13,484 research outputs found

    Matrix norms and rapid mixing for spin systems

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    We give a systematic development of the application of matrix norms to rapid mixing in spin systems. We show that rapid mixing of both random update Glauber dynamics and systematic scan Glauber dynamics occurs if any matrix norm of the associated dependency matrix is less than 1. We give improved analysis for the case in which the diagonal of the dependency matrix is 0\mathbf{0} (as in heat bath dynamics). We apply the matrix norm methods to random update and systematic scan Glauber dynamics for coloring various classes of graphs. We give a general method for estimating a norm of a symmetric nonregular matrix. This leads to improved mixing times for any class of graphs which is hereditary and sufficiently sparse including several classes of degree-bounded graphs such as nonregular graphs, trees, planar graphs and graphs with given tree-width and genus.Comment: Published in at http://dx.doi.org/10.1214/08-AAP532 the Annals of Applied Probability (http://www.imstat.org/aap/) by the Institute of Mathematical Statistics (http://www.imstat.org

    Glauber dynamics on trees:Boundary conditions and mixing time

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    We give the first comprehensive analysis of the effect of boundary conditions on the mixing time of the Glauber dynamics in the so-called Bethe approximation. Specifically, we show that spectral gap and the log-Sobolev constant of the Glauber dynamics for the Ising model on an n-vertex regular tree with plus-boundary are bounded below by a constant independent of n at all temperatures and all external fields. This implies that the mixing time is O(log n) (in contrast to the free boundary case, where it is not bounded by any fixed polynomial at low temperatures). In addition, our methods yield simpler proofs and stronger results for the spectral gap and log-Sobolev constant in the regime where there are multiple phases but the mixing time is insensitive to the boundary condition. Our techniques also apply to a much wider class of models, including those with hard-core constraints like the antiferromagnetic Potts model at zero temperature (proper colorings) and the hard--core lattice gas (independent sets)

    Rapid Mixing of Gibbs Sampling on Graphs that are Sparse on Average

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    In this work we show that for every d<d < \infty and the Ising model defined on G(n,d/n)G(n,d/n), there exists a βd>0\beta_d > 0, such that for all β<βd\beta < \beta_d with probability going to 1 as nn \to \infty, the mixing time of the dynamics on G(n,d/n)G(n,d/n) is polynomial in nn. Our results are the first polynomial time mixing results proven for a natural model on G(n,d/n)G(n,d/n) for d>1d > 1 where the parameters of the model do not depend on nn. They also provide a rare example where one can prove a polynomial time mixing of Gibbs sampler in a situation where the actual mixing time is slower than n \polylog(n). Our proof exploits in novel ways the local treelike structure of Erd\H{o}s-R\'enyi random graphs, comparison and block dynamics arguments and a recent result of Weitz. Our results extend to much more general families of graphs which are sparse in some average sense and to much more general interactions. In particular, they apply to any graph for which every vertex vv of the graph has a neighborhood N(v)N(v) of radius O(logn)O(\log n) in which the induced sub-graph is a tree union at most O(logn)O(\log n) edges and where for each simple path in N(v)N(v) the sum of the vertex degrees along the path is O(logn)O(\log n). Moreover, our result apply also in the case of arbitrary external fields and provide the first FPRAS for sampling the Ising distribution in this case. We finally present a non Markov Chain algorithm for sampling the distribution which is effective for a wider range of parameters. In particular, for G(n,d/n)G(n,d/n) it applies for all external fields and β<βd\beta < \beta_d, where dtanh(βd)=1d \tanh(\beta_d) = 1 is the critical point for decay of correlation for the Ising model on G(n,d/n)G(n,d/n).Comment: Corrected proof of Lemma 2.

    Exact thresholds for Ising-Gibbs samplers on general graphs

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    We establish tight results for rapid mixing of Gibbs samplers for the Ferromagnetic Ising model on general graphs. We show that if (d1)tanhβ<1,(d-1)\tanh\beta<1, then there exists a constant C such that the discrete time mixing time of Gibbs samplers for the ferromagnetic Ising model on any graph of n vertices and maximal degree d, where all interactions are bounded by β\beta, and arbitrary external fields are bounded by CnlognCn\log n. Moreover, the spectral gap is uniformly bounded away from 0 for all such graphs, as well as for infinite graphs of maximal degree d. We further show that when dtanhβ<1d\tanh\beta<1, with high probability over the Erdos-Renyi random graph G(n,d/n)G(n,d/n), it holds that the mixing time of Gibbs samplers is n1+Θ(1/loglogn).n^{1+\Theta({1}/{\log\log n})}. Both results are tight, as it is known that the mixing time for random regular and Erdos-Renyi random graphs is, with high probability, exponential in n when (d1)tanhβ>1(d-1)\tanh\beta>1, and dtanhβ>1d\tanh\beta>1, respectively. To our knowledge our results give the first tight sufficient conditions for rapid mixing of spin systems on general graphs. Moreover, our results are the first rigorous results establishing exact thresholds for dynamics on random graphs in terms of spatial thresholds on trees.Comment: Published in at http://dx.doi.org/10.1214/11-AOP737 the Annals of Probability (http://www.imstat.org/aop/) by the Institute of Mathematical Statistics (http://www.imstat.org

    Spatial Mixing and Non-local Markov chains

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    We consider spin systems with nearest-neighbor interactions on an nn-vertex dd-dimensional cube of the integer lattice graph Zd\mathbb{Z}^d. We study the effects that exponential decay with distance of spin correlations, specifically the strong spatial mixing condition (SSM), has on the rate of convergence to equilibrium distribution of non-local Markov chains. We prove that SSM implies O(logn)O(\log n) mixing of a block dynamics whose steps can be implemented efficiently. We then develop a methodology, consisting of several new comparison inequalities concerning various block dynamics, that allow us to extend this result to other non-local dynamics. As a first application of our method we prove that, if SSM holds, then the relaxation time (i.e., the inverse spectral gap) of general block dynamics is O(r)O(r), where rr is the number of blocks. A second application of our technology concerns the Swendsen-Wang dynamics for the ferromagnetic Ising and Potts models. We show that SSM implies an O(1)O(1) bound for the relaxation time. As a by-product of this implication we observe that the relaxation time of the Swendsen-Wang dynamics in square boxes of Z2\mathbb{Z}^2 is O(1)O(1) throughout the subcritical regime of the qq-state Potts model, for all q2q \ge 2. We also prove that for monotone spin systems SSM implies that the mixing time of systematic scan dynamics is O(logn(loglogn)2)O(\log n (\log \log n)^2). Systematic scan dynamics are widely employed in practice but have proved hard to analyze. Our proofs use a variety of techniques for the analysis of Markov chains including coupling, functional analysis and linear algebra

    Comparison of Swendsen-Wang and Heat-Bath Dynamics

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    We prove that the spectral gap of the Swendsen-Wang process for the Potts model on graphs with bounded degree is bounded from below by some constant times the spectral gap of any single-spin dynamics. This implies rapid mixing of the Swendsen-Wang process for the two-dimensional Potts model at all temperatures above the critical one, as well as rapid mixing at the critical temperature for the Ising model. After this we introduce a modified version of the Swendsen-Wang algorithm for planar graphs and prove rapid mixing for the two-dimensional Potts models at all non-critical temperatures.Comment: 22 pages, 1 figur