1,448 research outputs found

    Однопериодная модель управления запасами с непрерывным нечетким случайным спросом

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    The paper describes an algorithm for searching the optimal enterprise inventory capacity, where the demand for this resource is a fuzzy random variable. In particular, the case of continuously distributed demand with the expected value which is a triangular fuzzy number has been discussed. A numerical example is given to illustrate the model.У статті описано алгоритм пошуку оптимального обсягу запасу ресурсу підприємства, в якому попит на цей ресурс є нечіткою випадковою величиною. Зокрема, розглянуто випадок, коли закон розподілу випадкового попиту відомий або може бути оцінений на основі статистичних даних і математичне сподівання якого – нечітке трикутне число. Теоретичний матеріал проілюстровано числовим прикладом.В статье описан алгоритм поиска оптимального размера запаса ресурса предприятия, спрос на который является нечеткой случайной величиной. В частности, рассмотрен случай, когда закон распределения спроса известен или может быть оценен на основании статистических данных и математическое ожидание которого – нечеткое треугольное число. Теоретический материал проиллюстрирован числовым примером

    Detailed Inventory Record Inaccuracy Analysis

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    This dissertation performs a methodical analysis to understand the behavior of inventory record inaccuracy (IRI) when it is influenced by demand, supply and lead time uncertainty in both online and offline retail environment separately. Additionally, this study identifies the susceptibility of the inventory systems towards IRI due to conventional perfect data visibility assumptions. Two different alternatives for such methods are presented and analyzed; the IRI resistance and the error control methods. The discussed methods effectively countered various aspects of IRI; the IRI resistance method performs better on stock-out and lost sales, whereas error control method keeps lower inventory. Furthermore, this research also investigates the value of using a secondary source of information (automated data capturing) along with traditional inventory record keeping methods to control the effects of IRI. To understand the combined behavior of the pooled data sources an infinite horizon discounted Markov decision process (MDP) is generated and optimized. Moreover, the traditional cost based reward structure is abandoned to put more emphasis on the effects of IRI. Instead a new measure is developed as inventory performance by combining four key performance metrics; lost sales, amount of correction, fill rate and amount of inventory counted. These key metrics are united under a unitless platform using fuzzy logic and combined through additive methods. The inventory model is then analyzed to understand the optimal policy structure, which is proven to be of a control limit type

    A General Approach to Electrical Vehicle Battery Remanufacturing System Design

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    One of the major difficulties electrical vehicle (EV) industry facing today is the production and lifetime cost of battery packs. Studies show that using remanufactured batteries can dramatically lower the cost. The major difference between remanufacturing and traditional manufacturing is the supply and demand variabilities and uncertainties differences. The returned core for remanufacturing operations (supply side) can vary considerably in terms of the time of returns and the quality of returned products. On the other hand, because different contracts can be used to regulate suppliers, it is almost always assumed zero uncertainty and variability for traditional manufacturing systems. Similarly, customers demand traditional manufacturers to sell newly produced products in constant high quality. But, remanufacturers usually sell in aftermarket, and the quality of the products demanded can vary depends on the price range, usage, customer segment and many other factors. The key is to match supply and demand side variabilities so the overlapping between them can be maximized. Because of these differences, a new framework is needed for remanufacturing system design. This research aims at developing a new approach to use remanufactured battery packs to fulfill EV warranties and customer aftermarket demands and to match supply and demand side variabilities. First, a market lifetime EV battery return (supply side) forecasting method is develop, and it is validated using Monte Carlo simulation. Second, a discrete event simulation method is developed to estimate EV battery lifetime cost for both customer and manufacturer/remanufacturer. Third, a new remanufacturing business model and a simulation framework are developed so both the quality and quantity aspects of supply and demand can be altered and the lifetime cost for both customer and manufacturer/remanufacturer can be minimized. The business models and methodologies developed in this dissertation provide managerial insights to benefit both the manufacturer/remanufacturer and customers in EV industry. Many findings and methodologies can also be readily used in other remanufacturing settings. The effectiveness of the proposed models is illustrated and validated by case studies.PHDMechanical EngineeringUniversity of Michigan, Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studieshttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/143955/1/xrliang_1.pd

    Supply Chain

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    Traditionally supply chain management has meant factories, assembly lines, warehouses, transportation vehicles, and time sheets. Modern supply chain management is a highly complex, multidimensional problem set with virtually endless number of variables for optimization. An Internet enabled supply chain may have just-in-time delivery, precise inventory visibility, and up-to-the-minute distribution-tracking capabilities. Technology advances have enabled supply chains to become strategic weapons that can help avoid disasters, lower costs, and make money. From internal enterprise processes to external business transactions with suppliers, transporters, channels and end-users marks the wide range of challenges researchers have to handle. The aim of this book is at revealing and illustrating this diversity in terms of scientific and theoretical fundamentals, prevailing concepts as well as current practical applications

    Modeling and Optimization of Stochastic Joint Replenishment and Delivery Scheduling Problem with Uncertain Costs

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    The stochastic joint replenishment and delivery scheduling (JRD) problem is a key issue in supply chain management and is a major concern for companies. So far, all of the work on stochastic JRDs is under explicit environment. However, the decision makers often have to face vague operational conditions. We develop a practical JRD model with stochastic demand under fuzzy backlogging cost, fuzzy minor ordering cost, and fuzzy inventory holding cost. The problem is to determine procedures for inventory management and vehicle routing simultaneously so that the warehouse may satisfy demand at a minimum long-run average cost. Subsequently, the fuzzy total cost is defuzzified by the graded mean integration representation and centroid approaches to rank fuzzy numbers. To find optimal coordinated decisions, a modified adaptive differential evolution algorithm (MADE) is utilized to find the minimum long-run average total cost. Results of numerical examples indicate that the proposed JRD model can be used to simulate fuzzy environment efficiently, and the MADE outperforms genetic algorithm with a lower total cost and higher convergence rate. The proposed methods can be applied to many industries and can help obtaining optimal decisions under uncertain environment

    Intelligent design of manufacturing systems.

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    The design of a manufacturing system is normally performed in two distinct stages, i.e. steady state design and dynamic state design. Within each system design stage a variety of decisions need to be made of which essential ones are the determination of the product range to be manufactured, the layout of equipment on the shopfloor, allocation of work tasks to workstations, planning of aggregate capacity requirements and determining the lot sizes to be processed. This research work has examined the individual problem areas listed above in order to identify the efficiency of current solution techniques and to determine the problems experienced with their use. It has been identified that for each design problem. although there are an assortment of solution techniques available, the majority of these techniques are unable to generate optimal or near optimal solutions to problems of a practical size. In addition, a variety of limitations have been identified that restrict the use of existing techniques. For example, existing methods are limited with respect to the external conditions over which they are applicable and/or cannot enable qualitative or subjective judgements of experienced personnel to influence solution outcomes. An investigation of optimization techniques has been carried out which indicated that genetic algorithms offer great potential in solving the variety of problem areas involved in manufacturing systems design. This research has, therefore, concentrated on testing the use of genetic algorithms to make individual manufacturing design decisions. In particular, the ability of genetic algorithms to generate better solutions than existing techniques has been examined and their ability to overcome the range of limitations that exist with current solution techniques. IIFor each problem area, a typical solution has been coded in terms of a genetic algorithm structure, a suitable objective function constructed and experiments performed to identify the most suitable operators and operator parameter values to use. The best solution generated using these parameters has then been compared with the solution derived using a traditional solution technique. In addition, from the range of experiments undertaken the underlying relationships have been identified between problem characteristics and optimality of operator types and parameter values. The results of the research have identified that genetic algorithms could provide an improved solution technique for all manufacturing design decision areas investigated. In most areas genetic algorithms identified lower cost solutions and overcame many of the limitations of existing techniques

    Parametric Distributionally Robust Optimisation Models for Budgeted Multi-period Newsvendor Problems

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    In this paper, we consider a static, multi-period newsvendor model under a budget constraint. In the case where the true demand distribution is known, we develop a heuristic algorithm to solve the problem. By comparing this algorithm with off-the-shelf solvers, we show that it generates near-optimal solutions in a short time. We then consider a scenario in which limited information on the demand distribution is available. It is assumed, however, that the true demand distribution lies within some given family of distributions and that samples can be obtained from it. We consider the cases of normal and Poisson demands. For each case, we show that using maximum likelihood estimates in place of the true parameters can lead to poor estimates of the true cost associated with an order quantity. Hence, we make use of likelihood inference to develop confidence sets for the true parameters. These are used as ambiguity sets in a distributionally robust model, where we enforce that the worst-case distribution lies in the same family as the true distribution. We solve these models by discretising the ambiguity set and reformulating them as piecewise linear models. We show that these models quickly become large as the ambiguity set grows, resulting in long computation times. To overcome this, we propose a heuristic cutting surface algorithm that exploits theoretical properties of the objective function to reduce the size of the ambiguity set. We illustrate that our cutting surface algorithm solves orders of magnitude faster than the piecewise linear model, while generating very near-optimal solutions

    Synthesis of Optimization and Simulation for Multi-Period Supply Chain Planning with Consideration of Risks

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    Solutions to deterministic optimizing models for supply chains can be very sensitive to the formulation of the objective function and the choice of planning horizon. We illustrate how multi-period optimizing models may be counterproductive if traditional accounting of revenue and costs is performed and planning occurs with too short a planning horizon. We propose a “value added” complement to traditional financial accounting that allows planning to occur with shorter horizons than previously thought necessary. This dissertation presents a simulation model with an embedded optimizer that can help organizations develop strategies that minimize expected costs or maximize expected contributions to profit while maintaining a designated level of service. Plans are developed with a deterministic optimizing model and each of the decisions for the first period in the planning horizon are implemented within the simulator. Random deviations in demands and in upstream and downstream shipping times are imposed and the state of the system is updated at the end of each simulated period of activity. This process continues iteratively for a chosen number of periods (90 days for this research). Multiple replications are performed using unique random number seeds for each replication. The simulation model generates detailed event logs for each period of simulated activity that are used to analyze supply-chain performance and supply-chain risk. Supply-chain performance is measured with eleven key performance indicators that reveal system behavior at the overall supply-chain level, as well as performance related to individual plants, warehouses, and products. There are three key findings from this research. First, a value-added complement in an optimization model’s objective function can allow planning to occur effectively with a significantly shorter horizon than required when traditional accounting of costs and revenues is employed. Second, solutions with the value-added complement are robust for situations where supply-chain disruptions cause unexpected depletions in inventories at production facilities and warehouses. Third, ceteris paribus, the hybrid multi-period planning approach generates solutions with higher service levels for products with greater revenue per average production-minute, shorter average upstream lead times, and lower coefficients of variation for daily demand