3 research outputs found

    Including the workload effect in the parallel program signature

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    Performance prediction and application behavior modeling have been the subject of exten- sive research that aim to estimate applications performance with an acceptable precision. A novel approach to predict the performance of parallel applications is based in the con- cept of Parallel Application Signatures that consists in extract an application most relevant parts (phases) and the number of times they repeat (weights). Executing these phases in a target machine and multiplying its exeuction time by its weight an estimation of the application total execution time can be made. One of the problems is that the performance of an application depends on the program workload. Every type of workload affects differently how an application performs in a given system and so affects the signature execution time. Since the workloads used in most scientific parallel applications have dimensions and data ranges well known and the behavior of these applications are mostly deterministic, a model of how the programs workload affect its performance can be obtained. We create a new methodology to model how a program's workload affect the parallel application signature. Using regression analysis we are able to generalize each phase time execution and weight function to predict an application performance in a target system for any type of workload within predefined range. We validate our methodology using a synthetic program, benchmarks applications and well known real scientific applications.La predicci贸n del rendimiento y el modelado del comportamiento de las aplicaciones son t贸picos ampliamente estudiados y se cuentan con numerosos trabajos de investigaci贸n que pretenden estimar el rendimiento de la aplicaciones con una precisi贸n aceptable. Un nuevo enfoque para predecir el rendimiento de aplicaciones paralelas es el basado en el concepto de las firmas de aplicaciones paralelas que consiste en extraer las partes mas relevantes de una aplicaci贸n (fases) y el n煤mero de veces que se repiten (pesos). Ejecutando estas fases en una m谩quina destino y multiplicando su tiempo de ejecuci贸n por su peso, se puede obtener una estimaci贸n del tiempo total de ejecuci贸n de la aplicaci贸n. Uno de los problemas es que el rendimiento de una aplicaci贸n depende de la carga de trabajo de esta. Cada tipo de carga de trabajo afecta de manera distinta el rendimiento que tiene una aplicaci贸n en un sistema determinado y por lo tanto el tiempo de ejecuci贸n de la firma. Dado que las cargas de trabajo de la mayor铆a de las aplicaciones cient铆ficas paralelas, tienen dimensiones y rango de datos bien conocidos y que el comportamiento de estas aplicaciones es generalmente determinista, se puede obtener un modelo de c贸mo la carga de trabajo de un programa afecta su rendimiento. Hemos creado una nueva metodolog铆a para modelar c贸mo la carga de trabajo de un programa afecta a la firma de la aplicaci贸n paralela. Usando an谩lisis de regresi贸n, hemos podido generalizar las funciones de tiempo de ejecuci贸n y peso para cada fase para predecir el rendimiento de una aplicaci贸n en un sistema destino para cualquier tipo de carga de trabajo dentro de un rango predefinido. Hemos validado nuestra metodolog铆a utilizando un programa sint茅tico, aplicaciones de benchmarks y aplicaciones reales cient铆ficas bien conocidas

    Including the Workload Effect in the Parallel Program Signature

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    A Simulation Toolkit to Investigate the Effects of Grid Characteristics on Workflow Completion Time

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    Advances in technology and the increasing number and scale of compute resources have enabled larger computational science experiments and given researchers many choices of where and how to store data and perform computation. Analyzing the time to completion of their experiments is important for scientists to make the best use of both human and computational resources, but it is difficult to do in a comprehensive fashion because it involves experiment, system and user variables and their interactions with each configuration of systems. We present a simulation toolkit for analysis of computational science experiments and estimation of their time to completion. Our approach uses a minimal description of the experiment鈥檚 workflow, and separate information about the systems being evaluated. We evaluate our approach using synthetic experiments that reflect actual workflow patterns, executed on systems from the NSF TeraGrid. Our evaluation focuses on ranking the available systems in order of expected experiment completion time. We show that with sufficient system information, the model can help investigate alternative systems and evaluate workflow bottlenecks. We also discuss the challenges posed by volatile queue wait time behavior, and suggest some methods to improve the accuracy of simulation for near-term workflow executions. We evaluate the impact of advance notice of predictable spikes in queue wait time due to down-time and reservations. We show that given advance notice, the probability of a correct ranking for a sample of synthetic workflows could increase from 59 % to 74 % or even 79%. 1