4 research outputs found

    Utilidade de vestíveis tecnológicos na mineração: Use of computacional wearables in mining industry

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    Os vestíveis tecnológicos estão sendo implementados em muitos domínios como em monitoramento da saúde, práticas esportivas, na vida cotidiana e também na indústria. As novas proposições de organização e planejamento da industrial estão ficando mais complexas e integradas de tal forma que já se evidencia o limiar de uma nova revolução industrial, denominada Industria 4.0. A mineração também está em consonância com o progresso e implantação dessas novas tecnologias. A diversidade de dispositivos vestíveis como óculos virtuais, pulseiras, capacetes e outros dispositivos de formas e tamanhos variados quando dotados de tecnologia permitem alcançar novos patamares de interação homem-máquina e processos produtivos. Este estudo mostra como os vestíveis tecnológicos podem ser usados no contexto da mineração onde o monitoramento fisiológico mostra-se uma oportunidade interessante de melhoria da segurança de trabalho especialmente para área e ventilação subterrânea, que se for combinado com a localização que pode auxiliar na tomada de decisão. Foi buscada uma ampla literatura para entender os dispositivos computacionais vestíveis em desenvolvimento. A pesquisa indica que os vestíveis tecnológicos já estão em desenvolvimento para o setor mineral

    Smart Wearable Gadget for Miners Using IOT

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    Safety is the most important part of any kind of assiduity is safety. In extreme circumstances, safety-related negligence could result in the destruction of expensive clothing or the loss of human life. Every min-ing diligence adhere to a few basic preventative measures in order to avoid any generally unwelcome wonders. The most important component at this time is communication in order to continuously monitor various pa-rameters and take the appropriate actions as a result to avoid any risks linked with the product or the management of mortal funds. A stable and wide-range effective communication system between personnel in the mine and the control centre must be built in order to increase safety in un-derground mines. The cable communication network technology is inef-fective within underground mines. Here we can tackle the matter of acci-dents which end with death of several people per annum. It is discovered that the speed of fatality within the coal pit industry is almost six times the speed for all private industries. And most of those accidents are because of toxic gases, fires, and a lack of rescue systems. By implementing mine surveillance gadgets, which may be used within the mine and detect the number of various gases, fall, emergency detection and report to them. This article focuses on the design and analysis of the smart wearable gadget for miners in the mining industry using IoT

    Measurement of Enviromental Parameters for Smart Helmet

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    Cílem této bakalářské práce je návrh a realizace systému pro monitorování enviromentálních parametrů, s užitím na chytré cyklistické helmě. Monitorování enviromentálních parametrů poskytuje důležitý údaj o okolním prostředí, ve kterém je vykonáván fyzický výkon, a to v podobě jízdy na jízdním kole. Součástí bakalářské práce je průzkum trhu za účelem výběru vhodných senzorů pro toto monitorování, elektronické a software řešení jednotlivých senzorů, dále návrh a realizace softwaru pro vyhodnocování zaznamenaných dat, a v poslední řadě testování s vyhodnocením dosažených výsledků. Hlavním přínosem této bakalářské práce je postup při sestavování monitorovacího zařízení pro enviromentální parametry, zjištění, zda vybrané enviromentální senzory jsou ideální pro tato měření, dále zdali jsou senzory vhodné pro umístění na chytré cyklistické helmě a jestli měření těchto parametrů je pro potenciální uživatele chytré cyklistické helmy přínosné. Tato bakalářská práce vznikla ve spolupráci s firmou Invent Medical, která zadala podmět pro sestrojení chytré cyklistické helmy. Tato chytrá cyklistická helma, by měla být schopná měřit nejrůznější životní funkce, snímat okolní prostředí a měla mnoho jiných funkcí.The aim of this bachelor thesis is to design and implement a system for monitoring environmental parameter and using on smart bicycle helmet. Enviromental parameter monitoring provides an important indication of the environment in which physical performance is performed in the form of cycling. Part of the bachelor thesis is a survey for the selection of suitable sensors for this monitoring, electronic and software solutions of individual sensors, design and implementation of software for evaluation of recorded data, and last but not least, testing with evaluation of achieved results. The main contribution of this bachelor thesis is the process of assembling a monitoring device for environmental parameters, whether the selected environmental sensors are ideal for these measurements, whether the sensors are suitable for placing on a smart cycling helmet, and whether the measurement of these parameters is for potential users clever cycling helmets beneficial. This bachelor thesis was created in cooperation with Invent Medical, which entered the subject for the construction of a clever bicycle helmet. This clever bicycle helmet should be able to measure a variety of life functions, capture the environment, and have many other features.450 - Katedra kybernetiky a biomedicínského inženýrstvídobř

    How data will transform industrial processes: crowdsensing, crowdsourcing and big data as pillars of industry 4.0

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    We are living in the era of the fourth industrial revolution, namely Industry 4.0. This paper presents themain aspects related to Industry 4.0, the technologies thatwill enable this revolution, and the main application domains thatwill be affected by it. The effects that the introduction of Internet of Things (IoT), Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS), crowdsensing, crowdsourcing, cloud computing and big data will have on industrial processeswill be discussed. Themain objectiveswill be represented by improvements in: production efficiency, quality and cost-effectiveness; workplace health and safety, as well as quality of working conditions; products' quality and availability, according to mass customisation requirements. The paper will further discuss the common denominator of these enhancements, i.e., data collection and analysis. As data and information will be crucial for Industry 4.0, crowdsensing and crowdsourcing will introduce new advantages and challenges, which will make most of the industrial processes easier with respect to traditional technologies