376 research outputs found

    Chosen-plaintext attack of an image encryption scheme based on modified permutation-diffusion structure

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    Since the first appearance in Fridrich's design, the usage of permutation-diffusion structure for designing digital image cryptosystem has been receiving increasing research attention in the field of chaos-based cryptography. Recently, a novel chaotic Image Cipher using one round Modified Permutation-Diffusion pattern (ICMPD) was proposed. Unlike traditional permutation-diffusion structure, the permutation is operated on bit level instead of pixel level and the diffusion is operated on masked pixels, which are obtained by carrying out the classical affine cipher, instead of plain pixels in ICMPD. Following a \textit{divide-and-conquer strategy}, this paper reports that ICMPD can be compromised by a chosen-plaintext attack efficiently and the involved data complexity is linear to the size of the plain-image. Moreover, the relationship between the cryptographic kernel at the diffusion stage of ICMPD and modulo addition then XORing is explored thoroughly

    An Efficient and Secure DNA based Image Encryption Technique

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    In this paper, an efficient and secure DNA based image encryption technique using hyper chaos Lorenz function is proposed. The technique employs SHA-512 hash of gray scale image and primary key to alter the initial seeds of hyper chaos Lorenz function. Initially, chaotic sequences are generated and redesigned. Then, an image is divided into blocks and randomly shuffled according to the primary key. Further perform circular shift operation over the rows of the shuffled image matrix and index based scrambling operation over the columns. After that, perform dynamic encoding and diffusion based DNA algebraic operation over the encoded DNA sequence and DNA based Key sequence using chaotic sequence. Finally, DNA decoding is employed to convert the diffused dynamic matrix into a ciphered image. The dynamicity of the chaotic sequences makes its extraordinary and contributes to the enhanced security and robustness of the technique. Implementation, security and performance analysis demonstrate that the technique has not only an outstanding encryption effect, but also posses large key space, less pixel correlation, low computation time and successfully resilient to the statistical, differential and brute-force attack. Comparative analysis with other references proves its efficiency and practicability for real time applications

    Analysis Performance of Fast Image Encryption

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    Perkembangan teknologi mengakibatkan peningkatan kebutuhan pengiriman data melalui media internet. Banyak pengiriman data yang membutuhkan keamanan dalam pengirimannya untuk berbagai keperluan. Enkripsi data merupakan salah satu topic pengamanan yang banyak dilakukan penelitian dengan tujuan untuk mengamankan data yang dikirimkan melalui media internet. Salah satu data yang banyak digunakan adalah data citra. Citra merupakan data yang memiliki kapasitas besar dan memiliki sifat Perulangan yang tinggi sehingga dibutuhkan metode tertentu untuk melakukan proses enkripsi dan dekripsi citra. Permutasi dan difusi merupakan cara yang banyak digunakan untuk melakukan enkripsi citra. Permutasi bertujuan untuk mengacak posisi citra sedangkan difusi merubah nilai citra. Permutasi dan difusi banyak dilakukan sebagai dua tahap yang berbeda sehingga dibutuhkan dua kali pembacaan citra. Sebuah algoritma untuk menggabungkan proses permutasi dan difusi sehingga hanya diperlukan satu kali pembacaan citra untuk melakukan enkripsi telah diajukan. Selain permutasi dan difusi, fungsi chaos juga digunakan dalam algoritma tersebut karena kemampuannya untuk menghasilkan angka random yang sangat sensitif terhadap beberapa parameter. Dengan ide demikian, algoritma akan cepat untuk melakukan proses enkripsi dan dekripsi. Dalam penelitian ini dianalisis kinerja algoritma gabungan permutasi dan difusi menggunakan fungsi chaos. Analisis dilakukan dengan mengimplementasikan algoritma, mendapatkan waktu yang dibutuhkan untuk proses enkripsi dan dekripsi serta membandingkannnya dengan algoritma baku yang telah banyak digunakan, Advanced Encryption Standart (AES)

    An Adaptive Image Encryption Scheme Guided by Fuzzy Models

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    A new image encryption scheme using the advanced encryption standard (AES), a chaotic map, a genetic operator, and a fuzzy inference system is proposed in this paper. In this work, plain images were used as input, and the required security level was achieved. Security criteria were computed after running a proposed encryption process. Then an adaptive fuzzy system decided whether to repeat the encryption process, terminate it, or run the next stage based on the achieved results and user demand. The SHA-512 hash function was employed to increase key sensitivity. Security analysis was conducted to evaluate the security of the proposed scheme, which showed it had high security and all the criteria necessary for a good and efficient encryption algorithm were met. Simulation results and the comparison of similar works showed the proposed encryptor had a pseudo-noise output and was strongly dependent upon the changing key and plain image.Comment: Iranian Journal of Fuzzy Systems (2023

    One-Way Hash Function Based on Delay-Induced Hyperchaos

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