improving the Accuracy of CT-derived Attenuation Correction in Respiratory-Gated PET/CT Imaging

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    The effect of respiratory motion on attenuation correction in Fludeoxyglucose (18F) positron emission tomography (FDG-PET) was investigated. Improvements to the accuracy of computed tomography (CT) derived attenuation correction were obtained through the alignment of the attenuation map to each emission image in a respiratory gated PET scan. Attenuation misalignment leads to artefacts in the reconstructed PET image and several methods were devised for evaluating the attenuation inaccuracies caused by this. These methods of evaluation were extended to finding the frame in the respiratory gated PET which best matched the CT. This frame was then used as a reference frame in mono-modality compensation for misalignment. Attenuation correction was found to affect the quantification of tumour volumes; thus a regional analysis was used to evaluate the impact of mismatch and the benefits of compensating for misalignment. Deformable image registration was used to compensate for misalignment, however, there were inaccuracies caused by the poor signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) in PET images. Two models were developed that were robust to a poor SNR allowing for the estimation of deformation from very noisy images. Firstly, a cross population model was developed by statistically analysing the respiratory motion in 10 4DCT scans. Secondly, a 1D model of respiration was developed based on the physiological function of respiration. The 1D approach correctly modelled the expansion and contraction of the lungs and the differences in the compressibility of lungs and surrounding tissues. Several additional models were considered but were ruled out based on their poor goodness of fit to 4DCT scans. Approaches to evaluating the developed models were also used to assist with optimising for the most accurate attenuation correction. It was found that the multimodality registration of the CT image to the PET image was the most accurate approach to compensating for attenuation correction mismatch. Mono-modality image registration was found to be the least accurate approach, however, incorporating a motion model improved the accuracy of image registration. The significance of these findings is twofold. Firstly, it was found that motion models are required to improve the accuracy in compensating for attenuation correction mismatch and secondly, a validation method was found for comparing approaches to compensating for attenuation mismatch

    Improving the Accuracy of CT-derived Attenuation Correction in Respiratory-Gated PET/CT Imaging

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    The effect of respiratory motion on attenuation correction in Fludeoxyglucose (18F) positron emission tomography (FDG-PET) was investigated. Improvements to the accuracy of computed tomography (CT) derived attenuation correction were obtained through the alignment of the attenuation map to each emission image in a respiratory gated PET scan. Attenuation misalignment leads to artefacts in the reconstructed PET image and several methods were devised for evaluating the attenuation inaccuracies caused by this. These methods of evaluation were extended to finding the frame in the respiratory gated PET which best matched the CT. This frame was then used as a reference frame in mono-modality compensation for misalignment. Attenuation correction was found to affect the quantification of tumour volumes; thus a regional analysis was used to evaluate the impact of mismatch and the benefits of compensating for misalignment. Deformable image registration was used to compensate for misalignment, however, there were inaccuracies caused by the poor signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) in PET images. Two models were developed that were robust to a poor SNR allowing for the estimation of deformation from very noisy images. Firstly, a cross population model was developed by statistically analysing the respiratory motion in 10 4DCT scans. Secondly, a 1D model of respiration was developed based on the physiological function of respiration. The 1D approach correctly modelled the expansion and contraction of the lungs and the differences in the compressibility of lungs and surrounding tissues. Several additional models were considered but were ruled out based on their poor goodness of fit to 4DCT scans. Approaches to evaluating the developed models were also used to assist with optimising for the most accurate attenuation correction. It was found that the multimodality registration of the CT image to the PET image was the most accurate approach to compensating for attenuation correction mismatch. Mono-modality image registration was found to be the least accurate approach, however, incorporating a motion model improved the accuracy of image registration. The significance of these findings is twofold. Firstly, it was found that motion models are required to improve the accuracy in compensating for attenuation correction mismatch and secondly, a validation method was found for comparing approaches to compensating for attenuation mismatch

    From medical images to individualized cardiac mechanics: A Physiome approach

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    Cardiac mechanics is a branch of science that deals with forces, kinematics, and material properties of the heart, which is valuable for clinical applications and physiological studies. Although anatomical and biomechanical experiments are necessary to provide the fundamental knowledge of cardiac mechanics, the invasive nature of the procedures limits their further applicability. In consequence, noninvasive alternatives are required, and cardiac images provide an excellent source of subject-specific and in vivo information. Noninvasive and individualized cardiac mechanical studies can be achieved through coupling general physiological models derived from invasive experiments with subject-specific information extracted from medical images. Nevertheless, as data extracted from images are gross, sparse, or noisy, and do not directly provide the information of interest in general, the couplings between models and measurements are complicated inverse problems with numerous issues need to be carefully considered. The goal of this research is to develop a noninvasive framework for studying individualized cardiac mechanics through systematic coupling between cardiac physiological models and medical images according to their respective merits. More specifically, nonlinear state-space filtering frameworks for recovering individualized cardiac deformation and local material parameters of realistic nonlinear constitutive laws have been proposed. To ensure the physiological meaningfulness, clinical relevance, and computational feasibility of the frameworks, five key issues have to be properly addressed, including the cardiac physiological model, the heart representation in the computational environment, the information extraction from cardiac images, the coupling between models and image information, and also the computational complexity. For the cardiac physiological model, a cardiac physiome model tailored for cardiac image analysis has been proposed to provide a macroscopic physiological foundation for the study. For the heart representation, a meshfree method has been adopted to facilitate implementations and spatial accuracy refinements. For the information extraction from cardiac images, a registration method based on free-form deformation has been adopted for robust motion tracking. For the coupling between models and images, state-space filtering has been applied to systematically couple the models with the measurements. For the computational complexity, a mode superposition approach has been adopted to project the system into an equivalent mathematical space with much fewer dimensions for computationally feasible filtering. Experiments were performed on both synthetic and clinical data to verify the proposed frameworks

    Cardiovascular magnetic resonance phase contrast imaging

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    Le recalage robuste d’images médicales et la modélisation du mouvement basée sur l’apprentissage profond

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    This thesis presents new computational tools for quantifying deformations and motion of anatomical structures from medical images as required by a large variety of clinical applications. Generic deformable registration tools are presented that enable deformation analysis useful for improving diagnosis, prognosis and therapy guidance. These tools were built by combining state-of-the-art medical image analysis methods with cutting-edge machine learning methods.First, we focus on difficult inter-subject registration problems. By learning from given deformation examples, we propose a novel agent-based optimization scheme inspired by deep reinforcement learning where a statistical deformation model is explored in a trial-and-error fashion showing improved registration accuracy. Second, we develop a diffeomorphic deformation model that allows for accurate multiscale registration and deformation analysis by learning a low-dimensional representation of intra-subject deformations. The unsupervised method uses a latent variable model in form of a conditional variational autoencoder (CVAE) for learning a probabilistic deformation encoding that is useful for the simulation, classification and comparison of deformations.Third, we propose a probabilistic motion model derived from image sequences of moving organs. This generative model embeds motion in a structured latent space, the motion matrix, which enables the consistent tracking of structures and various analysis tasks. For instance, it leads to the simulation and interpolation of realistic motion patterns allowing for faster data acquisition and data augmentation.Finally, we demonstrate the importance of the developed tools in a clinical application where the motion model is used for disease prognosis and therapy planning. It is shown that the survival risk for heart failure patients can be predicted from the discriminative motion matrix with a higher accuracy compared to classical image-derived risk factors.Cette thèse présente de nouveaux outils informatiques pour quantifier les déformations et le mouvement de structures anatomiques à partir d’images médicales dans le cadre d’une grande variété d’applications cliniques. Des outils génériques de recalage déformable sont présentés qui permettent l’analyse de la déformation de tissus anatomiques pour améliorer le diagnostic, le pronostic et la thérapie. Ces outils combinent des méthodes avancées d’analyse d’images médicales avec des méthodes d’apprentissage automatique performantes.Dans un premier temps, nous nous concentrons sur les problèmes de recalages inter-sujets difficiles. En apprenant à partir d’exemples de déformation donnés, nous proposons un nouveau schéma d’optimisation basé sur un agent inspiré de l’apprentissage par renforcement profond dans lequel un modèle de déformation statistique est exploré de manière itérative montrant une précision améliorée de recalage. Dans un second temps, nous développons un modèle de déformation difféomorphe qui permet un recalage multi-échelle précis et une analyse de déformation en apprenant une représentation de faible dimension des déformations intra-sujet. La méthode non supervisée utilise un modèle de variable latente sous la forme d’un autoencodeur variationnel conditionnel (CVAE) pour apprendre une représentation probabiliste des déformations qui est utile pour la simulation, la classification et la comparaison des déformations. Troisièmement, nous proposons un modèle de mouvement probabiliste dérivé de séquences d’images d’organes en mouvement. Ce modèle génératif décrit le mouvement dans un espace latent structuré, la matrice de mouvement, qui permet le suivi cohérent des structures ainsi que l’analyse du mouvement. Ainsi cette approche permet la simulation et l’interpolation de modèles de mouvement réalistes conduisant à une acquisition et une augmentation des données plus rapides.Enfin, nous démontrons l’intérêt des outils développés dans une application clinique où le modèle de mouvement est utilisé pour le pronostic de maladies et la planification de thérapies. Il est démontré que le risque de survie des patients souffrant d’insuffisance cardiaque peut être prédit à partir de la matrice de mouvement discriminant avec une précision supérieure par rapport aux facteurs de risque classiques dérivés de l’image

    Aerospace medicine and biology: A cumulative index to a continuing bibliography (supplement 345)

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    This publication is a cumulative index to the abstracts contained in Supplements 333 through 344 of Aerospace Medicine and Biology: A Continuing Bibliography. Seven indexes are included -- subject, personal author, corporate source, foreign technology, contract number, report number, and accession number

    Deep Learning Based Malware Classification Using Deep Residual Network

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    The traditional malware detection approaches rely heavily on feature extraction procedure, in this paper we proposed a deep learning-based malware classification model by using a 18-layers deep residual network. Our model uses the raw bytecodes data of malware samples, converting the bytecodes to 3-channel RGB images and then applying the deep learning techniques to classify the malwares. Our experiment results show that the deep residual network model achieved an average accuracy of 86.54% by 5-fold cross validation. Comparing to the traditional methods for malware classification, our deep residual network model greatly simplify the malware detection and classification procedures, it achieved a very good classification accuracy as well. The dataset we used in this paper for training and testing is Malimg dataset, one of the biggest malware datasets released by vision research lab of UCSB

    Proceedings, MSVSCC 2019

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    Old Dominion University Department of Modeling, Simulation & Visualization Engineering (MSVE) and the Virginia Modeling, Analysis and Simulation Center (VMASC) held the 13th annual Modeling, Simulation & Visualization (MSV) Student Capstone Conference on April 18, 2019. The Conference featured student research and student projects that are central to MSV. Also participating in the conference were faculty members who volunteered their time to impart direct support to their students’ research, facilitated the various conference tracks, served as judges for each of the tracks, and provided overall assistance to the conference. Appreciating the purpose of the conference and working in a cohesive, collaborative effort, resulted in a successful symposium for everyone involved. These proceedings feature the works that were presented at the conference. Capstone Conference Chair: Dr. Yuzhong Shen Capstone Conference Student Chair: Daniel Pere