374 research outputs found

    Single-Chip Multiple-Frequency ALN MEMS Filters Based on Contour-Mode Piezoelectric Resonators

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    This paper reports experimental results on a new class of single-chip multiple-frequency (up to 236 MHz) filters that are based on low motional resistance contour-mode aluminum nitride piezoelectric micromechanical resonators. Rectangular plates and rings are made out of an aluminum nitride layer sandwiched between a bottom platinum electrode and a top aluminum electrode. For the first time, these devices have been electrically cascaded to yield high performance, low insertion loss (as low as 4 dB at 93MHz), and large rejection (27 dB at 236 MHz) micromechanical bandpass filters. This novel technology could revolutionize wireless communication systems by allowing cofabrication of multiple frequency filters on the same chip, potentially reducing form factors and manufacturing costs. In addition, these filters require terminations (1 kOmega termination is used at 236 MHz) that can be realized with on-chip inductors and capacitors, enabling their direct interface with standard 50-Omega systems

    Single-Chip Multiple-Frequency ALN MEMS Filters Based on Contour-Mode Piezoelectric Resonators

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    Narrow bandwidth single-resonator MEMS tuning fork filter

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    We present a solution for a fourth-order, narrow-bandwidth filter comprising of a single silicon tuning fork resonator driven using one electrode only. Voltage controlled electrical spring tuning is employed to match the primary and secondary modes of the resonator to achieve filter response. A narrow bandwidth single resonator MEMS tuning fork filter is demonstrated with a center frequency of 1.2866 MHz, a 3 dB-bandwidth of 0.0085% and a 1.5 dB ripple

    Sagnac loop in ring resonators for tunable optical filters

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    General filter architecture using co- and counterpropagation signals are studied. A specific configuration based on a Sagnac loop within a ring resonator is analyzed. Novel tuning, apart from conventional tuning, is achieved by changing the coupling ratio of a coupler through the adjustment of the equivalent loop length. Full equations describing the filter behavior in passive and active configurations, and simple closed-form formulas to compute the tuning, tolerance, and full-width at half-maximum are reported. The performance of these devices is discussed for their application as selective or channel-dropping ultra-narrow-band filters. The effect of losses and their dispersion properties are also discussed. These devices can be conveniently implemented, using silicon- or InP-integrated optic technology, for they have high free spectral ranges.Publicad

    Reconfigurable Microwave Filters

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    Kytketyt MEMS-resonaattoriverkot

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    Micromechanical resonance frequencies are in a standard manner a few tens of MHz and can even cover the requency range up to a few GHz. When using high quality material such as quartz of silicon, also internal losses are very low. By physical coupling of resonators into a network, one can realize various mechanical signal processing, filtering or for example neural network type behavior. Since coupling between resonators are realized by some kind of bridge, which can be either rather linear or alternatively intentionally very nonlinear, the overall behavior of the whole network is very complex. Of general interest are effects that originate from multiple inputs and outputs and which could lead to a rather unexpected spectral or transient behavior of the signals, which can be found by computer modelling.Mikromekaaniset resonanssitaajuudet ovat tyypillisesti muutamia kymmeniÀ megahertsejÀ mutta voivat kattaa taajuuskaistan aina muutamiin gigahertseihin asti. KÀytettÀessÀ korkealaatuisia materiaaleja kuten kvartsia tai piitÀ myös signaalin hÀviöt ovat erittÀin pieniÀ. KytkemÀllÀ resonaattoreita fyysiseksi verkoksi voidaan mekaanisilla rakenteilla suorittaa signaalinkÀsittelyÀ, realisoida suodattimia ja jopa neuroverkkoja. Koska yksittÀisten resonaattorien vÀlinen kytkentÀ on jonkinlainen silta, joka voi olla joko melko lineaarinen tai vaihtoehtoisesti tarkoituksellisesti erittÀin epÀlineaarinen, on koko verkon kÀyttÀytyminen erittÀin monimutkaista. Yleisesti kiinnostavia ovat useista sisÀÀnmenoista ja ulostuloista johtuvat ilmiöt, jotka voivat johtaa signaalien spektrin tai transienttivasteen melko odottamattomaan tai epÀintuitiiviseen kÀyttÀytymiseen, jonka voi löytÀÀ ja tulkita tietokonesimulaatioilla

    Millimeter-wave passive bandpass filters

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    Abstract: This paper presents a comprehensive review of millimeter-wave (mm-wave) passive bandpass filters (BPFs). A detailed discussion is provided on different topologies and architectures, performance comparison, design challenges, and process technologies. Passive BPFs offer the advantages of high operating frequency, good linearity, low noise figure (NF), and no power dissipation. Careful consideration of available process technologies is required for the implementation of high performance mm-wave circuits. Gallium arsenide (GaAs) and indium phosphide (InP) (group III-V) processes provide high cutoff frequencies (fT), good noise performance, and high quality on-chip passives. Complementary metal oxide semiconductor (CMOS) process has the prominent advantages of low cost, a high degree of integration, and high reliability, while silicon germanium bipolar CMOS (SiGe BiCMOS) process demonstrates high fT, a high level of integration, and better noise and power performance

    Doctor of Philosophy

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    dissertationThis thesis presents the design, fabrication and characterization of a microelectromechanical system (MEMS) based complete wireless microsystem for brain interfacing, with very high quality factor and low power consumption. Components of the neuron sensing system include TiW fixed-fixed bridge resonator, MEMS oscillator based action-potential-to-RF module, and high-efficiency RF coil link for power and data transmissions. First, TiW fixed-fixed bridge resonator on glass substrate was fabricated and characterized, with resonance frequency of 100 - 500 kHz, and a quality factor up to 2,000 inside 10 mT vacuum. The effect of surface conditions on resonator's quality factor was studied with 10s of nm Al2O3 layer deposition with ALD (atomic layer deposition). It was found that MEMS resonator's quality factor decreased with increasing surface roughness. Second, action-potential-to-RF module was realized with MEMS oscillator based on TiW bridge resonator. Oscillation signal with frequency of 442 kHz and phase noise of -84.75 dBc/Hz at 1 kHz offset was obtained. DC biasing of the MEMS oscillator was modulated with neural signal so that the output RF waveform carries the neural signal information. Third, high-efficiency RF coil link for power and data communications was designed and realized. Based on the coupled mode theory (CMT), intermediate resonance coil was introduced and increased voltage transfer efficiency by up to 5 times. Finally, a complete neural interfacing system was demonstrated with board-level integration. The system consists of both internal and external systems, with wireless powering, wireless data transfer, artificial neuron signal generation, neural signal modulation and demodulation, and computer interface displaying restored neuron signal

    A fundamental limit on the performance of geometrically-tuned planar resonators

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