7,282 research outputs found

    Pricing and Risk Management with High-Dimensional Quasi Monte Carlo and Global Sensitivity Analysis

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    We review and apply Quasi Monte Carlo (QMC) and Global Sensitivity Analysis (GSA) techniques to pricing and risk management (greeks) of representative financial instruments of increasing complexity. We compare QMC vs standard Monte Carlo (MC) results in great detail, using high-dimensional Sobol' low discrepancy sequences, different discretization methods, and specific analyses of convergence, performance, speed up, stability, and error optimization for finite differences greeks. We find that our QMC outperforms MC in most cases, including the highest-dimensional simulations and greeks calculations, showing faster and more stable convergence to exact or almost exact results. Using GSA, we are able to fully explain our findings in terms of reduced effective dimension of our QMC simulation, allowed in most cases, but not always, by Brownian bridge discretization. We conclude that, beyond pricing, QMC is a very promising technique also for computing risk figures, greeks in particular, as it allows to reduce the computational effort of high-dimensional Monte Carlo simulations typical of modern risk management.Comment: 43 pages, 21 figures, 6 table

    Adjoint methods for computing sensitivities in local volatility surfaces

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    In this paper we present the adjoint method of computing sensitivities of option prices with respect to nodes in the local volatility surface. We first introduce the concept of algorithmic differentiation and how it relates to\ud path-wise sensitivity computations within a Monte Carlo framework. We explain the two approaches available: forward mode and adjoint mode. We illustrate these concepts on the simple example of a model with a geometric Brownian motion driving the underlying price process, for which\ud we compute the Delta and Vega in forward and adjoint mode. We then go on to explain in full detail how to apply these ideas to a model where the underlying has a volatility term defined by a local volatility surface. We provide source codes for both the simple and the more complex case and\ud analyze numerical results to show the strengths of the adjoint approach

    The LIBOR Market Model

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    Student Number : 0003819T - MSc dissertation - School of Computational and Applied Mathematics - Faculty of ScienceThe over-the-counter (OTC) interest rate derivative market is large and rapidly developing. In March 2005, the Bank for International Settlements published its “Triennial Central Bank Survey” which examined the derivative market activity in 2004 (http://www.bis.org/publ/rpfx05.htm). The reported total gross market value of OTC derivatives stood at $6.4 trillion at the end of June 2004. The gross market value of interest rate derivatives comprised a massive 71.7% of the total, followed by foreign exchange derivatives (17.5%) and equity derivatives (5%). Further, the daily turnover in interest rate option trading increased from 5.9% (of the total daily turnover in the interest rate derivative market) in April 2001 to 16.7% in April 2004. This growth and success of the interest rate derivative market has resulted in the introduction of exotic interest rate products and the ongoing search for accurate and efficient pricing and hedging techniques for them. Interest rate caps and (European) swaptions form the largest and the most liquid part of the interest rate option market. These vanilla instruments depend only on the level of the yield curve. The market standard for pricing them is the Black (1976) model. Caps and swaptions are typically used by traders of interest rate derivatives to gamma and vega hedge complex products. Thus an important feature of an interest rate model is not only its ability to recover an arbitrary input yield curve, but also an ability to calibrate to the implied at-the-money cap and swaption volatilities. The LIBOR market model developed out of the market’s need to price and hedge exotic interest rate derivatives consistently with the Black (1976) caplet formula. The focus of this dissertation is this popular class of interest rate models. The fundamental traded assets in an interest rate model are zero-coupon bonds. The evolution of their values, assuming that the underlying movements are continuous, is driven by a finite number of Brownian motions. The traditional approach to modelling the term structure of interest rates is to postulate the evolution of the instantaneous short or forward rates. Contrastingly, in the LIBOR market model, the discrete forward rates are modelled directly. The additional assumption imposed is that the volatility function of the discrete forward rates is a deterministic function of time. In Chapter 2 we provide a brief overview of the history of interest rate modelling which led to the LIBOR market model. The general theory of derivative pricing is presented, followed by a exposition and derivation of the stochastic differential equations governing the forward LIBOR rates. The LIBOR market model framework only truly becomes a model once the volatility functions of the discrete forward rates are specified. The information provided by the yield curve, the cap and the swaption markets does not imply a unique form for these functions. In Chapter 3, we examine various specifications of the LIBOR market model. Once the model is specified, it is calibrated to the above mentioned market data. An advantage of the LIBOR market model is the ability to calibrate to a large set of liquid market instruments while generating a realistic evolution of the forward rate volatility structure (Piterbarg 2004). We examine some of the practical problems that arise when calibrating the market model and present an example calibration in the UK market. The necessity, in general, of pricing derivatives in the LIBOR market model using Monte Carlo simulation is explained in Chapter 4. Both the Monte Carlo and quasi-Monte Carlo simulation approaches are presented, together with an examination of the various discretizations of the forward rate stochastic differential equations. The chapter concludes with some numerical results comparing the performance of Monte Carlo estimates with quasi-Monte Carlo estimates and the performance of the discretization approaches. In the final chapter we discuss numerical techniques based on Monte Carlo simulation for pricing American derivatives. We present the primal and dual American option pricing problem formulations, followed by an overview of the two main numerical techniques for pricing American options using Monte Carlo simulation. Callable LIBOR exotics is a name given to a class of interest rate derivatives that have early exercise provisions (Bermudan style) to exercise into various underlying interest rate products. A popular approach for valuing these instruments in the LIBOR market model is to estimate the continuation value of the option using parametric regression and, subsequently, to estimate the option value using backward induction. This approach relies on the choice of relevant, i.e. problem specific predictor variables and also on the functional form of the regression function. It is certainly not a “black-box” type of approach. Instead of choosing the relevant predictor variables, we present the sliced inverse regression technique. Sliced inverse regression is a statistical technique that aims to capture the main features of the data with a few low-dimensional projections. In particular, we use the sliced inverse regression technique to identify the low-dimensional projections of the forward LIBOR rates and then we estimate the continuation value of the option using nonparametric regression techniques. The results for a Bermudan swaption in a two-factor LIBOR market model are compared to those in Andersen (2000)

    Conditional sampling for barrier option pricing under the LT method

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    We develop a conditional sampling scheme for pricing knock-out barrier options under the Linear Transformations (LT) algorithm from Imai and Tan (2006). We compare our new method to an existing conditional Monte Carlo scheme from Glasserman and Staum (2001), and show that a substantial variance reduction is achieved. We extend the method to allow pricing knock-in barrier options and introduce a root-finding method to obtain a further variance reduction. The effectiveness of the new method is supported by numerical results

    Pricing and hedging of Asian options: Quasi-explicit solutions via Malliavin calculus

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    We use Malliavin calculus and the Clark-Ocone formula to derive the hedging strategy of an arithmetic Asian Call option in general terms. Furthermore we derive an expression for the density of the integral over time of a geometric Brownian motion, which allows us to express hedging strategy and price of the Asian option as an analytic expression. Numerical computations which are based on this expression are provided