31,291 research outputs found

    A similarity-based community detection method with multiple prototype representation

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    Communities are of great importance for understanding graph structures in social networks. Some existing community detection algorithms use a single prototype to represent each group. In real applications, this may not adequately model the different types of communities and hence limits the clustering performance on social networks. To address this problem, a Similarity-based Multi-Prototype (SMP) community detection approach is proposed in this paper. In SMP, vertices in each community carry various weights to describe their degree of representativeness. This mechanism enables each community to be represented by more than one node. The centrality of nodes is used to calculate prototype weights, while similarity is utilized to guide us to partitioning the graph. Experimental results on computer generated and real-world networks clearly show that SMP performs well for detecting communities. Moreover, the method could provide richer information for the inner structure of the detected communities with the help of prototype weights compared with the existing community detection models

    Semantic Concept Co-Occurrence Patterns for Image Annotation and Retrieval.

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    Describing visual image contents by semantic concepts is an effective and straightforward way to facilitate various high level applications. Inferring semantic concepts from low-level pictorial feature analysis is challenging due to the semantic gap problem, while manually labeling concepts is unwise because of a large number of images in both online and offline collections. In this paper, we present a novel approach to automatically generate intermediate image descriptors by exploiting concept co-occurrence patterns in the pre-labeled training set that renders it possible to depict complex scene images semantically. Our work is motivated by the fact that multiple concepts that frequently co-occur across images form patterns which could provide contextual cues for individual concept inference. We discover the co-occurrence patterns as hierarchical communities by graph modularity maximization in a network with nodes and edges representing concepts and co-occurrence relationships separately. A random walk process working on the inferred concept probabilities with the discovered co-occurrence patterns is applied to acquire the refined concept signature representation. Through experiments in automatic image annotation and semantic image retrieval on several challenging datasets, we demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed concept co-occurrence patterns as well as the concept signature representation in comparison with state-of-the-art approaches

    Android Malware Clustering through Malicious Payload Mining

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    Clustering has been well studied for desktop malware analysis as an effective triage method. Conventional similarity-based clustering techniques, however, cannot be immediately applied to Android malware analysis due to the excessive use of third-party libraries in Android application development and the widespread use of repackaging in malware development. We design and implement an Android malware clustering system through iterative mining of malicious payload and checking whether malware samples share the same version of malicious payload. Our system utilizes a hierarchical clustering technique and an efficient bit-vector format to represent Android apps. Experimental results demonstrate that our clustering approach achieves precision of 0.90 and recall of 0.75 for Android Genome malware dataset, and average precision of 0.98 and recall of 0.96 with respect to manually verified ground-truth.Comment: Proceedings of the 20th International Symposium on Research in Attacks, Intrusions and Defenses (RAID 2017

    Evidential relational clustering using medoids

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    In real clustering applications, proximity data, in which only pairwise similarities or dissimilarities are known, is more general than object data, in which each pattern is described explicitly by a list of attributes. Medoid-based clustering algorithms, which assume the prototypes of classes are objects, are of great value for partitioning relational data sets. In this paper a new prototype-based clustering method, named Evidential C-Medoids (ECMdd), which is an extension of Fuzzy C-Medoids (FCMdd) on the theoretical framework of belief functions is proposed. In ECMdd, medoids are utilized as the prototypes to represent the detected classes, including specific classes and imprecise classes. Specific classes are for the data which are distinctly far from the prototypes of other classes, while imprecise classes accept the objects that may be close to the prototypes of more than one class. This soft decision mechanism could make the clustering results more cautious and reduce the misclassification rates. Experiments in synthetic and real data sets are used to illustrate the performance of ECMdd. The results show that ECMdd could capture well the uncertainty in the internal data structure. Moreover, it is more robust to the initializations compared with FCMdd.Comment: in The 18th International Conference on Information Fusion, July 2015, Washington, DC, USA , Jul 2015, Washington, United State

    GOGGLES: Automatic Image Labeling with Affinity Coding

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    Generating large labeled training data is becoming the biggest bottleneck in building and deploying supervised machine learning models. Recently, the data programming paradigm has been proposed to reduce the human cost in labeling training data. However, data programming relies on designing labeling functions which still requires significant domain expertise. Also, it is prohibitively difficult to write labeling functions for image datasets as it is hard to express domain knowledge using raw features for images (pixels). We propose affinity coding, a new domain-agnostic paradigm for automated training data labeling. The core premise of affinity coding is that the affinity scores of instance pairs belonging to the same class on average should be higher than those of pairs belonging to different classes, according to some affinity functions. We build the GOGGLES system that implements affinity coding for labeling image datasets by designing a novel set of reusable affinity functions for images, and propose a novel hierarchical generative model for class inference using a small development set. We compare GOGGLES with existing data programming systems on 5 image labeling tasks from diverse domains. GOGGLES achieves labeling accuracies ranging from a minimum of 71% to a maximum of 98% without requiring any extensive human annotation. In terms of end-to-end performance, GOGGLES outperforms the state-of-the-art data programming system Snuba by 21% and a state-of-the-art few-shot learning technique by 5%, and is only 7% away from the fully supervised upper bound.Comment: Published at 2020 ACM SIGMOD International Conference on Management of Dat
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