5,106 research outputs found

    Benefits of Spatial Regulation in a Multispecies System

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    Spatial heterogeneity in multispecies systems affects both ecological interactions and the composition of harvest. A bioeconomic model is used to analyze the nonselective harvest of two stocks with generalized ecological interaction and different persistent distributions across two spatial strata. Harvester response to aggregate effort controls is shown to partially dissipate rents relative to the case where the spatial distribution of effort can be specified. Numerical solutions for time paths of spatial (first-best) and aggregate (secondbest) input constraints indicate factors affecting their relative efficiency. In the scenarios studied, benefits of spatial specificity range from 0 to 15% of total net present value (NPV), depending upon the spatial correlation of stocks, their relative growth rates and prices, and the cost gradient across space. The benefits of spatial regulation are also heightened by the presence of ecological interaction, especially predator-prey dynamics.Bycatch, multispecies system, second-best regulation, spatial, Q20, Q22, Q28, Resource /Energy Economics and Policy,

    Valuing Ecosystem Services with Fishery Rents: A Lumped-Parameter Approach to Hypoxia in the Neuse River Estuary

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    Valuing ecosystem services with microeconomic underpinnings presents challenges because these services typically constitute nonmarket values and contribute to human welfare indirectly through a series of ecological pathways that are dynamic, nonlinear, and difficult to quantify and link to appropriate economic spatial and temporal scales. This paper develops and demonstrates a method to value a portion of ecosystem services when a commercial fishery is dependent on the quality of estuarine habitat. Using a lumped-parameter, dynamic open access bioeconomic model that is spatially explicit and includes predator-prey interactions, this paper quantifies part of the value of improved ecosystem function in the Neuse River Estuary when nutrient pollution is reduced. Specifically, it traces the effects of nitrogen loading on the North Carolina commercial blue crab fishery by modeling the response of primary production and the subsequent impact on hypoxia (low dissolved oxygen). Hypoxia, in turn, affects blue crabs and their preferred prey. The discounted present value fishery rent increase from a 30% reduction in nitrogen loadings in the Neuse is $2.56 million, though this welfare estimate is fairly sensitive to some parameter values. Surprisingly, this number is not sensitive to initial conditions.Open access, Predator-prey, Hypoxia, Habitat-dependent fisheries

    Coexistence and critical behaviour in a lattice model of competing species

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    In the present paper we study a lattice model of two species competing for the same resources. Monte Carlo simulations for d=1, 2, and 3 show that when resources are easily available both species coexist. However, when the supply of resources is on an intermediate level, the species with slower metabolism becomes extinct. On the other hand, when resources are scarce it is the species with faster metabolism that becomes extinct. The range of coexistence of the two species increases with dimension. We suggest that our model might describe some aspects of the competition between normal and tumor cells. With such an interpretation, examples of tumor remission, recurrence and of different morphologies are presented. In the d=1 and d=2 models, we analyse the nature of phase transitions: they are either discontinuous or belong to the directed-percolation universality class, and in some cases they have an active subcritical phase. In the d=2 case, one of the transitions seems to be characterized by critical exponents different than directed-percolation ones, but this transition could be also weakly discontinuous. In the d=3 version, Monte Carlo simulations are in a good agreement with the solution of the mean-field approximation. This approximation predicts that oscillatory behaviour occurs in the present model, but only for d>2. For d>=2, a steady state depends on the initial configuration in some cases.Comment: 11 pages, 14 figure

    Generalized Communicating P Systems Working in Fair Sequential Model

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    In this article we consider a new derivation mode for generalized communicating P systems (GCPS) corresponding to the functioning of population protocols (PP) and based on the sequential derivation mode and a fairness condition. We show that PP can be seen as a particular variant of GCPS. We also consider a particular stochastic evolution satisfying the fairness condition and obtain that it corresponds to the run of a Gillespie's SSA. This permits to further describe the dynamics of GCPS by a system of ODEs when the population size goes to the infinity.Comment: Presented at MeCBIC 201

    On Species Preservation and Non-Cooperative Exploiters

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    Game-theoretic fisheries models typically consider cases where some players harvest a single common fish stock. It is, however, the case that these types of models do not capture many real world mixed fisheries, where species are bio-logical independent or dependent. The present paper considers cases where several non-cooperative exploiters are involved in mixed fisheries. This paper is targeting biodiversity preservation by setting up a two species model with the aim of ensuring both species survive harvesting of exploiters adapting a non-cooperative behaviour. The model starts out as a multi-species model without biological dependency and is then modified to include also biological dependency. We contribute to the literature by analytically finding the limits on the number of players preserving both species including the conditions to be satisfied. For visual purposes we simulate a two species model with different kind of interrelationship.Biodiversity preservation, non-cooperative game, multi-species fisheries, bio-economic modelling

    A Predator-Prey Model with an Application to Lake Victoria Fisheries

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    Greater complexity in renewable resource models is achieved by acknowledging that species interact through a predator-prey relationship in which both species are harvested. The price of greater complexity is that traditional concepts, such as maximum sustained yield (MSY), have to be revised dramatically. Moreover, having chosen greater complexity, fishery biologists and other researchers must choose an explicit value for each fish, a rate of exchange of one species for every other species. Policy makers and social scientists in Tanzania, Kenya, and Uganda with a keen interest in Lake Victoria fisheries regard the resource as a tool for furthering socioeconomic goals, such as foreign exchange earnings, employment for women, and nutrition. Comparative analysis allows policy makers to understand the consequences of choosing these goals in addition to economically efficient resource use. Foreign exchange earnings, employment for women, and healthy people are other goals promulgated by Tanzania, Kenya, and Uganda in the management of Lake Victoria Fisheries. The conflicts among social goals are evident in the bioeconomic predator-prey model: a goal favoring a particular species reduces the sustainable harvest of another species. Data from Kenya are used to estimate the population dynamics equations.predator-prey, bioeconomic model, Lake Victoria, Resource /Energy Economics and Policy, Q22, Q28,
